Rip My Kit Apart!

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Full Member
Feb 10, 2009
Well as the title says! "RIP MY KIT APART"

I want to list all my kit that I carry in general.

In basis hasn't changed too much in a long time (one bergan for another and swop this for that, but in general the format has stayed the same!)

I would like some fresh ideas!

I was a Survival / Escape and Evasion freak when I was in the army and loved being outside... I have tried to keep my skills up since being out... However I like my creature comforts and hate being cold, but on saying that I prefer the colder conditions to hot summer months!

Some of this kit is original (nostalgia kit from when I left the army with 11 years ago) So couldn't go even if I wanted. The items in question stand out like a sore thumb.

This kit listed is for a 4night - 6 full days camping trip which I normally do with my son in tow...

I have the luxury of being able to camp on a 12 acre wood which has a stream at one end, so Fishing isn't out of the question...

The opposite side to the river backs onto farm land where I have permission to Shoot / "pest control" where I can bolster my rations with Rabbit, Hare, Squirrel, Pigeon and Pheasant. There are wild mushrooms in the wood amongst other greenery, and I have also seen Fallow Deer All though these are too big for what I require!

So with all that in mind!

75l Arcteryx Bergan.

Top Pouch:-
Letherman Wave.
Head Torch.
Radio (handheld)
Spair Batteries x4.
Paracord various lengths.
Small Folding Trowel
Military Hand Flairs.
Titanium Spork.
Black Bin Bags x3.
Fallkenives DC4 knife Sharpener
Snare's x3.
Small Hobo Fishing Kit.
Medical Gloves, Medical Scissors & First Aid Kit.
Sawyer Water Purification kit and 2x 1L bags + tubing.
Small Selection of Mini Carabiners and Hanging Hooks.

FAC Licence!

2x 24hr Army Ration Packs and 1x12hr Pack.
(Devided between second top pouch and two wingman pouches) main meals get bagged and go in main pack.

1x 1L Camelbak Waterbottle in wingman pouch.
1x Metal Puritii Ariix Water Purification System in other wingman side pouch.

Main Pouch:-
48 pattern Waterbottle with Plastic & Metal Mug and a Metal Lid all in a soft pouch.

Solo Stove and 900 Pot. Stainless Steel.

Fire Starting Kit (No lighter) Flint and Steel with Tinder.

Gransfors Wildlife Axe.
Laplander Saw
Bayley Knife

Half-Wit Dutchwear modded Hammock, RidgeLine with dyneema lines with titanium attachments.

UK Hammock Overblanket and Underblanket (Winter)
ENO ParaPillow.
DD 3x3 Tarp. Wrapped in two DD Hammock Sleeves.
Titanium Pegs in a Tread Lite peg bag.

Spair Trousers, T-shirt and Underwear (separate waterproof bag)

Dry night clothes (separate waterproof bag) consisting of
Ron Hill Trousers & Longsleved shirt
Army Arctic Socks and Beanie Hat.

Wash / Shaving Kit and a Collapsible Bowl in a B/P Bag.
Bath Towel (size of Coke Can)

12g Cleaning Kit Complete in small tub.
25 Shotgun Shells.

Front Pouch:-
Old Helly Hansen Green Fiber Pile Fleece, Old Green Para Smock, Shemarg and lightweight Gloves.
Dupont Black Tyvek Ground Sheet.

Depending on weather a North Face Waterproof.
Rabbit Skinned "Hunters" Hat.

Benelli M3 Super90 Kromo Shotgun in waterproof sock.

As you can appreciate this is no lightweight kit!
Weight is never a problem, Space sometimes is!

The only issues I HAVE is with the DD Tarp.

Given my circumstances, what would you swop or change? And please give you reasons...

Many Thanks.
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Some thoughts...

Is there a reason for the radio? I carry one when hunting as part of a team, or when part of a group teaching a course that involves transport sections.

The bin bags? Useful, but perhaps overdoing it

Two water purification systems?

Are the flares essential?

I seldom carry spare pants, except on canoe trips or *long* trips: long johns + rain-pants will have to do if I'm soaked.

I carry less clothes -- except in Scandinavian winter :-D -- but almost always a sleeping bag. I often carry some small carving knives (e.g. a small Mora 106 + spoon knife), in particular if I'm going to be static.

I use a Hennessey hammock or a Hilleberg 10 tarp.

Trowel? I know some that like them -- some take the plastic gardening ones as being lighter -- but I haven't carried on in years. Snowshovel in winter, of course.

I always pack things in a waterproof manner: waterproof liner + smaller bags inside that. Canoeing habit...

