Yank needs help - Woodlore Copy

Should I Buy a SWC Knife

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May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
Wow, thanks you for all the responses I am still digesting them. Interesting enough seam most people are main concern was that I could get the same thing in the US. I have looked in the US and at a few Mfg. suggest as well as some others. It turns out that most would like to charge me about twice what SWC wants to. In fact I have had quotes as high and $900US, I would like spend about $300US. I am on the waiting list for a real Woodlore knife but was informed it would be roughly 5 years.

ill make you a clone of the woodlore if that's what you wan,t all the best


Mar 9, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I had a chat to Gene ingram some time back about him making a woodie clone said no probs should be about $250 but the wait will be the end of 2010 good work always has a down side!!!

Burnt Ash

Sep 24, 2003
East Sussex
The Skookum Bush Tool is fantastic and, if you're Stateside anyway, it would be worth getting in touch with Rod. If you really want a Woodlore copy or something that resembles it, it would be worth talking to Derek at Woodland Edge. His knives are beautifully made and durable pieces of kit.

Was it you that showed me your Skookum BT at the Wilderness Gathering? I seem to recall that the chap I talked to was from Gloucestershire.

Burnt Ash


Jan 29, 2007
Northern Doghouse
Just thought i'd jump in here. I don't want to get into the exchange rate / money discussion, but rather speak as an extremely happy SWC customer. This is the blade i ordered from Steve earlier in the year. The thing that really got me hooked was the fact that Steve was more than happy to change specifications to suit my need's. He offers a build your own kit that is 4mm thick and 110mm long as standard. Your 'Woodlore' is 3.5mm thick (Wilkinson Sword) or 3.88mm thick (Alan Wood). Steve is very happy to play with thicknesses to suit you. It may not seem much but that 0.5mm makes all the difference. I've used many thicknesses and find that i, personally, prefer the blade to be no more than 3.5mm as i find it too thick.

Anyway, here's Lupo

I called it Lupo because of the Wolfs Paw print engraved onto the blade (Steve's work at my request), and the fact that it's smaller than your usual Woody clone. The spec's are,

Steel: O1 heat treated to 58/59 rc
Blade Length: 92.5mm
Blade Thickness: 3mm
Handle Length: 107.5mm
Grind: Scandi

The scales, fitted by myself, are unstabilized Buckeye Burl with white fibre liners and stainless steel loveless bolts. The buckeye was wiped with a boiled linseed oil / turps mix for a week, left to dry for a week then waxed with a mixture of natural beeswax, lanolin and turps. Lanyard hole omitted by Steve at my request. He also supplied a sheath (at extra cost).

It's well balanced, and was flawless when i recieved it. Obviously, looking at the pic's, you can see it's a user, but i do like to look after my knife. :D

I found Steve's work to be on a parr with his attention to detail, presentation and customer service. In other words without fault, exceptional!

I hope this helps.:)


Life Member
Oct 19, 2006
Was it you that showed me your Skookum BT at the Wilderness Gathering? :eek: Yes, it probably was me. I don't know whether I was the only one with a SBT Mk1 but there can't have been many around at the Gathering!

I seem to recall that the chap I talked to was from Gloucestershire. That almost puts it beyond reasonable doubt! I've been rumbled!


Full Member
Nov 17, 2003
Michigan, USA
Rod makes a fantastic bushcraft knife. Here is one that belongs to Ravenn that Rod made that is a bit more woodlorish. Some beautiful lines in this one.


I also think Charlie May's Skifa is a fantastic bushcraft knife, especially if you order it with an extra wide handle.



Burnt Ash

Sep 24, 2003
East Sussex
One thing that most of the US makers fail to capture is the thickness and contour of the handle, which on the original Woodlore was something very close to the three at right:


The knives do vary a bit, but the general layout is about 1" wide at 1/4" back from mid handle, ie. the widest part and the deepest part don't line up, and the front of the narrow parts are about 19-20mm wide and continuously curved so that there is no flat area either at the spine or on the knife's sides. Other makers are entitled to do their own thing of course, but those in the US who are inspired by this design usually go narrower and squarer and often forgo the flare at the butt altogether while those in the UK generally shoot for a closer match.

You make a very good point there, Chris. Many Woodlore copies (even on this side of the pond) do fairly well in copying the profile -the blade shape- but pay insufficient attention to the handle in cross section. Moreover, the AW Woodlore has undoubtedly changed (evolved?) somewhat over the years. My own dates from about 1999 and I much prefer the handle shape on mine to later examples that I've handled.

Burnt Ash


Feb 17, 2006
beyond the pale
This yank needs your help. I have been looking for a Woodlore copy for sometime now. I think I might have found something that not only accurate but also something I can afford. SWC Handmade Knives seam to have a good product for a reasonable price. What are your thoughts? Thanks again.


Ask Steve to make you one from 3mm stock, failing that, ask one of the following UK makers of kits:

Spear Point type-

Bush Knife:

Paul Baker:

Mike Keogh (supplier not maker):

Mick Spain:

Mick Wardell:

Or :):

Rod makes a fantastic bushcraft knife. Here is one that belongs to Ravenn that Rod made that is a bit more woodlorish. Some beautiful lines in this one.


I also think Charlie May's Skifa is a fantastic bushcraft knife, especially if you order it with an extra wide handle...

I like!...a lot!

Best regards,


Dec 31, 2006
I have both an SWC and Stewart Marsh. For sharpness and holding an edge the SWC is ahead. They are both excellent knives and I love using them. :)

I do prefer Stewart's leather work though...

If anyone is after an SWC leather belt shealth with firesteel holder drop me a PM as I will be putting mine on ebay soon...



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