I have been looking into this for some time and even from a synical business point of view buying land makes sense as it is unlikely to devalue and in fact woodland is the fastest growing rate of value of any land. That means that it is a sound investment as well as a cracking good idea to buy some woodland for bushcraft use, and this would fall under conservation and ensuring the longevity of our precious and much endangered countryside...so we can all sleep well at night too!
There are some loopholes in the law surrounding land ownership and I'm going to look into these but potentially it could mean that one could register for ownership of a piece of land and pay nothing to get it! It's all to do with land regsitry in this country - all land is 'owned' but not necessarilly allocated to anyone in particular, so it's like claiming squatters rights to get free land! My guess is this would only encompass land that is of no real use - swamps and bogs etc...but it could be a worthwhile excercise.
If I win the lottery or my business plans become fruitful in the future then I pledge to spend a shed load on buying land exclusively for bushcraft lovers....now that's something to work for.
Talking of which, back to the grindstone!