The Moot 2014 NC pizza oven - construction and use


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
There had been talk and requests for a couple of years for an oven to be built at the NC for use during the Moot. This year Tim rose to the task by providing the materials, expertise and manpower in the form of a workshop.


I believe Tim ran the workshop on the Saturday morning and soon had volunteers treading and mixing £70 worth of refined clay and sand on a tarp. The base was constructed from alternately laid pairs of logs which were notched by Mad Dave with a chainsaw so they would remain stable when stacked. Though a little more height would have been desirable there were only so many logs available for construction. A few knees suffered later on when in use.

Tim had tasked the NC to provide enough glass bottles to provide an insulating layer under the oven and the NC made a concerted effort to fulfil the request by in fact providing far more empty bottles than were needed. It was an onerous task but someone had to make the sacrifice!!

A piece of tarp was wrapped over the top and then fire bricks were laid out as a base over the bottle platform. A sand form was created and covered in damp newspaper. A first layer of clay mix was then put over the top followed by a straw layer that had been mixed with a clay slop. A final clay mix layer was applied after that and then beaten all over with a plank of wood. Final touches were added, a door cut in the front and the sand form scooped out to make a cavern so a fire could be set inside.

The oven was then fired up and the fire kept burning continuously for the rest of the day and all night. The damp rubbishy wood we had smoked a lot so a large bag of charcoal lump was used during the actual cooking time that evening.

Whilst it was firing during the daytime someone just kept an eye on it adding fuel as needed. During the evening a gathering of enthusiastic guys got it up to temperature and maintained it for cooking pizza by adding charcoal and blowing it with an arrow shaft. A couple of guys were showered in hot embers from surprise blowback when doing this. They also soon learned not to get their hands inside and requested a long handled spatula for fishing the pizza trays back out of it.

Tim bugged out and didn’t attend the evening party therefore leaving us to our own devices to get good use out of it. Someone kindly provided a few pizza mixes and other ingredients but as the forest drums had already spread the word of pizza at the NC we ran out of base within five or so pizzas and we had the makings of a riot from the baying crowd. I had assumed that someone else was going to prep and cook the pizzas, oh how wrong was I?!

We raided the NC stores for every form of topping we could think of, luckily well stocked, and Anita came to the rescue in making up and forming the dough that we did have. Left with lots of topping and no base we had to improvise. Cracking open a 30L blue barrel which was full of tortillas, don’t ask, we made pizzas from those. Two volunteers, Claire and Chelsea, proceeded to construct various topping combinations and many of the crowd were impressed at how thin and crispy the pizza bases were!! We used two tortilla, one on top of the other with a sprinkle of grated cheese in between to weld them together. We just used Chilli pasta sauce etc under the cheese. We managed to push out loads of different combinations like this and obviously it was much faster than making bases from scratch. They cooked in about two minutes flat and went down extremely well it seems.

The next night we cooked a few shop bought pizzas, doable but a real step down, and we did Quesadillas style thingies with lots of cheese and Burrito meat filling etc.


Worried that the weather would destroy the oven over the coming year Tim suggested putting a roof over the top to protect it from the elements. Neil rose to the challenge by gathering the necessary materials (from Swindon no less!) and spending a few hours constructing a rather good design that Stuart is now nabbing for use in Belize and other far flung locations. My intention in creating this thread was to just post the pictures of said roof design but then I got carried away with the back story!

As I had been catering until silly o’clock pre and post oven construction and I wasn’t really paying full attention I admit there may be some slight inaccuracies in my account but you get the gist. Hopefully the oven will survive the elements and humans for use next year so we can try other things. I intend to instal a temperature probe so we can get it ticking along at 200[SUP]o[/SUP]C for general cooking rather than just pizza/incineration temperatures.

Perhaps those with pictures of the actual construction process can chip in to this thread to provide further incite and information to clarify the process. Tim?

I will try and work out how to upload all the relevant roof pics today with a short commentary.
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Full Member
Dec 28, 2012
Coventry and Warwickshire
A piece of tarp was wrapped over the top and then fire bricks were laid out as a base over the bottle platform. A sand form was created and covered in damp newspaper. A first layer of clay mix was then put over the top followed by a straw layer that had been mixed with a clay slop. A final clay mix layer was applied after that and then beaten all over with a plank of wood.

