Back garden camping

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R-Tron 3108

Sep 4, 2014
In an effort to prize my sons away from the TV/tablet etc I intend to get them outdoors and camping over our weekends together.
Both of them (7 and 3 years) love our camping holidays but once or twice a year just isn't enough, we can't always pack up and head out to a site and we are not yet ready (or old enough) to treck out into the wild blue yonder with a tarp and hamock

With that in mind I intent to organise some back garden bushcraft camping sessions.
I want to keep the experience as authentic as possible so that the boys get the most of the time.

Does anybody else do this with the kids and if so what advice can you offer?
At 7yrs old, no reason not to get them out to Beavers. Our beavers camp twice a year on their own (mostly in tents indoors). At 7, he's almost ready for cubs, our lot got about 14 nights away too...

Back garden bushcraft, I'd just go with a tent (maybe a canvas bell? but I'm bias) and a fire pit or altar fire. Cook marshmellows and eat lots of sweets.
I'd use a tent with a sewn-in ground sheet just to make sure they are not put off the experience by damp or creepy-crawlies. Cook some sausages over a fire - magic! Once they are warm and have torches etc. to mess about with when it gets dark, they'll love it. Brings back memories....:hammock:
I agree with the others, especially as boys they'll likely be food orientated. :rolleyes: Hot chocolate (with a tot of rum/whisky for Dad maybe?), Sausages and eggs cooked over a fire for breakfast that the night before provided marshmallows. They'll never want to come in again. Maybe some stories by candle/torchlight; not too scary at that age and a look at the stars and listen to the night sounds with Dad. That sort of thing hooked me - though without the sweet treats unfortunately. The thought of being a man and doing man stuff appealed greatly. If an Uncle, best mate can be added to the mix even better.
Garden camping is better than no camping. I've not camped since scouts as a family we've never camped but I'm gearing up and plan to start with garden camping. We walked a mile to some woods today where I had previously dug a secret fire hole and as a surprise we gathered wood and lit a fire. I had my 12yr old son cook sausage and 7yr old daughter cooked beans and spaghetti over the fire and then we dined in the woods. Afterwards I let them both carve sticks in to spears with penknives and poke the embers until home time. I think it was one of their best days out.

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We walked a mile to some woods today where I had previously dug a secret fire hole and as a surprise we gathered wood and lit a fire. I had my 12yr old son cook sausage and 7yr old daughter cooked beans and spaghetti over the fire and then we dined in the woods. Afterwards I let them both carve sticks in to spears with penknives and poke the embers until home time. I think it was one of their best days out.

Good on you Mate....I strongly suspect both your kids will remember that trip for the rest of their lives :)
I've been painting in the new house today. Hoping to move in before the end of the month after which I can model the garden. I fear that by the time we have settled in we will have lost the good weather.
I live in a flat and manage to setup the tent in the living room and even cook sausages on the stove. I got my kids camping at festivals quite early and there are always fun things you can do to make them look forward to the next time camping.
Now that sounds like fun.
I don't know what it is about camping that makes me feel like a kid on an adventure, probably because I spent my childhood watching westerns, war movies and adventure films waiting to be old enough to join the Army! As I didn't, I did not fulfill my plans.
On the last week in our rented house.
Lots of painting, flooring and a kitchen to fit and we should be in by next week (we have to be in by next week). Then I get time to kick back and relax in the garden and play with my cook set, maybe design a pop can stove or two and make a hobo twig stove.
Can't wait.
Tried this with my little boy about a month ago. Set everything up in the garden, he was very excited. Then, when it comes time to get in the tent and settle down... "I don't like camping. Going indoors now." He was very adamant, and he's only 3 so I didn't want to argue. Still, the tent got used that night, the dog made himself at home in my sleeping bag
Backyard camping is how I started, followed by many trips "down on the river" with relatives. My mother was an invalid, which kept my father at home nights. So my backyard camping was by myself. No tent, no sleeping bag. Those would have been luxuries. The idea was just to get out of the house. We camped a few times with my son and daughter but they didn't take to it very strongly. In fact, my son swore he'd never camp again after three years in the army, half of which was spent visiting Iraq. But he did anyway.
I always do it on the Spair of the moment thing, fire pit cooking our evening tea on it and telling stories round it then breakfast in the morning, just like the woods but with no trees haha, at least your getting out mate
I have been camping in the back garden until last summer with good fun, then sold the tent and cleared the space.
Now mulling over turning it into space for forging and tool making. I do need some basic equipment - a forge, a large anvil, tongs and grinder etc, but they are just a wish list.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.