Wilderness gathering.

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
I'm just back from a rather wet weekend in Wiltshire at the bison farm at West knoyle.
I arrived Thursday at about 2.30 pm and booked in found my spot and started to put up my tarp. Some of the trees I usualy use had been removed so there was a bit of trial and error in finding a satisfactory set up, but after about four attempts and a bit of help from a nice young man ... I still can't tie a truckers hitch... I got the tarp up and the hammock etc went up easily.
A quick recce of the new set out of the site which after so many years being the same was quite exciting if a bit strange at first.
I could hardly take a dozen paces before old friends were greeting me with smiles and hugs. Not having seen many for a whole year much chatting, catching up with news ensued which made for slow progress!
.Friday was wet and wetter . A few gave up and went home but despite not drinking as a general rule and normaly hating whisky... Friday evening was spent sipping the awful stuff as a means of coping with the damp and cold in the evening while listening to the bands and benefiting from the warming effect of whisky, jokes, and my pal shaun falling in slow motion from his chair causing much hilarity. Saturday was better weather wise but I woke Sunday morning to more rain. Eventualy it dried up enough to pack up and head home.
It was certainly a bit of a challenge this year, but I guess in all I had a great time. Even bumping into a friend I hadn't seen for ten years.. and making a few more along the way too.
Roll on next year! I've only been home a few hours but I'm missing my hammock already.
Some days just demand the novelty of doing things a little differently, don't they?
Bucking routine ( like camping and sipping whiskey) is good for your head processes.

Every time I came to visit, my Mom would decide to have some good Canadian rye whisky on ice with me.
That's just about anything from 40 Creek distillery or Alberta Premium.
Well I know sweet nothing about whisky. There were two bottles on the table. One was rice whisky..... terrible stuff! :( but the other was a single grain whisky.. much better... though I'm a southern comfort girl if I take the hard stuff at all.
I also had my first bison burger this year . I couldn't eat the bun and I'm mostly vegitarian but I needed the calories to keep warm. So at 61 yrs of age I had two firsts in one weekend. ! Yeay!
I returned to the WG for the first time in nearly a decade. It often clashes with the Moot. Whilst a very different beast the day I was there was very enjoyable. Good to see some familiar faces.

Yes it was nice to have a week to sort out kit and repack at leasure. Last year I did core days at moot rushed home, and set off next day for wg. It was mad! I love going to both tho only just started going to the moot in the last year or so. Defiantly need to make sure they don't clash please Tony.
I also went to the WG and had a great time - very good stands, very good food and atmosphere. Not sure what happened to the chap who sold mead in previous years? But I did like the new bar and the music was excellent Sat night.

Not sure if the organizers are on here but thank you :)
Yes it was nice to have a week to sort out kit and repack at leasure. Last year I did core days at moot rushed home, and set off next day for wg. It was mad! I love going to both tho only just started going to the moot in the last year or so. Defiantly need to make sure they don't clash please Tony.

The dates for the Moot after often based on the availability of the site. Tony books as soon as is practical but sometimes the estate have other plans.
2020 is another year where the Moot and WG over lap a little.
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