A VERY Addictive online game. (You have been warned)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Hello. My name is Aaron and I am now an addict.

Last night my landlady (the nasty lady) introduced me to an online game. Basically it uses a random image snatched form Google maps street view and you have to locate where you think it is in the world is on an accompanying map. 6pm Last night she proudly announced she was 100 metres from the exact spot, later her hubby got to within 25 metres of the location. At 1am last night I nailed it with a 9 metres pin point in a street in Brazil in South America, prior to that I was 12 metres out on an island off Croatia.

Sometimes you get a open country lane and then it's anyone's guess where you are, but sometimes you get dropped off and there's a clue to where you could be in the surrounding scene such as a street name or a shop front in which case the game is afoot Watson! Yes, we cheated madly opening various websites, google maps, land marks and street views in new tabs to find precisely where the location was. You can zoom in on the map on the game page using the mouse wheel or the +/- buttons


Have fun and blame Rosie if you find yourself doing this at 4am on a school night.

Good luck!

Later folks

Here's a screen grab of my search result from last night.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Are you crazy?!? :D

Jut looked at the map and it was a road with nothing around!

Some can be like that, it's literally pot luck for what pops up but you get 5 goes per game. I played 3 games last night, the screen grab above was the penultimate set of the last game. Chaped Rosie off no end when I told her I was 9m from ground zero.

Anyway thought you folks might like to do a bit on online geocaching kinda thing. My worst score was choosing Brazil when the location was Australia... 12,000+kms away. I scored 20 points with that answer. D'oh!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Yup, guilty as charged.

Just had a quick game and found myself alone on a single tarmac road surrounded by green hills. To me is looked like Scotland, so with no other clues than that I chose south of Loch ness. Turned out I was 80kms out in a South Easterly direction. 80kms that's pretty damned good for no clues or landmarks and using just gut instinct. Had another one that reminded me of Japan for some bizarre reason, so chose Fukashima, turned out it was Nagasaki 1200kms to the South West.

have fun marooned, kiss goodbye to any social life you once had mate ... and dinner and an early night. :lmao:


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
Ok, so had a bit more of a play - just a quick one mind.

A friend made a guess at one and landed 8 km away (somewhere in Germany) and with a bit of researchin on another I managed 13m.

It's quite interesting seein how well you can just id a country (or not) from a little bit of info!


Feb 16, 2011
the French Alps
Okay okay so I had a *quick* look, I just got 79.5 kms away from a place in Rhode Island ... But I was there last year :) you are very bad for posting this link, but it's not a school night so I am okay .....

Mesquite, please can you write the distance you got, I cannot zoom into your map. I know you are a map kinda guy aren't you ? ;)
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Ok, so had a bit more of a play - just a quick one mind.

A friend made a guess at one and landed 8 km away (somewhere in Germany) and with a bit of researchin on another I managed 13m.

It's quite interesting seein how well you can just id a country (or not) from a little bit of info!

13m is really good mate, well done! Took me about 30mins last night using multiple windows and search engines to pin point my location to 9m. Totally agree with you about the guessing instinctively some of those locations based on very limited information. Bravo!

OMG there's no hope left for you Biker, *Just a quick game* you've had it mate.
Debating whether to show this to my husband or not. Mmmmmmm....

When you say "you've had it mate" does that mean "Your days are numbered"? Or something not so sinister? :rolleyes: Show it to your hubby and the pair of you can play it together. I did the same with my landlady Rosie last night and took bets where each location was for who was the closest. When we said Aussie it was south America and vise versa.

Beat this one Aaron :nana::nana:

Steve, you sir are a God amongst us lesser mortals. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy VERY well done mate. Just told Rosie and she said [expletive expletive!!] Top job mate. How long did it take you?


Feb 16, 2011
the French Alps
@biker Def. something not so sinister ;) OMG, I knew I should not have clicked on the link. I am pants at geography too, but I know my other half will want to beat 9m for sure.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Steve, you sir are a God amongst us lesser mortals. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy VERY well done mate. Just told Rosie and she said [expletive expletive!!] Top job mate. How long did it take you?

It took me all of 5 minutes max... it's easy when the picture grab is outside a Yatch club that can be googled for the address :D :lmao:

You should create a challenge Biker and get everyone to play then we really will be unable to drag ourselves away.

He did with his boasting of getting within 9 mt of the location.

I just set the new record to beat :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It took me all of 5 minutes max... it's easy when the picture grab is outside a Yatch club that can be googled for the address :D :lmao:

He did with his boasting of getting within 9 mt of the location.

I just set the new record to beat :D

Total luck of the draw Steve, but still an impressive score so I'm not going to take that away from you. Buy a lottery ticket because that kind of luck might come in threes :lmao: :You_Rock_

Good idea Tawnyhare, but I feel we'd end up with multiple addicts and no one here to banter with at BCUK. :lmao: One good thing this game does do is make you appreciate the variety of our planet and the population on it. I sat looking at a South American city last night wondering what it would be like to have been born there instead of in London. Sorry, me just day dreaming of what ifs.

If you want a challenge folks Steve (Mesquite) holds the closest to ground zero with a blinding score of .004kms.

Just had a quick game again only clicking on the map for the general location once and I was 140kms out in Thailand. Most impressed with that total stab in the dark from orbit.
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Jun 30, 2010
West Yorkshire
Probs about 15-20 mins using google , it was a resort in California that I found on normal street view, then placed my guess in the same place :-D

Sent from my ARCHOS 80G9 using Tapatalk 2


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