Yeti Exists!


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
I know that sounds completely cuckoo..:lmao:....but Ive just watched the new 'Russian Yeti' documentary on Discovery and its exceedingly compelling.

It got me believing that an ape thought to have been extinct for tens of thousands of years, gigantopithicus, still exists in Siberia.

Theres real video footage from the last few years, of it, a team of international scientists in 2011/2012 actually found a hominid hair, in a cave, in Siberia, dna tested it, and its from an unclassified ape.

They have a photo from the camera of one of the students, in the infamous dylatov incident, in 1959, showing the yeti.

I've seen these things before, and thoughtn....meh... but this one is goosebumpingly convincing......:D

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Jul 30, 2012
Mammoths existed into near history too, dinosaurs past the meteor impact, so it just goes to show, and siberia is a very very big place with a very very small population.


Mar 7, 2014
Somerset, England
Discovery are well known for being more interested in dramatic presentation than scientific accuracy. I would want to see proper evidence rather than their programme so I'm reserving judgement.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 10, 2004
I don't believe in it meself. Discovery is pretty much mostly bull**** now.


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Watched it and hands up i mainly enjoyed it, probably not in the way it was intended to be enjoyed though.

Once i'd gotten over my sadness at the loss of so many young lives and my anger at the producers using said lives purely as a marketing tool i really only had laughter left, it was either laugh at the ridiculousness or boil over with anger.

To sum up.
They camped near the bottom of a mountain on a slope.
Their tent was covered in snow.
They had severe crushing type injuries (fractured skull, broken ribs etc)
They ran quickly away from their tents
Some were found face down
Some tried to climb a tree

Me being a logical type person the first thing that comes to my mind is avalanche.

If you survived the avalanche and you were in your tent, of course you'd try to cut your way out if the main entrance was blocked.

If there was no other cover of high ground, of course you'd try and climb a tree.

The young gals tongue and eyes were missing, pretty much standard scavenger behaviour that, they go for the softest meat.

What they don't explain is
How did a large ape like creature with "4 inch claws" remove said eyes and tonge without damaging the lips of face?
How can 9 young healthy kids armed with knives and guns be attacked and the NOT be any evidence of defensive wounds or blood from the said creature?
IF they were being followed for the last 3 days why on earth would you continue the trip?
IF they were attacked by a Yeti a creature that is supposed to eat the internal organs of the deer it kills, why didn't it eat the internal organs of the kids?
Why no teeth marks?
Why no clawing marks?

Seems to me that they were caught out in a avalanche, some were buried in their tent and had to claw their way out, others managed to run, some got away but were unable to make it back to camp for their warm clothing, so hypothermia seems like a logical jump.

It's also interesting to see what evidence they left out.
How did they die, my bet is at least 2 died of suffocation, 1 from head trauma maybe the others from hypothermia.
You'd think that'd be relevant wouldn't you.


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Oh come on. Bit cynical. youve missed a load out. For instance the last entry in the joirnal 'the snowman lives' of the footage they took of the yeti before thye were killed or the 5000 sightings, or the tribes with no contact who all have their own name for it, or the hair found in the cave etcetcetc


Aug 13, 2013
I don't believe in it meself. Discovery is pretty much mostly bull**** now.
The Russian yeti program was terrible! One of the worst, over dramatic pieces of discovery rubbish I've seen of late and terrible acting on the part of the yeti hunters.

In the 50's between 6-9 uni students went trekking in to a remote part of Russia on route to the "the mountain of the dead"
On day 7 they were all killed supposedly by a yeti?

Their camera was recovered and the photos processed at the time, the last photo, that had been taken and unseen until now was a blurred image of a suspected yeti that was claimed to be stalking them.

The program researches and Russian investigators of the 50s claim that the tent had vertical slashes, made from the inside to the outside so the students could keep watch for the monster during that fateful night

Why did they not have rifles for the expedition, for hunting or protection?

Their bodies were found without their warm clothing or shoes. If I was aware of being stalked, I wouldn't put up a tent and get half undressed in the middle of nowhere. I would keep on the move, hide in a tree and at least arm myself with a thick tree branch.

The researchers went to a cave where the yeti is believed to live. In the cave was what looked like straw that may have been the yeti bed, where in forests and mountains covered in deep snow did this come from?

The Yeti is 8 feet tall. The average height researchers had to stoop low to get around the cave to search for the yeti. How does the yeti

At the end they go to the spot where the hikers\ student died, in an attempt to draw out the yeti. They had an armed hunter with a very old looking shotgun for protection, this guy kept pointing the gun at the researchers.