Sharpening kit for the axe and knife? I have carried a file and pliers for setting saw teeth, but that was a special case, but often carry a small file for the axe on longer trips (the 6" flat chainsaw files are ideal)
If your in the same spot why not dig a hole in the ground and put in a large watertight container, that way you could leave a lot of gear on site ? If the DD is giving you grief swap it out for the superlight range.

2penneth :)

The Radio is a handheld type I got issued it in Iraq. I use it to listen to the news and weather reports.

Bin bags. Yes I could reduce that to one! I use it for rubbish.

Yes I have two water purification units.. I know there is no excuse! I use the cheap Sawyer unit to fill all my water bottles from the river. (I use this for cooking, washing and cleaning) And I use the more expensive Puritii unit for pure drinknig water as I find it tastes so much better. There is no no excuse for having two, except that I couldn't afford to keep changing the puritii filter...

Flares! Maybe because It makes me feel safer when I'm on my own? Probably not necessary.. its mainly because I'm a couple of miles away from the nearest civilization. If anything happens to me I cold use them! but would anybody see them and come?

One full set of Spair clothing, probably old habits..
But I have had needed to have a complete change of clothing in the past.

Trowel! Small holes. I used to carry a plastic one. But it broke, hence the reason for the metal one.

I do have a small knife sharpener. Which goes in the lid pocket. Now edited.

I don't double waterproof everything.
The bergan is waterproof? I do have a shower cap for it in heavy weather. But I do waterproof everything that I need dry like clothes and bedding. However I see why you do double waterproof everything if your canoeing..

Another great feature of my pack, is that if you lay it flat on the floor you can completely unzip the whole front of the bergan. Giving you complete access to everything inside from the bottom to the top without rummaging through all the different layers from the lid downwards. If I put everything inside one big outer waterproof bag I would loose this unique feature. However I could do this if I so needed.

Pliers. I would rely on the leatherman. I only carry a small Saw so hopefully there would be no problem.

You say:-
the 6" flat chainsaw files are ideal
I'll look into this.

How do you carry everything when canoeing?
I did sea canoeing a long time ago, but the front and rear dry compartments were very small.

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I did think of digging a hole and burying some kit in a waterproof container, but if anybody discovered it and stole my kit, I would be devastated....

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So many clothes :D

Seems the only thing you really want to change is the tarp. I always reccomend bespoke ultralight for anything hammock related. Scotty (the man behind the needle and thread) is a top bloke that produces great kit at surprisingly keen prices
He is on the forums as scotty von pork chop and ebay as scottytemplar.....and he really needs a bloody website!

I'm my mind Yes.
But I'm open to offers is there one item that covers two of mine? That I haven't thought of or don't know about!

Am I missing anything?

As to Clothes?
I like to change into clean clothes at night, it keeps the sleeping bag / hammock and quilt as clean as possible.

I have a total clean set just in case! ie I fall into the river.

I'm talking to scottytemplar on ebay... he's looking to see if he can get what I need?

Many thanks.
You said:

Well as the title says! "RIP MY KIT APART"

Given my circumstances, what would you swop or change? And please give you reasons...

- Right...

Radio (handheld).

-What do you need a radio for?

Spair Batteries x4.

- See Radio.

Military Hand Flairs.
- Are you anticipating the need for air rescue?

Black Bin Bags x3.

- I find heavy duty gardening waste bags more reliable and don't add materially to weight.

Snare's x3.

- In my opinion, snaring is a ******* way to catch game unless you've no other option. For 6 nights/4 days you could take extra field rations (such as jerky) and forage the rest from the vegetable kingdom.

Medical Gloves, Medical Scissors & First Aid Kit.

- Can't think what the medical gloves are for, unless for condensing water by enclosing green plants.

Sawyer Water Purification kit and 2x 1L bags + tubing.
1x Metal Puritii Ariix Water Purification System in other wingman side pouch.

- What's wrong with filtering and boiling? And/or experimenting with condensation traps?

Small Selection of Mini Carabiners and Hanging Hooks.

- You've got paracord. What do you want these for?

2x 24hr Army Ration Packs and 1x12hr Pack.

- Double that, and you can lose the snares and fishing tackle.

Fire Starting Kit (No lighter) Flint and Steel with Tinder.

- If the weather's completely ****e, I think it no shame to add waxed matches for firelighting. And those little Esbit stove briquettes.

Gransfors Wildlife Axe.
Laplander Saw
Bayley Knife

- A decent Victorinox or similar would take care of all your cutlery and ironmongery needs, Leatherman Wave included.

ENO ParaPillow.

- What's wrong with using spare clothing in a stuff sack?

Titanium Pegs in a Tread Lite peg bag.

