Horizon: How Big Is the Universe? (T) Mon 21:00

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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Does time actually exist? Or is it merely a human construct to explain revolutions?

I do not think the big bang theory was the start of anything. My theory dictates that in order for a "big bang" to be possible the structure for it must be made up of thousands/millions/i dunno lol other galaxys prior to the event. I'd say a black hole is either a big bang happening, or building up. Kind of like a spiders egg sac erupting thousands of tiny spiders which spread out from the point of origin and each one grows to its full potential, mates with another spider and another egg sac is formed else where, in which the same happens ad infinitum. I see black holes as the "nest" from which more and more burst forth. Look at that from outside the relative time of being within that galaxy and it may happen very quicky ( water bursting from a damaged pipe), yet within the relative time of that galaxy, it may happen so slowly, It'll never be noticed.

I'm glad you mentioned this. That's the other thing about the Big bang theory. Not only was it the beginning of matter and the forms of energy (according to the theory) but it was also the beginning of time itself.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
There are many theories, as no one actually knows :)

From wiki ( yes i know its only wiki :))

A supermassive black hole is the largest type of black hole in a galaxy, on the order of hundreds of thousands to billions ofsolar masses. Most, and possibly all galaxies, including the Milky Way[SUP][2][/SUP] (see Sagittarius A*), are believed to contain supermassive black holes at their centers.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]

So assuming this is correct (hypothetically) which version would you subscribe to? Collapsed star even though its hundreds of thousands to billions the mass of a star, or "nest" from which everything in the galaxy its in, is born from? :) Then there are other black holes in galaxys ( i think) think of the spider analogy i used earlier. :)
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
But then its in a galaxy and galaxys are within universes :) So who's to say that a universe doesnt have its own Super duper mahooosive black hole giving birth to more universes. But thats going upwards into the macrocosm, but what if we looked down into the microcosm? Are there similarities?



Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
But then its in a galaxy and galaxys are within universes :) So who's to say that a universe doesnt have its own Super duper mahooosive black hole giving birth to more universes. But thats going upwards into the macrocosm, but what if we looked down into the microcosm? Are there similarities?


We have a knack at spotting patterns in things...

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Can I add an observation from when I was a boy.

I've always been interested in astronomy etc... But would lay and think the following.

What if all the knowledge of our being and universe as known was contained in a speck of dirt in a giants finger nail?

answered in a way in the men in black film I suppose.

Just my way of trying to understand infinity and other dimensions.

Anyone else Think that way in trying to make sense of it all when younger?

Btw, I'm a bit exhausted here.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
I only started thinking about this stuff about two and a half years ago :)

Good way to look at it that though. :)

Can I add an observation from when I was a boy.

I've always been interested in astronomy etc... But would lay and think the following.

What if all the knowledge of our being and universe as known was contained in a speck of dirt in a giants finger nail?

answered in a way in the men in black film I suppose.

Just my way of trying to understand infinity and other dimensions.

Anyone else Think that way in trying to make sense of it all when younger?

Btw, I'm a bit exhausted here.
Feb 15, 2011
Does time actually exist? Or is it merely a human construct to explain revolutions?

Indeed, since time is a relatively new invention created by man, man creates time,man says time exists, did time exist before man ? I suppose since things need their opposite to exist anyway, light/dark, cold/hot etc. the non time before the 'big bang' allows the time to exist after it.
Mathematics too is a man made device so can it be used to interprete the univeres where mathematics does not exist ? we create theories that fit what we see but arn't we trying to force the punter into an off the peg suit rather than making him a made to measure. ?

I'm off for a lie down, all this is doing me 'ead in.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
I find all this pretty simple to get my head around :) Not saying im right, too hard for a non academic sat at home to prove, but thinking in a relative way and such is very very simple for me. Almost natural :)

Time is perception based and again relative to position. For example it takes pluto 248 earth years to orbit our sun once. If you were born on pluto, and lived to be 100 on pluto, then that means you would live to be 24800 earth years old, yet on pluto you are only 100 as you have been round the sun 100 times. Would you seem god like to earth people then if you moved here just after birth and lived for so long? There are records on this planet that show kings ruling for 36000 years. But thats a different subject :)


Aug 17, 2004
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Time is perception based and again relative to position. For example it takes pluto 248 earth years to orbit our sun once. If you were born on pluto, and lived to be 100 on pluto, then that means you would live to be 24800 earth years old, yet on pluto you are only 100 as you have been round the sun 100 times. Would you seem god like to earth people then if you moved here just after birth and lived for so long? There are records on this planet that show kings ruling for 36000 years. But thats a different subject :)

If you were 'built' to become a 100 on Pluto, it is unlikely that you would live any amount of time on earth ;)


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
True :) I just used it as an example as pluto has a loong orbit. Obviously the planets would need similar environment and gravitational forces. Imagine a life forms from a heavy gravity/ similar atmosphere planet coming here, they would be short yet huge (musculature) and would seem like they almost floated, how high could they jump? how strong would they be in comparison to us etc. Same in reverse, beings from a lighter gravity would be bent over in no time, struggle to move, etc. They would be tall and frail i expect. :)

If you were 'built' to become a 100 on Pluto, it is unlikely that you would live any amount of time on earth ;)
Feb 15, 2011


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