We have very few actual relics here in the hills like you guys have over there in Europe, but there is a little history here as the structure here beside the bridge covers the head of an iron water spring, for which a trail came hence from the Signal Mountain Inn back in 1913. They kept a pitcher of the iron water on the main counter for guest who visited the inn.
You can see the iron content in the water below the bridge
My two companions for the hike were a lightweight brass pocket compass, and my TK2
No idea which mushroom this is, there were several around.
I'm pretty sure these are orange chanterelles
Some leaves from this plant were actually what I was looking for to enhance a medicinal concoction I've been using lately
Pretty well off the trails
The other two old relics out there were this chimney from the groundskeepers cabin, from the early 1900s as well, and me of course...though I only go back to 1965. I'm certain I'd never be able to convince anyone I had combed both my hair and my beard just an hour before when I got out of my car...definitely time to trim the beard a bit.

You can see the iron content in the water below the bridge

My two companions for the hike were a lightweight brass pocket compass, and my TK2

No idea which mushroom this is, there were several around.

I'm pretty sure these are orange chanterelles

Some leaves from this plant were actually what I was looking for to enhance a medicinal concoction I've been using lately

Pretty well off the trails

The other two old relics out there were this chimney from the groundskeepers cabin, from the early 1900s as well, and me of course...though I only go back to 1965. I'm certain I'd never be able to convince anyone I had combed both my hair and my beard just an hour before when I got out of my car...definitely time to trim the beard a bit.