I had a stroll around Newport Wetlands RSPB reserve last week. I had the dog with me so was restricted to the perimeter loop which is about 4 miles or so. I was exactly half way around before the sky turned this colour...
It looked great with the sun on the reed beds and dark skies beyond and even better that I got back to the car before the rain started :cool:[/QUOTE]
That's fantastic Dave. I love the contrast.
Found some scrap iron, I wasn't pleased to see it either...
Wow, way to spoil a good picture. I hate that sort of casual rubbish tipping.
Was not content to merely record the scene and walk on by so have spent this afternoon shifting it and a whole heap of other junk to a vehicle access point (pic) and John Mitchell of the Woodland Trust has arranged to get it disposed of on Wednesday this week.
Good job, well doneDid you get permission or anything first? I wanted to clear a big pile of bricks from near a car park in the Forest of Dean but my missus pointed out if I was caught loading them into the landy no one would believe I wasn't actually tipping them and trying to cover it. She may have a point...
Lovely spider Alf. Larinioides cornutus female. She looks a bit unimpressed with the weather.
Thanks Brancho for the heads up on that legal nugget I'll ask them about that. Originally the site was a quarry so they may know if some form of waste management licence was issued.
That's a great pic, I had to look at it for a few seconds to really appreciate it but it illustrates how amazing they are...
I think we need new windows...