What gear would you take with you thread and why.

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Okay folks.
Mod Hat on here. I am a hair away from locking this thread. I have deleted two posts and don't want to do more. Those who are getting annoyed with progress or lack there-of should go have a cup of tea, apply the ignore function and not worry further. I have shared some of your frustration, but outbursts are not on.

This is a "Family Friendly" forum, and as such is one of the politest and most tolerant forums around. That some posts on this thread have gone as they have is an indication that people really don't know what to think of you, and you in turn do not seem to know what to think of them. You have not behaved/communicated in line with the usual norms, and in some cases this would imply a level of disregard, even disrespect, that has been more than enough to get people annoyed with you. I am sure you have not meant to do this, but you are new here, we don't know you, and you have driven this thread further and faster than the usual tolerance of the forum has been able to keep up with.

It isn't reasonable for you, or me, to expect or demand that everyone else here puts aside the conventions for adult conversation and etiquette, or their expectation for sentence construction, which work for the vast majority of cases, in order to accommodate your unique posting style and thought processes. It might come, but it will take time and patience.

Best advice is to take a little break. You have been given a LOT of good advice and you should take some time to digest it, go away and read some articles on packing, camping, cooking, research camp locations, areas and paths, lots of non-kit-review subjects to learn about. You need to at least give the appearance of listening and acting on advice, even if you don't intend to follow it....although I think that following it would be better than ignoring it ;)


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I find those tick twister tools very useful, much better than tweezers that can make the tick regurgitate its stomach contents back into you if you're not careful. I remove a dozen or so ticks from our dog, myself and OH each year and they're much easier to use.

I guess I am used working with tweezers, precision wise, and can grab the critters just where the head (?) emerges from the skin.
Unfortunately those Victorinox tweezers, and the plastic toothpick, are the two items that do not like me and tend to vanish!

Dan, do NOT disregards this advice. Ticks carry a nasty bug, that can cause a very, very nasty disease. They need to be removed asap.

Whichever method you use, a Twister, tweezers or that tiny yellow Scottish object, you need to get used to how to use it.
Borreliosis ( Lyme Disease) is something everybody spending time in the gentle surrounding called Nature needs to be aware of!
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The pharmacies sell tick cards that fit well in the wallet. I think that's a very good idea.
So, to come back on track:

I gave you a link to Paul Kirtleys Blog.

I recommend you to work trough his videos and articles about Equipment. He sets links from one article to the other.

He is a very experienced person and is able to explain very well what is needed.

You just bought a good looking rucksack and a very good sleeping mat.
I really recommend you to buy the rest of the low budget equipment I wrote down in my thread and to get with that stuff out in the next forest to collect your first own experiences.

The stuff I wrote about works very well and most of it will last you for many years.
That is high quality equipment that is sold for very low prices for some special reasons.

Here you would make a very good deal and the stuff is easy to use and self explaining. You just have to learn a few knots, which you can find at Paul Kirtleys blog.

I really recommend you to buy the stuff on my list and to get out in the forest. All that is very very common equipment. It works very well and thousands of people use such stuff since decades.

That is a standard equipment, and you should start with that next to your home somewhere.

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The ‘tick card’, how does it look like?

Danny boy, whatever you do, be VERY selective on YouTube.
Loads of videos with some crazy, lethal info.

Another person worth watching is the famed Ray Mears.
Whatever you do, do NOT watch that other Brit. He breaks just about every nature safety rule there is.
Well, watch him, of course, but do not learn!
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Yes, Paul Kirtley explains the good old way to do the things. It's enough to understand him, unnecessary to watch others who just want to sell something and tell rubbish.

Who wants to can go to a payed course in his bushcraft school. But in his free videos and articles he just teaches all and everything very well.
Interesting concept, the Tick Card.

You can make your own by reusing an old Credit/Debit card.
You need the card, a well sharpened and well honed Mora knife and a smooth wooden surface to work against.
Easy! Free!

But you can not remove the long Nasal Hair that irritate your woman.
Only tweezers can!
In my opinion it's not so easy to make a well working tick card.

It isn't really visible in the pictures where is the important point. I can't explain it, my English is a bit to limited.

I know a man who kept the hair in the nose and got rid of his wife. That's sometimes a good option too.

