Why knifemaking?


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 13, 2005
The banks of the Deveron.
I get paid for it :D

You must have a smile on your face when they go out though Stu.

I started to build, as opposed to make, knives when I couldn't afford a Woodlore. The amount I have now spent goes way over what it would have cost me. There is something special about making something, anything - that as a nation we seem not to value any more. Watch Eastenders and all those of value have a cheap suit and a clipboard.

A skilled craftsman in this country - now they are a rare and special thing. One day, I'd like to be one, I'll have the glow that must be the reason for making them in the first place.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2005
Ynysddu south wales
I started making because like most people I couldn't afford a quality knife, and when I started to buy quality knives I wouldn't use them.
It's a real treat when it all comes together and you produce a tool thats a thing of beauty.


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
And you do Ian - and a bargain at that.

If you amke a few more you will be as good as your lad :D



Aug 24, 2003
I do because I like working with metal. I don't have a knife I use regularly, I don't do bushcraft although some aspects I would like to try and I don't hunt, camp, fish or shoot. I just like working with metal, especially with hand tools. The sounds and feel are relaxing although tiring. The problem is most of the knives I have made I have given away to friends and family etc. I have only just started to sell the odd one to support my hobby but until recently I have not considered them fit to sell.

I find when you do something for the pleasure of doing it, it doesn’t matter what they look like as long as you enjoy it.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I make knives occasionally, to me it's another thread in the fascinating web of traditional,hand made craft work.
My tools are (nearly always) made to suit a specific job and I rarely, if ever, buy something, if I can make it.
I call it a "web" by the way,with good reason; once you become tangled up, it is often difficult to escape!:D
Seriously though, when you make something with your own hands, I believe it has a touch of your spirit which will travel with that thing, be it knife, sheath, spoon, bag- what ever, until it eventually decomposes and returns back to the Earth, to start again.
Where the little bit of "spirit" goes?:bluThinki
I'm buxxered if I know:D
Aug 3, 2008
Longview, Texas
If you don't mind a comment from someone across the pond and a newbie here. The main reason I love to make knives is the joy of getting an idea in my head and keep working that idea until the end result is a knife that hopefully myself or someone else will enjoy keeping and using.

They are a thing of beauty that just touches a man all the way to his soul. My wife once asked me when would I have enough knives and I simply told her about the day that she had enough jewelry. For some reason she did not think my comment was the lest be funny.


Nov 29, 2007
I make things rather than buyying them as it's cheaper, I do a better job, it's made to my specs, and if it breaks I know exactly how to fix it.
Aug 3, 2008
Longview, Texas
Yes Red I found yall. Thanks for telling me about this place. I spent hours yesterday reading allot of the posts here. There are a bunch of very knowledgeable folks here and I am going to be able to learn allot. Thanks for letting me in. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
Like many I started because I couldnt afford what I wanted (woodlore at the time) I do not make in the calssic bushy style but I like what I make. I am just finishing number 8 which is a rescue job for a kit he started and I probably better than he would have done:rolleyes: .
I made a couple of others as presents.

I think I am getting better at it though.

stuart m

May 18, 2006
I get paid for it :D

if that was the only reason they would not be as good as they are

You must have a smile on your face when they go out though Stu.
First off, thank you joejoe...

I just read through this thread again and my reply, a feeble attempt at a joke, sounds terrible, sorry about that... :eek:

Of course there is more to my knife making than getting paid, I enjoy every second of it, well most anyway :rolleyes:

I do think I differ from most in as much as it is my work, my business, and it is run as such, overheads, tax liabilities etc etc

And I differ in as much it is all I have ever done, I'm not saying it makes me better or worse than other makers but knife making is as it always was, 'Plan A' for me... There was never a time in my life when I didn't think, the whole family didn't know, that I would be a Cutler...

I often wonder to myself, is it pure luck that I enjoy making knives so, or is it just because it is all I have known... You tell me?

I don't know how to do anything else.....

Yes Doug, I take great pride in the knives that leave the 'shop, I speak to many makers who tell me that they feel saddened as knives leave, they feel attached, not me, I never see the knives as my own... From the weeks/months of design work through the following months of build to delivery, the knife I am working on always belongs to my client, it is their perfect knife, it is never mine!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.