Who knows about Ash dieback?

Hi all!

I'm in my third and final year of uni now doing environmental biology. In one of my modules, I am making a small wiki about Ash dieback and the implications on the UK woodland, including a 5 minute or so podcast consisting of an interview with someone.

However I've reached a problem: none of my lecturers seem to know much about Ash dieback!

Are there any conservation types or woodland rangers on here that could possibly help me out with a quick phone interview? It would be questions like these:

Ø Can you tell me a bit about the fungus behind ash dieback, Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus.
Ø The fungus first arrived in UK October last year. What do you think could have been done to prevent/slow this down?
Ø What steps do you think could be taken to combat ash dieback?
Ø Ash is an important tree in the UK woodland ecosystem. What effects do you think the loss of Ash would have on British woodlands?

If any of you wouldn't mind, please drop me a pm and we can have a chat :) I would ideally like to have the interview this evening so I can get this finished before the weekend.

Thanks in advance!


Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
I phoned the Environmental Agency a few years ago and eventually spoke to a very knowledgeable chap about the precautions I needed to take when working in a private woodland that was known to harbour the fungus.

I have since lost all contact with the fellow, but a few calls from your end might yield some useful information.


Ogri the trog


Sep 11, 2003
There is a section of the Forestry Commission website devoted to this disease and its' implications. Go to their site and follow the prompts or use the search facility. Hope this helps.



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