Would you trust your life to a Snickers bar?

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
A Snack size one?
Recovering from Norovirus, I am weak tired and bored and flicking through old photos came across these scans of old photos of when I was young , fit, slimmer and had more hair.
Taken in the Northern Corries of the Cairngorms when I was teaching my wife some winter skills - although the slope is not horrendous it is steeper than the photos imply ... and quite a long way to the rocks below!
It reminded me why you need to take emergency rations with you....
Guaranteed no fakery - just trust in the power of Peanuts!
Apr29972 (2014_12_26 19_57_08 UTC).jpg


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
For the older members here

When a nipper I got a peanut stuck in my ear, mom took me to the doctors who said "Don't worry, I'll pour chocolate down his ear and the peanut will come out a Treet"

I'll get me coat


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
For the older members here

When a nipper I got a peanut stuck in my ear, mom took me to the doctors who said "Don't worry, I'll pour chocolate down his ear and the peanut will come out a Treet"

I'll get me coat

Wow! That was no "Picnic" I imagine.
:D "has a giggle & a little snicker"
(I'll go and get both our jackets shall I?)

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 24, 2011
You still had hair! Then that must be a Marathon not a Snickers.
I only use modern, lightweight equipment e.g. Curly Wurlys...


Full Member
Apr 12, 2008
A few years ago, I took a group from work out walking in the Derbyshire white peak. Before we set off, all were asked if they had flasks/food/hat/gloves etc.. all said yes. A few miles in to the walk, we came to a style, & took it in turns to climb it, passing up back packs before the climb. One guy passed me his pack & it weighed nothing, I challenged him about it & not having any food or drink, he opened the pack & produced a pot noodle, no water etc, & said " this is for emergencies", my reply, was " I can't imagine any emergency where a dry pot noodle will do you any good ".
Later in the walk, he started to suffer the effects of the cold(no hat/gloves, so gave him my spare one's)& I used my hot water & his pot noodle, to get some warmth in him, & he complained my flask hadn't kept the water hot enough for him !.



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Instead of a chocolate bar you could've used some salted butter. I believe Anchor does a range. :rolleyes:
Remember getting it in the neck from a lady customer years back. She thought I was being in very bad taste as I was putting up some signage above some snow anchors. It was for the three sizes of the D.M.M. ones. There was the ubiquitous "Dead Man" but it was the progressively smaller ones the "Dead Boy" & "Dead Baby" that had her have a go at me. Those Welsh climbers have an odd sense of humour.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Instead of a chocolate bar you could've used some salted butter. I believe Anchor does a range. :rolleyes:
Remember getting it in the neck from a lady customer years back. She thought I was being in very bad taste as I was putting up some signage above some snow anchors. It was for the three sizes of the D.M.M. ones. There was the ubiquitous "Dead Man" but it was the progressively smaller ones the "Dead Boy" & "Dead Baby" that had her have a go at me. Those Welsh climbers have an odd sense of humour.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.

Having met Denny - yup - wierd sense of humour :)
Mo Anthoine had a bar in his house - made from the pulpit from an old church or chapel and others of the old Greats were equally ... amusing. Some of the tales told of the early days were almost incredible too.
A mad bunch!


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