What's the Snow like in your neck of the wood's?

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Wow! after about twenty attempts I finally managed to post a photo!

My bed for the night last night, it was great.

According to the met office it was minus 3 with 24 mph winds, for a windchill factor of minus 10, I was cozy.

I've always wanted to try sleeping out just with a bivvy bag in the snow, I'm really glad I did.


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It's been brutal around here....it's very unusual for east anglia to suffer more than a dusting......
You've had loads more snow than round our way. They say we may get a few more flurries tonight.
Annoying, not so much the snow as the fact that when it melts my allotment will flood and this is way later in the year than it usually happens.
Annoying, not so much the snow as the fact that when it melts my allotment will flood and this is way later in the year than it usually happens.

I invested in some tunnel cloches for my garlic this year after a bad crop last season. I think after this winter they'll have earned their keep already. I just wish I'd cloched the onions too. The worst part will be seeing what is dead and what pots are broken by the cold when all this thaws out. I'm always pleasantly surprised by how some plants can just shrug off this kind of weather though.
Foggy now with only the odd flake since last night and the wind has died down but it will be a day or two yet before the temp gets up much above freezing.

Snow coverage is mostly around 6” with plenty of 3-4’ drifts and no prospect of going anywhere for a while.

My bargain pair of army surplus snowshoes are making getting over the drifts a lot easier to get to feed the neighbour’s sheep.


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Foggy now with only the odd flake since last night and the wind has died down but it will be a day or two yet before the temp gets up much above freezing.

Snow coverage is mostly around 6” with plenty of 3-4’ drifts and no prospect of going anywhere for a while.

My bargain pair of army surplus snowshoes are making getting over the drifts a lot easier to get to feed the neighbour’s sheep.

How're the sheep getting on?
Snow? South of the South Downs I must have blinked and missed it. All gone, although of course there is still a surplus of Snowflakes in this region, but that is an ever present phenomenon anyway..... Raining today :D :biggrin:
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Just been out to check and nothing to report but as two of our ewes came from this guy’s flock, they should be due any day now.


First time lambing and no prospect of any help from vets and even the neighbouring farmers are snowed in so fingers crossed!

Best of luck with that, I hope it all goes as smoothly as it can. Fingers crossed for you here too.
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Pictures from renfrewshire area on thursday, not the best of pictures from inside the vehicle, but some of the snow drifts are higher than the cab.



A slightly puzzled spaniel, who did her usual superman leap over the drystone wall only to disappear.

apologies if the images are too big, not sure if there is a size limit here? not sure how i fix it if there is
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Still plenty of snow left, but it is thawing. Fields are mostly bare other than at the edges, most blew off onto the roads.
The thaws the part i most dislike about snow, everything just becomes horrible and mushy. At least springs round the corner, maybe.
The main A road has been clear now for a couple of days but this morning our lane was still well and truly blocked this morning with 3-4’ drifts. No prospect of a snowplough so will just have to wait until it clears.



The thaw is now well underway but it will be a day or two before the road is clear and although it still looks pretty scenic, it’s pretty miserable for the local hill farmers (many of whom are in their 60s and 70s) trying to get feed and water to their livestock and deal with ewes lambing early in the snow.


I’ve been making myself useful, feeding a neighbour’s ewes with a stock of feed he left with me but I’ve used it all up. He tried bringing a fresh supply across the fields on a quadbike which ended up stuck in a deep drift. We dug it out but I ended up portering the feed up the hill on foot - snowshoes certainly helped. :)

Hopefully tomorrow will be easier. :emoji_fingers_crossed:

Roll on spring - Oh hang on it’s already here! ;)
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It's above freezing and it's pouring here. The paths are already clear and so are the main roads, but side roads and most of the pavements have packed slushy ice.
If it stays warm all night though, I might actually get out and about tomorrow :)

No snowplough so far and still snowed in and heavy snow falling at the moment but not due to last for long.

I’ve cleared our drive and most of the lane is now passable but there are still some deep drifts which 4WD tractor has gone though and that has made it impossible to get through (even with a 110 with snowchains), as there is now a middle ridge 2-3’ high.

Neighbours, who can get out have offered to get stuff for us but we are good for a few days yet.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.