As a brewer I have a problem with you stealing containers that have been dumped whether that may be in rivers, ravines or skips.
It doesn't matter where you find it... It still belongs to the brewery. Bear in mind it is highly unlikely... Actually inconceivable, that the brewer would have dumped his or her container as they are so valuable. Think more along the lines of unscrupulous publicans, dodgy scrapmen that realise they could be fined thousands for stealing containers or more simply bored kids that have a moments fun rolling barrels down a hill into a river. There are innumerable reasons as to why our cask go missing and we know where every single ine gets delivered to. To that end what makes it right to punish the brewer by stealing his or her property? Please, do the honest thing and phone kegwatch on the free phone number and help to get the container back to its owner.
0808 100 1945