Ghillie Kettle group buy2013

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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Full Member
Jun 12, 2007
Hi all,
Ok I'm doing another group buy for Ghillie kettles here’s their link

As I have said before love these Kettles, I have one or two of these as well as an Mkettle, and do most my cooking and boiling water on them when camping out.

We can get 25% off the price list plus P&P.

There is no minimum amount of people to get this GB. So as soon as you have paid your order will be sent out.

The payment methods are Bank transfer, Cheque or PayPal (But you will have to pay the PayPal fees)

The GB should be on going till about the end of November.


Ok folks.



The Adventurer
Non- Anodised £39.49
Silver Anodised £42.46
Anodised £46.96

The Explorer
Non- Anodised £35.99
Silver Anodised £38.96
Anodised £43.46

The Maverick
Non- Anodised £32.49
Silver Anodised £35.46
Anodised £37.71

MKettle £36.71

Kettles with Full kits
(Adventurer) £58.96
(Explorer) £56.96
(Maverick) £52.71

Anodised Kettles with Full kits
(Adventurer) £69.46
(Explorer) £65.96
(Maverick) £60.21

Silver Anodised Kettles with Full kits
(Adventurer) £62.71
(Explorer) £60.71
(Maverick) £56.46

Pot support £8.99

Spare whistle large or small £8.24

Fire base small £9.62

Fire base large £10.00

Large cook kit £16.49

Small cook kit £16.49

Large triangular Support £9.74

Small triangular Support £8.99

Large anodised cook kit £19.46

Small anodised cook kit £19.46

With Reference to the above accessories. If you buy them with a kettle you will make a bigger saving as the postage will be removed from the price of the accessory. As long as you don't buy a whole load of them and they have to be posted separately from the kettle, in which case I will pm you :)
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I think the rule now is that the seller picks up the paypal fees.

thought Id seen it somewhere.

With regards to selling (or with regards to Groupbuys) on BCUK:

Paypal are now clearly stating that the seller picks up the 3.4% + 20p fee, buyers pay nothing.
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Already spoken with Mods about it. It was brought in to stop people selling their own items and then adding PayPal fees on top. I'm using it as an option and I am providing other means of payment. So it's upto the person buying the goods if they pay by that method.
And I'm not the seller, I'm the middle man ;)
Trust me, no one is ever going to be left out of pocket. Everyone I have ever delt with is well above board and has always sorted out any proplems that have come up.
All the PayPal is for in this case is to send me your money to pay for the goods that you will recive. If you don't want to pay by PayPal thats fine with me I have other payment methods for you. But if I got rid of PayPal anyone from another country or somone who cannot pay by the other methods will be left out of the group buys.
Trust me, no one is ever going to be left out of pocket. Everyone I have ever delt with is well above board and has always sorted out any proplems that have come up.
All the PayPal is for in this case is to send me your money to pay for the goods that you will recive. If you don't want to pay by PayPal thats fine with me I have other payment methods for you. But if I got rid of PayPal anyone from another country or somone who cannot pay by the other methods will be left out of the group buys.

Trust me......sounds like 'honest guvnor'

Its a good job your not In front of ' dragons den '
I'm still reeling over the dodgy DD group buy you did. Remember.....discontinued tarps with lashing points removed and dodgy stitching! FACT

using forum reputation to approach companies for discount or 2nds, running group buys on multiple forums. Not for profit gain?and not informing members they are buying seconds or that you have personal friendship with sellers like Kelly kettle.

Why've I not pm'd you? Because members need to hear it
and draw their own conclusions. Am I man enough to standby my convictions?
Oh hell yeah I am. Get-it-dun

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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Morning chisler wondered when you would turn up!
Yes I remember the camo tarps that were advetised on DD's wbsite that they the had had the loops cut off as well as it being mentionedon on this forum as well. And Nick offering to sort it out for you.
Yes I do get on very well with the people I deal with I have a very good relationship and theres nothing wrong with that. But I don't know the owners of Kelly kettle I would like to mention before they get dragged into this. I still have the emails stored away.
And I have never made any money for doing these group buys. I made some extra money in the early days when the prices changed during a group buy and all that went to charity with the blessing of the folk involved in that group buy.
Now this is a group buy sand thats all I want it to be so please don't try and spoil it like last year chisler.

Guys this turning personnel now if someone has an issue over paypal then pm me and I will give you the info I recived from the mods. And if this carrys on I will also inform them myself
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