Swopping over to natural wool bedding.

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We use old wool blankets and wool pillows. I could t go back. I prefer multiple blankets to a duvet. You can adjust the temp better and each person can have there own set up.
Old wool blankets are also really cheap on ebay etc.

I prefer them too, but I can barely lift the corner of my mattress to tuck things in. It's bad enough just getting the bottom sheet on! I'm exhausted and need a rest afterwards, (fibromyalgia) so duvets are the way to go. A wool duvet ticks both boxes for me.
I'm saving hard!
The wool Room have a 25%off sale, so I've switched from Baavat, and ordered a wool mattress topper. I've been raiding my penny jars and sold a few craft items and blow the rent this week...(Well, some of it anyway, I'll catch up with it next week.)
I scraped all but 15p of it together, and my friend ordered it online for me, so I owe her 15p! I wanted to get it ordered before the sale ended.
Very excited to see how it feels as I'm finding my mattress a bit hard of late.
The pillow has full marks so far. Plumps up nicely everyday and feels just like the day I got it.
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We use old wool blankets and wool pillows. I could t go back. I prefer multiple blankets to a duvet. You can adjust the temp better and each person can have there own set up.
Old wool blankets are also really cheap on ebay etc.

I'm with Sebc. Ditched duvets a few years ago. It just felt like being smothered. All I use is wool blankets. Different weights for the time of year and pile a few together in the winter. I just love natural fibres. I didn't know about wool pillows and duvets...may have to look into this.
I'm with Sebc. Ditched duvets a few years ago. It just felt like being smothered. All I use is wool blankets. Different weights for the time of year and pile a few together in the winter. I just love natural fibres. I didn't know about wool pillows and duvets...may have to look into this.
To be honest I do have fond memories of living at my grandparents and having a cotton sheet and a couple of wool blankets for the bed. No way the wife will entertain that though!

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Recently spending a night in a safari tent at the project I've started volunteering on, I slept in a wool filled duvet and pillows.
I don't know about you, but I'm constantly replacing pillows that go flat after a few months use, despite fluffing them up each morning.
You don't have this problem with the wool pillows. It's possible to take the wool out of the zippered case, and leave it in the sun for refreshing, which also means no more pillow washing, (only the covers need a wash) which always seems to degrade the plumpness. Also the plumpness can be adjusted, by removing or adding more wool.
I have bought a pillow and I'm now saving for a mattress cover, and duvet.
It's not a cheap option by any means, but, having added up the cost of normal cheaper pillows I've had over the last couple of years, I've actualy spent more!
The duvet was amazingly warm, and despite being in damp cool riverside woodland, I was toasty warm, much warmer than my down bag would have been.
I'm thinking this could be the solution to having to heat my bedroom over next winter too, therefore saving money on heating bills.
There are several companies that sell wool filled duvets and pillows, I got mine from Baavet.
For those with difficult to heat or cold bedrooms I'd recommend them.
Have you ever seen a peg loom mattress?

Peg looms are an amazing way of making rugs, mattresses etc.
No way!!!!!! I remember duvets arriving and welcoming them. Initially we had one underneath and one above. Later we could afford a sprung mattress.
If there is a non synthetic duvet filling then I’ll consider it but I’m not going back to blankets. With the duvet: To shake is to make. With blankets it’s a chore. I can still do Hospital Corners but I don’t want to!
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Wild & Game are a game meat company which is more sustainable than factory farmed meat (and tastier and more interesting too),

but because they're positioning themselves as sustainable their stuff comes wrapped in a couple of pieces of 1m x 1ft of real raw wool. Extremely good for making quilts and coats out of, and wonderfully warm.

