Survival is all about a good cup of tea

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That's a great idea, the only time I've been truly "lost" and thought I'd have to spend the night I sat down and whittled a walking stick. It forced me to get control of my emotions and i truly did need the stick. The tea idea is good though, if you have the kit to make tea then you have the kit to make fire and boil water for purification...
I usually carry a bottle of rum with me, but I find you can't beat a cup of tea after a long trek. Sooner or later of course one run out of tea, & then it is just water, but that is okay.

My rum bottle.

My tin lined brass trade kettle with loose tea in a raw silk bag.
Interesting read Stuart, and great insights into human behavior!

I totally agree making a brew is the ideal way to diffuse the tension of an unfolding survival situation and allow people to feel productive while conserving energy and collecting their thoughts.

We do as a species seem habitual and ritualistic by nature, making a brew will bring that sense of familiarity and security to people and from that balanced plateau of conscious clarity we can make the best decisions and enjoy a nice cup of tea too!

Although it is crucial to remain positive and confident in your ability to survive, it is important for egos not to flare up and cloud our judgement and influence our decisions in these times.

Thanks for the post! :D
For me it has to be coffee, with a teaspoon of drinking chocolate, and dried milk. Alcohol is of course risky in the cold...

Though they do say that dark rum contains enough sugar to counteract the cooling effects of the alcohol. (Well so I've heard and I'm sticking to the story).
Though they do say that dark rum contains enough sugar to counteract the cooling effects of the alcohol. (Well so I've heard and I'm sticking to the story).

Whatever works, man ;)

Because of some wibbly wobbly sciencey stuff I read cold drinks warm you up better, because the cold forces your body to generate more heat.

Rum is cold.

Science, yo.
Just in case, you could always try one of my cold weather favourites, which is a finger of dark rum in the bottom of a mug, a spoonful of demerara sugar and top up with hot water. This should banish any anxiety about the science bit. Actually, I find a couple of these banishes anxiety about most things :-)

Though they do say that dark rum contains enough sugar to counteract the cooling effects of the alcohol. (Well so I've heard and I'm sticking to the story).
Just in case, you could always try one of my cold weather favourites, which is a finger of dark rum in the bottom of a mug, a spoonful of demerara sugar and top up with hot water. This should banish any anxiety about the science bit. Actually, I find a couple of these banishes anxiety about most things :-)

Sounds like a variation of Hot Buttered Rum. The only thing missing is the dollop of butter.
"Bilin' the kittle!"
As a consummate coffee drinker since my teen years, I was introduced to tea drinking by the classic writings of the great Nessmuck.

"Often, when too utterly tiered and beaten for further travel, I have often tried coffee, whisky or brandy, and a long experience convinces me that there is nothing so restful and refreshing as green tea. To make it as it should be made, bring the water to a high boil, and let it continue to boil for a further minute. Set it off the fire and it will cease boiling; put in a handful of tea, and it will simmer for a few minutes, when it will be ready for use. Buy the best green tea you can find, and use it freely on a hard tramp. Black, or Oolong tea, is excellent in camp. It should be put in the pot with cold water and brought to the boiling point."
— Nessmuk - Woodcraft and Camping, 1881
Coffee done the Sami style is fantastic while in the wild.
I also used to enjoy a tea I brewed of leaves from Birch, Blueberries and Lingon berries.
Another good tea, very healthy, is to use the young tips of Fir tree branches. Lots of Vit. C they say!


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