Help needed planning a long distance hike.

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Sorry, should have mentioned the crook knife is so I have something to do on those long evenings, plus I'm hoping to try and sell/trade some spoons along the way (yep finances are that tight...).
I'll have a look into some base layers and a thermarest, again moneys tight but I am emailing companies to try and get sponsorship so fingers crossed.
The iodine pills are really just a lst resorts, going to be mostly boiling my water or using the Sawyer mini, just thought its good to have failsafes.

I have a metal mug but its insulated so not usable as a cooking pot, would you suggest a tin crusader mug type thing? I was podering having a french army style water bottle on my belt which could have a cup slotted over it, or do you think that would get a bit heavy?

Gaffa tape and super glue are something I can get haha.

Sorry for all the questions but I only get one shot at this, and I dont have cash to buy anything thats not really essential.
I would add
Detergent (?) for washing clothes (4 months of trekking)
Tear Aid, Gaffa
Maybe camera (complementing your phone)
Batteries for the Petxzl

I would loose:
Mora MG
Crook knife

Regarding food: You could send food packages to various strategic places along your route beforehand, which might save some money. Perhaps add pieces of clothing to the packages (Socks, Underwear etc)
This will be quite a trip, have you ever walked this kind of distance before?

Like others here I'd suggest you carry less. I'd also suggest you find a better (and lighter) rucksack, Sabre 45s always sell well so you can raise the funds for a new pack that way.

Iphone and iPod? Do you really need both, All those tools, that is a lot of weight to cart around?

Are the hi-tec boots ones you have worn over long distances before? I've walked similar distances in all terrain sandals, which make for healthier feet and a need for fewer socks, but maybe the midges would nibble your feet to bits?

I have walked a few long distance routes and if is surprising how much stuff that seemed essential before departure that really isn't once you hit the trail. :)
I was thinking of bringing some Ecover detergent (washing clothes in lakes etc, dont want to use any chemicals)
The thinking behind the Ipod is that is burns a lot less battery than the Iphone. Much as I like listening to the sound of the woods its quite nice to have a good audiobook on in the evening.
I'm thinking of getting a small battery recharger that i could power of the powermonkey, any thoughts?
The boots are a pair I've had a few years, done a few good long walks in them so they're nicely worn in.
The food package idea is one I was thinking about with maps, at 1:50k scale I'm going to need a lot, so I plan to send some ahead to the friends/family I'll be visiting along the way. Including some food parcles and fresh undercrackers seems like a sensible idea. Also an oportunity to dump any kit thats just weighing me down.
on the subject of maps, it's starting to look like it would be cheaper to get a GPS (40 or so maps, the cheapest I could find them is 10 pounds a go). Any thoughts folks?
Cheers. I shall check it out. Might get each person that comes to walk with me to bring a couple of maps with them.
The pocket rocket is a little camping stove I have ( Will be doing most of my cooking over wood fire but it's always good to have a backup for those wet and windy days (and for quick tea stops)

The hobo tool is a knife/fork/spoon/thing. Not as light as some but I've grown fond of it. kind of like this only mine is nicer :)

aahh- it's a gas stove- i was thinking of a different type of rocket stove but could not imagine how they would fit in a backpack... . for eating i stick to my korean chopsticks and my trusty old spoon :D
I know it looks a bit zig zaggy but north of stockhol, towns are few and far between apart from along the coast/major roads.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.