There are insects in Scotland? Well, uh, I, uh, don't know what to say.
White tail deer abound where I live in the suburbs of Washington, DC. Many meet their end on the roads. One Sunday afternoon a year or two ago, someone knocked on our door to inform us there was an injured deer in the yard beside the house. I went out to see and sure enough, there was. We believed he had two broken hips. The passersby had already called animal control, who came out about 30 minutes later. The animal control officer, a young woman younger than my daughter, killed it with two shots from a .22 rimfire rifle, then went off and left it. I dragged it away to a low spot on the common property on the other side of our fence and covered it with leaves. This was during cold weather and there was never an odor. But within a week, the carcass had mostly been stripped clean by "the creatures of the night," probably foxes.
There are indeed!

A lot of people left it, it had only been there an hour possibly less and someone else stopped too- an old farmer who asked what we were going to do with it (we didn't hit it) I said take it home, gut, skin, butcher and eat it then he smiled and said good- because if we weren't then he was! My butchering wasn't great but we've got two lovely thighs (haunch I think), the saddle and the two shoulders all but one leg are in the freezer and the other is for dinner tomorrow. The meat is beautiful,,can't wait for it- unfortunately tonight's tea was planned so I have to wait till tomorrow.