Does anyone have any further info on the makeup and size of each layer? I understand that there are 3 layers, is the mix different for each? I'd love to make one of these any further info would be appreciated. Cheers Joab


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Does anyone have any further info on the makeup and size of each layer? I understand that there are 3 layers, is the mix different for each? I'd love to make one of these any further info would be appreciated. Cheers Joab

Tim_n is the best person to comment on this, it was his baby.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2010
Completely missed this thread - excellent job - didn't realise so much had gone into it - really looking forward to seeing it sorted next year!

For those making their own

2 parts sand to 1 part clay
You don't need insulation if making a quick oven. Just a layer of bricks or above oven mix as a base.
22.5" diameter circle - piled with sand into a dome, 16.5" high
Put newspaper over the top and sprinkle water on it.
Oven clay over the whole thing, starting at the bottom working up pushing down not into the sand form.
Cut a door 11" wide and 9.5" high

Will have a go making an article when I have time.


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
I popped onto site a couple of weeks ago to investigate the condition of the oven.


Picture 052.jpg

Picture 053.jpg

Picture 056.jpg

So there you have it, the roof and base have survived but for various possible reasons the oven has not. It may have fallen, it may have been pushed. After the success of the Tortilla pizza last year it would be nice to have an oven up and running at the NC to play with.

Is there anyone who would be willing to give a rebuild a go? The base, bricks and roof are sound. Tim did a workshop last year in order to build it and it worked a treat.

It could be redone with clay and straw using sand as a dome form that is scooped out afterwards. Another approach is to create a branch form with damp paper or something over the top and then burn it out. For something a little more robust perhaps a small amount of postcrete, a heck of a lot of Perlite from the garden centre and something else appropriate mixed in.

Whomever may take on the challenge, all materials and building is all down to you to take charge of, perhaps as a solo effort but I'm sure it would be nicer as a workshop project like last year.

If someone can source reasonable quality clay cheap or to donate then that would be great. As I say, alternative materials are an alternative. :D I'm sure we could scrape together some funding for it but probably not the £70 for refined clay like last year!! :eek: Obviously there are lots of youtube videos about building these.


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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
I can get my hands on a "few" 100L bags of perlite, its designed for house insulation, so should be perfect for the oven, I got a bag of a work colleague to play with rocket stove designs

That sounds awesome, yes please.

Sharp sand and normal or fast set cement can be grabbed locally from a builders merchant if necessary but clay and Perlite are not so easy to source.

Is there anyone out there with the experience or time to research different ideas for mixes and an internal support form, sand normally? It would be nice to have a solid lasting structure that could be viable for next year but even one that would be cheap, easy and will just survive a few uses would do the trick. Last year's clay oven was up and running in a day but if cement gets used then it may need to be done earlier in the first week to give a few days for curing.


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011



Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011



Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Of course there is a completely different approach to the structure that could then be covered with a Perlite and cement thick render or layer to provide greater insulation.




Full Member
Jun 25, 2010
Machynlleth, powys
Ok so giving this some thought over the next few days, but i am attending the Moot from day 1. Question for Tony or a Moot Mod, could we run a free and open oven build workshop before the core days?

I can see a bring a brick party plan starting to form.


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Ok so giving this some thought over the next few days, but i am attending the Moot from day 1. Question for Tony or a Moot Mod, could we run a free and open oven build workshop before the core days?

I can see a bring a brick party plan starting to form.

Shhh, don't tell Tony or the Mods what we are doing in the NC. :tapedshut What happens in the NC stays in the NC.

There has been discussion behind the scenes and we already have contractors booked to come on site and build the oven for us, well Neil anyway. If you are going to be on site early then help is most welcome. :) Perlite will be involved.

If anyone is interested in building a clay or brick oven like those below then great, bring some materials and have a go. Keep in mind left over stuff will need to be removed from site and everything needs to be left puuurty. Ta.


Full Member
Jun 25, 2010
Machynlleth, powys
Ok so talking very quietly so no one will hear us, are you saying you will be in charge of design and material provision and I can just turn up and build over the first couple of days?

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