Well, I have finaly got the full wool topper, quilt and pillow set.
Mmmmm, snuggly!
The mattress feels so soft now with the topper, which is a blessing with my achey bones, the pillow is still plump, and the duvet which I managed to get last week is toasty warm and I don't get all sweaty, which I do with normal cheap synthetic ones.
I don't want to get up in the mornings, I'm so comfy, and I'm not waking up several times a night to either cool off, or try and get warm again. I sleep right through.
Added bonus, I don't have to knit any more hats and wrist warmers to sell, to afford this long awaited luxury.
Last six ladies beanie hats are on the Riverside project, Brompton regis Facebook site, so snap 'em up guys! (Then I can get a second pillow to balance the bed properly.)

More products coming soon, some wooden buttons and toggles and tinder filled tins, when I can get the photos done and uploaded by the busy owner.
Am also presently carding fleeces to make hand woven peg loom rugs, but that's for the future, as its a whole lot of work to make those.! (We now have a carding machine thank goodness! )Carding by hand, using dog brushes just took far too long,!!! but T and I are on a roll now, 2 down, and only 15 more fleeces to go!