Whilst checking out a strange noise that was heard in the trees at the edge of the clearing, the hunter was aiming his rifle into the darkness, looking concerned, looking for the origin of the noise, the main researcher was shining his head torch in the hunters face, making his night vision level almost zero. If I was the hunter and felt in danger I would have told him to F off and took the torch to better see the monster.

If I was a scientist looking for a yeti in the frozen lands of Russia, I would be taking a thermal camera to better spot anything giving off a heat trail unless the yeti is cold blooded of course.

As for all the YouTube type videos of the last few years, maybe all a hoax. Of those of us on here who have camped in the woods, how many have had a dear walk through camp in the middle of the day?

An animal will normally know you are there before you know they are there and avoid you unless you are quiet, still, scent free or up wind.

Unless they are a predatory animal, in which case they come looking to eat you!

In all the videos, the "yeti" was strolling around the woods near people making noise?
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Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Oh come on. Bit cynical. youve missed a load out. For instance the last entry in the joirnal 'the snowman lives' of the footage they took of the yeti before thye were killed or the 5000 sightings, or the tribes with no contact who all have their own name for it, or the hair found in the cave etcetcetc

Asked my Russian mate to translate that, as he is a native Russian speaker and has a good working knowledge of English i'm inclined to believe him, he says it translates to "about excistance of yeti"....

Bit different to "the snowman lives"

T'other thing is, do we know 100% for sure that they wrote it, LOTS of people have had access to that file if the old gal there is to be believed.
You are also taking the word of the producers that it was the last thing written, then there is the context it was written in we were not shown that.

The photo was a absolute joke.
Blurry pic of what could be absolutely anything, looked to me like a bloke nipping into the trees for a pee.
He kept saying it was probably huge, yet there is absolutely NOTHING to put the size into context


Looks like a fuzzy image of one of these kids to me


If it's a unclothed ape type creature where are his dangly bits?
If it's a female where are her breasts?

5000 sightings.
Again put that into context, how many absolute confirmed sightings, how many saw something but wasn't sure what it was?
Does gearing something weird count as a sighting?
Out of the confirmed sightings how many clear in-focus videos or pics do we have = 0
How many dead carcases do we have = 0
How many other people has it killed since this incident = 0

With regards to the "hair sample"
Do a search on what Dr. Jeff Meldrum has to say on the subject

They say samples were sent to 3 universities, but no one knows the outcome, did they all agree?
Why wasn't any scientific paper published on the results?

Odd coincidence that this came out right at the start of the skiing season ;)

Look at some pics of animals bears have killed, now look at the pics of these poor souls and comapare.
Most have scratches but not exactly what you'd call claw marks.
Not 1 single claw mark or bite mark, how exactly did Mr Yeti kill 9 armed kids without using it's claws or teeth, it's killer breath?


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
That photo looked like a clothed person to me. It's fuzzy but IMHO it's got a slight difference in hue or colour between the upper body and the legs/lower body. My guess is it's a human wearing a lighter top or jumper or coat that finishes at his/her waist. Then a darker pair of trousers with perhaps a slightly low crotch.

Sorry but I have a huge level of scepticism over these yeti stories. There's been a few documentaries on it. One was a series where a British zoologist with respected credentials investigated a whole bunch of these hominid claims from.around the world. Tested samples and used scientific methods to investigate. He wrote papers and attempted to put investigations into hominid claims on a more academic footing. After all this he was able to explain all of the claims. They were bears, fakes and not one could stand up to scrutiny.

Another documentary or news article I read (can't remember which) was about the Siberian stories of the last of a human subspecies. It was believed a species of humans had migrated into the region and survived due to isolation when their species had died out well before our own species came along. Something like that. This woman was claimed to be the last pure bred. She had kids and one of them got tested and it seems he had a high level of markers from Africa. It was believed she was the descendant of people from either mid east or Africa. Apparently there has been stories of a more modern migration in the past few centuries. Think slavery times. Anyway she and her children were just plain old humans.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Basically I'm saying no yeti story or claim on an unknown hominid has survived serious investigation. Some cases have turned out to be a new species of ape, monkey or similar, but they are not often the case. None have been a large hominid.

Interestingly IIRC klitschko, one of the two Ukrainian boxing stars and brothers is a very keen investigator of "yeti" stories in his country. He's disproved a lot but has some that he has been unable to explain. That scientist investigated and ruled one of his cases out as a type of bear. At most it proved that the bear species had a larger range.


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