Xylaria says hello


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Hello, everyone. Just to introduce myself ; I have foraged wild food every since I can remember, and have collected wild mushrooms since my early teens, I would discribe myself as an obessive mycologist (mushy nutter), and I have keen interest in the medical uses of plants. I have taught mushroom identifcation on a informal basis for a while, and I love talking fungi with anyone who listen.
I visited this website orginally looking for ways to make natural string, and various other little craft projects, I like doing while messing about in the woods. I was strucken by how knowledgible the members of this forum are on a very large range of subjects that interest me :You_Rock_ . And even though I don't own big knife or sleep out without tent, I feel like I fit in already.

Trust me I am a fun-gal to know (get them bad puns out of the way). To warn you of what I am really like, I Believe in:
Always giving too much information (unless I am speaking about a Shewee).
Allowing others to make informed choices even if it is something I wouldn't do.
Teaching children about the balance of nature, and that this is the duty of every adult.


I do have some questions though. If I forget to log out is my name still at the bottom of the page?
Is there spell checker anywhere? I am dyslexic I feel I look abit thick if things are spelt wrong.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Hi Xylaria, I'm glad you're enjoying BcUK :D

If you aren't *on* the site, your name won't be at the bottom of the page, but you don't *need* to log out, I think that's just a kind of security feature.

Sorry, I don't know about spellcheckers on the site, though I could probably use one with the number of typos I make :rolleyes:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 31, 2006
Who knows
welcome to bcuk xylaria
i have always wondered that if i dont log out is my name still shown at the bottom of the page


Aug 27, 2003
South Wales Valleys
A warm welcome to you. It sounds like you are going to fit right in at home here :D

I do have some questions though. If I forget to log out is my name still at the bottom of the page?
Is there spell checker anywhere? I am dyslexic I feel I look abit thick if things are spelt wrong.

Your name will stay at the bottom of the page for a short time before the server automaticly logs you out (not sure how long the time out is) if you do not log out manualy.

Sorry to say that there is no spell check here on the BCUK forums. Really dont worry about spelling things wrong. You are not the only dyslexic on the forum and we have a load of members whose first language is not English.... spelling things wrong is bound to occur, no one here will complain, we are quite a friendly bunch.

Enjoy the website and forums :)


Cap'n Badger

Jul 18, 2006
Port o' Cardiff
Welcomez........don't worry 'bout yer spellin'.......no one here will pull ye up about it!!.....I knowz.........I's bin speakin' pirate since the day I arrived.....an' no one has pointed a waggy finger at me (yet)... :dunno: :lmao: ....enjoy yer stay.
Jacob. aka 'The Cap'n' ....member of 'The naughty corner clan' :lmao:


Full Member
Oct 14, 2006
southern scotland
Welcome xylaria
Have deliberately stayed away from mushrooms as I didnt want to die a horrible death as all the books I have read would suggest .
Will be asking some questions in future.


Aug 28, 2005
A warm welcome Fiona,

I am coming to mycology after other bushcraft stuff. My wife doesn't want me to die so gets panicy when I talk about eating fungi. Now my approach to fungi at the moment is - get to know well the group of fungi that I am interested in eating, learn +ve idenftication - look it up on Rogers Mushroom site, get out the microscope and look at the spores, if I can't positively I.D. it and exclude all possible poisonous ones then best to give it a miss. I would mention I am a GP - trained to know my own knowledge and when I am out of my depth. Do you think I am approaching this sensibly? When I use my microscope though the spores look mighty small. x10 at the eye, and x 20 at the sample. Do you think I need a more powerful one?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thank you everyone for saying hello and telling me my name disappers when I leave. :D

Jon picket I have never been on tele. Thanks anyway

Rich59 I haven't looked at spores under a microscope since 1993, and that was with an oil imersion bifocal approx 1000x mag. When books mention spore colour they mean spore print which is where you lay the mushroon gill side down and then see the colour that ends up on the paper. I find when you look at spores under a standard microscope the light refacting around and clumping of the specimin means you don't get to see the colour at all and I can barely make out the shape. let a lone the ridges and bumps on the spores. Some spieces also have a differant spore colour to spore print colour (no that doesnt' make sense to me either). It is more useal to use more visible charactaristics like how the gills attach to the stem, and general shape. Otherwise you are doing fine, your approach sounds methodic which is good. The Roger site is very good but it is always good to cross refrence. I use several books and www.grzyby.pl PM if you have any questions. By the way I am iatrophobic.


Apr 12, 2006
hello xylaria,
i am dyslexic to, i use Microsoft works word processor and copy and past (any way with you just in Staffordshire we could just shout to each other ;) )


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