I get more excited about the wool than the meat.
Well, I have finaly got the full wool topper, quilt and pillow set.
Mmmmm, snuggly!
The mattress feels so soft now with the topper, which is a blessing with my achey bones, the pillow is still plump, and the duvet which I managed to get last week is toasty warm and I don't get all sweaty, which I do with normal cheap synthetic ones.
I don't want to get up in the mornings, I'm so comfy, and I'm not waking up several times a night to either cool off, or try and get warm again. I sleep right through.
Added bonus, I don't have to knit any more hats and wrist warmers to sell, to afford this long awaited luxury.
Last six ladies beanie hats are on the Riverside project, Brompton regis Facebook site, so snap 'em up guys! (Then I can get a second pillow to balance the bed properly.) :)
More products coming soon, some wooden buttons and toggles and tinder filled tins, when I can get the photos done and uploaded by the busy owner.
Am also presently carding fleeces to make hand woven peg loom rugs, but that's for the future, as its a whole lot of work to make those.! (We now have a carding machine thank goodness! )Carding by hand, using dog brushes just took far too long,!!! but T and I are on a roll now, 2 down, and only 15 more fleeces to go!
Carding by hand, using dog brushes just took far too long,!!! but T and I are on a roll now, 2 down, and only 15 more fleeces to go!
Even with a rotary carding machine that’sa lot of work.
(I have been the engine for ours before now - but we only do enough project sized fleece at a time.)
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Even with a rotary carding machine that’sa lot of work.
(I have been the engine for ours before now - but we only do enough project sized fleece at a time.)

The idea is to card a couple of fleeces and weave a rug ,then card more, etc etc. It is a long job for sure, even with the drum carder.! I can only work at this one day a week, so it's gonna be an ongoing project, especially when the next lot of fleeces arrive next spring!
The peg loomed rugs will be a premium product, all completely hand made with Jacob wool.
I've realy fallen in love with working with wool.
My wife is carding a Jacob fleece at the moment. She is separating the two colours. I suggested that she knit me a jumper in the same pattern as the fleece. She warned me to be careful of camping in a sheep field as I might come back with a big red splodge on my back!
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(Oh, I need a lie down now).

I have a feather and down quilt with a blanket on top. A bit fiddly but it works for me.
Today, I donated my down quilt, and a cheapo duvet cover set I'm not keen on, to a young lass who just moved in up the road after having been homeless. She was so chuffed, as she only had an old sleeping bag. Hope she'll be warm this winter.
I'm gonna look out some more stuff for her.
I've been there myself, and had help from others, so at long last I can afford to pay forward.
Think I may employ her to help out with the garden once or twice a month to give her a little extra pocket money. She mentioned she likes gardening and wants to learn how to grow veg, which I can teach her, so it might well be a mutual beneficial arrangement.

Some days it all comes together nicely.
Heads up for those early bought Xmas presents or treats. Woolroom have a black friday sale on until 02/12/24.
I shall be ordering another pillow, and some extra pillow stuffing, as though I'm happy with mine, it needs a tad more stuffing for my liking. This is what I love about these pillows, they can be adjusted to your own preferences.
Glad you're getting on well with the wool, it's such a revelation when finally managing to get bedding just right!

I bought a bargain unused buckwheat pillow at a boot sale earlier this year. Not something I would have intentionally gone out to buy, or even considered- to rest my head on a hard, crunchy lump, an organic cotton pillowcase stuffed with buckwheat husks. But six months later I wouldn't swap it for anything!
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I’m sure that you’ve heard of these people.

The lady on whose land I’ve been camping this week thoroughly recommend them.
They are pricy at full whack but she says, if you wait a bit, anything that you want will appear in the bargain box.

They will always tell you exactly why the item is in the bargain box. It may be a tiny slip in the stitching so that it can’t be called perfect. They have very high standards (I’m told)

Edited to add:
I didn’t check to see the age of the thread!!!!!!
Half of it is about Baavet! :banghead2:I’ve
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  • Haha
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I’m sure that you’ve heard of these people.

The lady on whose land I’ve been camping this week thoroughly recommend them.
They are pricy at full whack but she says, if you wait a bit, anything that you want will appear in the bargain box.

They will always tell you exactly why the item is in the bargain box. It may be a tiny slip in the stitching so that it can’t be called perfect. They have very high standards (I’m told)

Edited to add:
I didn’t check to see the age of the thread!!!!!!
Half of it is about Baavet! :banghead2:I’ve
I don't think there is much between them on quality, though I think baavat is a tad more expensive, not by much tho.
Woolroom have some realy nice throws, and I love the blankets, (just can't afford them or justify the price, even at black Friday prices.)


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