Winterwalk aka bushcraft in the city. Pic-heavy!


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
The kids are at school, busy enjoying their Christmascelebration and mum is busy helping out there.
So dad has some hours to himself and what does he do?
He grabs his backpack and finally is able to enjoy naturs winterly onslaught!!

There's this little piece of "forest" that sits in the middle of the city I live in and I thought that it would be a good idea to thoroughly check it out, looking for potential "hide outs".
The only problem is that there is no group of trees and shrubs that hasn't a path further away that 25 meters.
Who cares? I'm in the woods, filling up my system with cold, fresh air, enjoying the snow both on the ground and in the air!! I still had fun, lunch outside and even found a small place that I might be able to use more often!
Here's a visual impression of today:

My daypack; it's a Dutch military backpack, similar like the ones they use now, but in green. I added some extra's, such as 2 canteens in US covers. These have the handy clips at the back. The red pouch is obvious, I guess, and the brownish pouch is an NVA pouch with survivaltin, firetin and SAS survivalguide in it.

A possible natural shelter;
Some sool has been washed out from under a tree, creating this "cave". It is large enough for a grown man to lie in and for a backpack.

I found this tree, which had been cut down and in between it's branches I hung up a Dutch DPM poncho and made myself some lunch. It;s the place in the middle of the picture;

First things first; coffee!!

This what I bring on a cold/wet day, except dinner. For that I usually bring a large can of soup or some saucages.

Later I found a better place for a shelter, literally around the corner;

And the great thing was that all the time people, walking their dogs or in groups, kept passing me by at about 15-20 meters and never had any idea I was there. I could even hear their coversations! :p

And here are some winterpictures I made: Winter Wonderland!




Lessons I (re)learned;
1) Put away my gear if I don't need it and button it up!!
I almost lost one of the canteens, because it was loose in its cover.

2) Use 2 pairs of gloves over each other and don't let the inner pair get wet! The same principle applies for clothes, too. It;s much more comfortable that way.

3) my backpack is comfortable and serves it's purpose well. It should be packed more logically, though.

4) Loose the food in the bags and go for boxes. It's a lot easier to use that way.

5) Blending in pays off! Being silent and invisible creates a lot of opportunities! Not to mention the possibility of seeing wild life and birds!


May 9, 2010
North Norfolk, GB
looks like a great time was had!! thanks for sharing the pics...i like your pack set up. The clips on the back of the canteen covers, ae they just attached to a strap on your pack? i have the same bottle/cover and normally just clip it onto a PLCE webbing belt. I prefer your set up to be honest. cheers...


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Nice post and pic's Ronw,hopefully i will be enjoying snow like yours soon(although i will probs stop Santa in this country!!!) ive got one of those nva grenade pouches its a ideal size for my tatonka and white box meths burners.


Jul 24, 2009
Great post, looks like a fine day out. I love the way the woods look when everything is covered in snow.

You just can't beat snowy outdoor dining :D


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
Thanks for the replies, gents!
I really did enjoy myself. Hopefully you all can have as much fun as I did!

There was another slightly painfull lesson too.
I am badly out of shape!!!


Dec 14, 2009
Cambridgeshire UK
Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
I know what you mean about being covert. Most of the places we wildcamp in have paths meters away. When I first started I was super paranoid about getting caught/spotted, but it didnt take long to realise that most people just dont notice you, and if they do- they dont care. As for wild life spotting, some of the best views I have had have been when I wake up and stick my head out of the tent or hammock. The sight of me in the morning tends to scare the birds away- reminds me of my teenage years.


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