- Fine if you don't want to whittle your own pegs while you're there.

Spair Trousers, T-shirt and Underwear (separate waterproof bag)

- See Pillow.

Dry night clothes (separate waterproof bag) consisting of
Ron Hill Trousers & Longsleved shirt
Army Arctic Socks and Beanie Hat.

- As above.

25 Shotgun Shells.
Benelli M3 Super90 Kromo Shotgun in waterproof sock.

- I'm assuming the gun is for recreational purposes, as you've got your field rations, your snares, your hooks and lines, so why not try leaving the arsenal at home and make yourself a catapult, by way of a survivalist/self-sufficiency challenge?

Rabbit Skinned "Hunters" Hat.

- The only addition to the Beanie hat (for day as well as cold weather sleep wear) I could see any point in, would be something with a brim or a peak for eyeshade.

Hope that's vaguely useful. All best,


I'm my mind Yes.
But I'm open to offers is there one item that covers two of mine? That I haven't thought of or don't know about!

Am I missing anything?

As to Clothes?
I like to change into clean clothes at night, it keeps the sleeping bag / hammock and quilt as clean as possible.

I have a total clean set just in case! ie I fall into the river.

I'm talking to scottytemplar on ebay... he's looking to see if he can get what I need?

Many thanks.

Scott is a diamond mate, he will see you right
I'll pm you a link to a vid of a couple of hammock tarps i'v had off him to give you some idea......even by my usual standards this vid is too crappy for public viewing lol
Nic Le Becheur.

Well where do I start?

The Radio.
Last week I camped from Monday till Friday (I was working Friday night on the ambulances... needed a little sleep before work)
On Sunday before the weather report was good with storms during the week missing Essex. If I hadn't had the radio, I would have missed the reports of Amber, then rising to Red Warning Alerts for my area, These Alerts allowed me to prepare for the onslaught! I didn't go home, but I braced the weather. The few hours prediction allowed me time to prepare... in my mind worth its weight in gold...

As for more Rations I couldn't possibly carry more due to pack size.

Even if I got rid of the Snare's, fishing kit, shotgun, ammo and cleaning kit... it would only leave room for an extra brew kit or two?

The shotgun (I'm a pest controller) and the fishing kit supliment my rations. I haven't ever used or needed to use the Snare's (they were issued kit to me) they only weigh a few oz's and are of sentimental value!

I could easily drop one of the axe or knife. But a Victorinox would not replace either. It could easily replace the Letherman, but that's personal preference, however you could not chop trees, gather firewood or do heavy work with a Victorinox. Well not without blisters..

I like a Very basic Fire Lighting kit. NO matches, No Lighter, No Briquettes. I have no trouble starting a fire even in harsh weather? I use Char Cloth which I make as I go along and other thing that I find in the woods. However I have never used the bow friction methods, which I would like to learn...

I have discussed the clothes issues.
And as for the pillow I had to search long and hard to find that particular one, and it's perfect for me.

The old saying goes anybody can be uncomfortable?

I guessing Nick that your a minimalist?
I have been there and done that, and there is nothing wrong with this perception of the Bushcraft Hobbie, as long as your doing it on your terms...

I have had a small blade a steel and a metal cup. I have made clothes out of old hessian sacks and frozen my balls off getting from one location to another without being seen! Over several days.. I have been cought, interrogated, put in stress positions for hours on end... then released back into the dark woods to start over again...

I enjoyed the principles behind bushcraft / survival training, I loved the training and putting it into practice, but hated the practical experiences putting them into play...

Anybody can be uncomfortable. And it's true.

When I left the army I kept and worked on a few skills, that i was good at and wanted to keep / practice and pass onto my kids.

Bushcraft / Survival in the sense that I was taught. And modded to where i feel comfortable.
Shooting. Another thing that im very good at! I love my guns, and if i could take them everywhere i most cirtainly would. I pest control for several golf courses and the RSPB. And I am teaching my teenage son.

The wood, river, and farm lands where I'm allowed to shoot, allow me to carry a firearm freely, (there arn't many situations where this is possible, in this country) This situation allows me to do both my passions...

I'm trying to get a Leverbow for recreational purposes but leaving the EU has put a downer on the £ to $ exchange, so that will have to wait... as for a catapolt it's a good consideration.

As for the Rabbit Skinned hunters Hat... "Mad Bomber"
Don't Diss it...
I think it's cool. Lol

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The Radio is a handheld type I got issued it in Iraq. I use it to listen to the news and weather reports.