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This is a "Family Friendly" forum, and as such is one of the politest and most tolerant forums around. That some posts on this thread have gone as they have is an indication that people really don't know what to think of you, and you in turn do not seem to know what to think of them. You have not behaved/communicated in line with the usual norms, and in some cases this would imply a level of disregard, even disrespect, that has been more than enough to get people annoyed with you. I am sure you have not meant to do this, but you are new here, we don't know you, and you have driven this thread further and faster than the usual tolerance of the forum has been able to keep up with.

It isn't reasonable for you, or me, to expect or demand that everyone else here puts aside the conventions for adult conversation and etiquette, or their expectation for sentence construction, which work for the vast majority of cases, in order to accommodate your unique posting style and thought processes. It might come, but it will take time and patience.

Best advice is to take a little break. You have been given a LOT of good advice and you should take some time to digest it, go away and read some articles on packing, camping, cooking, research camp locations, areas and paths, lots of non-kit-review subjects to learn about. You need to at least give the appearance of listening and acting on advice, even if you don't intend to follow it....although I think that following it would be better than ignoring it ;)



I have got the message,

As much as i love posting here, it was hard for me not too, and took time out until i ran out of willpower.

Please keep posting, people here are only happy to help and give th3ir personal experiences based advice!
Loads and loads of very skilled people here!

I rather avoid walking into the mine field so i think private communication would be ideal.

I took the criticism very personally, but hindsight i understand why i was grilled.

Anyways i think many people have had enough of me, so they won't help and i understand with the way i was like.

I'll just keep taking time out to reflect upon with the advice over time.

Because of the way i talk i do not intend to be stressful and i feel very alienated with the way that is.

I was given the hard shoulder, and to me i think was harsh as Janne confessed but trying to be open minded i can see why...but people don't know me or know what am like but this post would shine some light on how i was and or getting to know me better, before i was being whiny because i took it personally and was upset and still am but yeah.

Either way i can see why people would think of me as being nasty.

I can't help but ramble but as the mod says just ignore me.

It is true what was said but deleted but yeah but he is a bully and would do it to anyone not just me and he knows it.

I had to get this off my chest.

Best to keep my trap shut then remove doubt as have done.

I hope whoever reads this, not to have a go at me...

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A few years ago, a good friend of mine said something that stuck. It hurt a bit at the time, but it was good advice, whether it was said purely out of kindness, or more likely, with some level of irritation.

It went something like this.
"When someone greets you and asks how you have been doing, it is meant as a pleasantry, a variation of I hope you are doing well. They do not want you to start telling them every little detail of whatever is wrong in your life at that moment!"

There is an old saying that also has some truth:
"The less said, the soonest mended".
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My first boss when I was a young primary school teacher used to send the top year off to secondary school with the advice; "Whenever you are new to a community, keep your eyes open, your ears open and your mouth shut."

I don't know what effect it had on our pupils, but I've followed his advice for years and I passed it on to my to own pupils when I too was a head.

Works in chat rooms too!
I think it would be the best to stop this unpleasant talk here and to come back on topic.

So, Dan, please write a list here with the stuff you just own, more or less folliwing one of the packing lists I gave you the links to.

Write Producer and if possible model name and the weight in the list, so that we can help you to get your stuff sorted.

Who thinks, that Dan is an Idiot can leave the thread, the others may stay here and help him to get ready to start in the woods.

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When I was introduced to what is today called Bushcraft we could hardly read about it in books. Knowledge was passed on, in my case, from dad, then my own experimenting, then from my Saami soldiers. Then came Internet and messed up the World.....

I do not care if you are a troll ( I do not think so), as you bring in interesting queries.


Not sure what ou mean the sentence about the Bio Ethanol.
A Trangia is best used with Meths as it is called. Methanol, Ethanol, a mix of those. It does not matter, as long as the alcohol content is as close to 99% as possible.
(The alcohol type matters only if you plan to use it in the severe temperatures sometimes encountered in the Arctic. But with a few tricks even the standard ones are usable)

Bio Ethanol sounds nice, a couple of years maturing and it is very enjoyable? :)

As you are going to burn it, hopefully without spilling in your food container, just use the cheapest.

(I use bioethanol in my Trangia: it's great, cheaper than meths, less smelly, burns cleanly)
Meths should burn cleanly too, but it seems some manufacturers put something that produces a dirty yellow flame, and smokes horribly. Had that problem with one Meths buy in Norway.
The cost I think depends on hugely where you buy it.

If you find a source of cheap, quality Bioethanol, please let us know!
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