Fair enough. To each his own. I know one very experience man who absolutely needs to listen to radio as he goes to sleep...
Yes I have two water purification units.. I know there is no excuse! I use the cheap Sawyer unit to fill all my water bottles from the river. (I use this for cooking, washing and cleaning) And I use the more expensive Puritii unit for pure drinknig water as I find it tastes so much better. There is no no excuse for having two, except that I couldn't afford to keep changing the puritii filter...

Anything that gets boiled do not need purification, so you can really do away with purifying that water. A simple millbank bag gets the megafauna out of it, but does nothing for bacteria and protozoa, so use that and boiling.

Flares! Maybe because It makes me feel safer when I'm on my own? Probably not necessary.. its mainly because I'm a couple of miles away from the nearest civilization. If anything happens to me I cold use them! but would anybody see them and come?

How decent is cell phone coverage? I carry a PLB, but then I go out alone a bit further from what passes for civilisation here than you do.

One full set of Spair clothing, probably old habits..
But I have had needed to have a complete change of clothing in the past.

I generally figure that with wool and quick drying fabrics I'll be dry soon enough anyway.

Trowel! Small holes. I used to carry a plastic one. But it broke, hence the reason for the metal one.

I tend to dig the latrine hole with a digging stick (or roll a big rock over), but again, if it works for you...

I don't double waterproof everything.
The bergan is waterproof? I do have a shower cap for it in heavy weather. But I do waterproof everything that I need dry like clothes and bedding. However I see why you do double waterproof everything if your canoeing..

Another great feature of my pack, is that if you lay it flat on the floor you can completely unzip the whole front of the bergan. Giving you complete access to everything inside from the bottom to the top without rummaging through all the different layers from the lid downwards. If I put everything inside one big outer waterproof bag I would loose this unique feature. However I could do this if I so needed.

Get a few of the ultra-light silnylon bags, e.g. one for clothes, etc, and pack those into your pack? And I would never trust a "waterproof" pack to be that (unless it was a dry-bag with packstraps, and then not for the essentials)

You say:-
the 6" flat chainsaw files are ideal
I'll look into this.

Only needed for long trips -- weeks -- or when you expect to use the axe a lot

How do you carry everything when canoeing?
I did sea canoeing a long time ago, but the front and rear dry compartments were very small.

Open canoe, bergen or canvas portage pack (home made copy of the Duluth pack, in linen canvas). Dry bags inside.
Do you need the shotgun cleaning kit? The reason I ask is that I wouldn't have thought the gun would need cleaning after shooting a few cartridges and could be done more thoroughly once back home. I know some cleaning kits are very small and compact but every little helps. When I take my gun out bushcrafting I tend to take a small rag that I can rub over the gun with a bit of animal fat to stop any corrosion (animal fat also used for cooking). Also what about getting a 410 to take instead of the 12g as that would save a huge amount of weight I guess one 12g cartridge would weigh about 50 grams all in and a 410 cartridge about a third of that. Perfect reason to get another gun too if the wife asks.... I have a little Belgium side by side folding 410 that fits nicely down the side of my pack as I found it a pain taking the 12g plus cartridges.
Just want to respond to this little part:

I generally figure that with wool and quick drying fabrics I'll be dry soon enough anyway.

Wool is one of the slowest drying fabrics around. It's a good material, but i'd go for something quicker drying personally. The only wool i use when going outside is base layers. The wool sweater and stuff are used at home or when it doesn't matter that something takes 2 days to dry.

I Did think of a 410 for those very reasons... But I have an FAC and couldn't be arsed with all the paperwork and time getting a Shotgun Liscence!

For this very reason the benelli hold 8 rounds in its tubular magazine.. more than enough!

My cleaning kit consists of a very small squeeze bottle of oil about 2 feet of 4by2 a duster and a barrel snake! So small it's almost irrelevant.. I like the idea of fat, however I wouldn't like to take that off after a trip.

The sock I keep it in, repels moisture and dampness. So does a couple of jobs on its own......

I did think of changing my .22 slot and getting a U.S Survival Rifle .22 which is way more compact, but then that would rule out any of the bird species!

Ah that's fair enough, didn't realize you had the shotgun on a FAC. Animal fat comes off really easy with a bit of Napier gun cleaner. I got this tip from MCQbushcraft who's got a fantastic youtube channel with shooting and bushcrafting as well as other things. I managed to reduce my kit a fair bit by using some of his methods. Well worth checking out.
Spare set of clothes AND dry sleeping clothes ? These two can be as one surely?
I carry a spare pair of lightweight trousers and a spare base layer for sleeping in and emergencies , but being ex army as am I can you not just work with the wet and dry routine? Cutting out a complete spare set of clothes "just in case " will make a big difference to your pack size and weight.
Hi Nice load out, always interesting to see what other people are carrying.

Personally, I'd get rid of the ration packs. That sort of food is ok if weight is an issue and/or your hiking. But for a static camp my mind would be set on taking some proper food and eating well. It will make whatever you shoot/catch taste even better and won't take up much more space than the ration packs.
Spare set of clothes AND dry sleeping clothes ? These two can be as one surely?
I carry a spare pair of lightweight trousers and a spare base layer for sleeping in and emergencies , but being ex army as am I can you not just work with the wet and dry routine? Cutting out a complete spare set of clothes "just in case " will make a big difference to your pack size and weight.

Yeah I'd agree with that. In Winter I'd normally have a set of Helly Hansen Lifa underwear as my base layer, with a spare set as my sleep/dry kit.

See you have the Helly Hansen Jacket. Had one of those for years, great bit of kit, but sadly as time passed it seemed to shrink,(or was it me getting bigger?) so it got binned.

No army Golok? I've still got mine. I suppose the axe negates the need to carry it.
Well as the title says! "RIP MY KIT APART"

75l Arcteryx Bergan.

Top Pouch:-
Letherman Wave.
Head Torch.

Radio (handheld)
Spare Batteries x4.

That's a lot of spare batteries, why not drop 2 of them if its only a week?

Paracord various lengths.

Small Folding Trowel

Drop this, use a good stick

Military Hand Flairs.

I would drop these, add a cylume or 2 and with the paracord you carry, tie to the end of a lit cylume and swing in a large circle at night, better than a flare I've found and much lighter.

Titanium Spork.

Black Bin Bags x3.

Replace with proper dry bags or rubble sacks as a minimum, keeping kit dry is paramount

Fallkenives DC4 knife Sharpener
Snare's x3.
Small Hobo Fishing Kit.

Medical Gloves, Medical Scissors & First Aid Kit.
Sawyer Water Purification kit and 2x 1L bags + tubing.

Small Selection of Mini Carabiners and Hanging Hooks.

What are these for?

2x 24hr Army Ration Packs and 1x12hr Pack.
(Devided between second top pouch and two wingman pouches) main meals get bagged and go in main pack.

1x 1L Camelbak Waterbottle in wingman pouch.
1x Metal Puritii Ariix Water Purification System in other wingman side pouch.

Replace with simple puri-tabs, you already have a half decent filter so this is just more weight.

Main Pouch:-
48 pattern Waterbottle with Plastic & Metal Mug and a Metal Lid all in a soft pouch.

Solo Stove and 900 Pot. Stainless Steel.

Fire Starting Kit (No lighter) Flint and Steel with Tinder.

I would take a lighter, why make life harder.

Gransfors Wildlife Axe.
Laplander Saw

Personally i find that if i have a saw I've no need for an axe, so i would consider dropping it.

Bayley Knife

Half-Wit Dutchwear modded Hammock, RidgeLine with dyneema lines with titanium attachments.

UK Hammock Overblanket and Underblanket (Winter)
ENO ParaPillow.
DD 3x3 Tarp. Wrapped in two DD Hammock Sleeves.
Titanium Pegs in a Tread Lite peg bag.

Spair Trousers, T-shirt and Underwear (separate waterproof bag)

Have the trousers in the sleeping bag and take extra socks in their place in this bag. Consider adding foot powder

Dry night clothes (separate waterproof bag) consisting of
Ron Hill Trousers & Longsleved shirt
Army Arctic Socks and Beanie Hat.

Change this and go for a full wet/dry routine of a proper change of clothes stored in the bag. That'll function as all your spares (except underwear and socks above)

Wash / Shaving Kit and a Collapsible Bowl in a B/P Bag.
Bath Towel (size of Coke Can)

12g Cleaning Kit Complete in small tub.
25 Shotgun Shells.

Front Pouch:-
Old Helly Hansen Green Fiber Pile Fleece, Old Green Para Smock, Shemarg and lightweight Gloves.

I'd ditch all this kit and go with a softie and proper scarf. Para smocks are gipping when wet

Dupont Black Tyvek Ground Sheet.

Depending on weather a North Face Waterproof.
Rabbit Skinned "Hunters" Hat.

Just use the beanie

Benelli M3 Super90 Kromo Shotgun in waterproof sock.

As you can appreciate this is no lightweight kit!
Weight is never a problem, Space sometimes is!

The only issues I HAVE is with the DD Tarp.

Given my circumstances, what would you swop or change? And please give you reasons...

Many Thanks.

A couple of point i can think off from the top of my head. Personally i think you're carrying a bit much but if you're happy to carry it then crack on.

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.