Who eats Fish?


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I was just wondering who eats fish, we have it weekly, especially my boy who tries something new every time the fish man comes with his van. I know there's quite a few people that don't like fish though.

I like fish but i'm not that keen on shellfish, I suppose though some of that depends on how it's cooked etc.

What fish/shellfish do you like best and why?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
My favourite shellfish is a toss up between brown crab and mussels.I tend to find more mussels than lobster.Living as close as I do to the coast it's easy to get fish and shellfish,having seen the prices of fish I wouldn't be surprised if there are lots of people who eat fish rarely.
I like shellfish because it's so easy to cook and does taste good,mussels and lobster can be boiled or baked both easy to do over an open fire.Lots of shelfissh is overpowered by the adittion of herbs and spices and other things ,to get the true taste baking is probably the way to go.
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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Personally I am not that keen on fish, though the occassional trout, salmon or chippie fish dinner is not excluded. My good Wife insists we eat the odd bit of fish, mackerel or fresh tuna turns up on my plate sometimes and are OK but for a treat I am allowed a Xmas or Birthday bit of Smoked Salmon - the only fish dish I realy love.
Shellfish are purely a survival option...
The main interlectual reason I avoid fish is the pollution of their environment and decimation of their numbers by crazy commercial fishing practices (such as throwing dead fish back because they are "outside the quota" in an attempt by officialdom to maintain stocks - as if dead fish breed!) while I find the texture of the flesh of most fish less than tempting - to say nothing of the smell while preping the meal!
I do not know if they are classed as fish but I love Calamari! :)
only really like fish if I cook it my self in a fire
Grayling stuffed with Wild garlic and Chickweed then wrapped in wet grass/leaves and mud under the coals

Ive always hated bones and can spend hours picking tiny bits of meat of a fish to avoid them
I like flat fish tho easy to clean and debone ;)
and lobster and Spidercrab are my fave Water insects

other than scallops i dont do shellfish

dont have it often as i usually only eat if ive cault it Diving

other than a nice all in fish pie :D from the freezer remnants
Mum used to spend hours checking and flakingthe fish to get every bone out .... i always found one tho :rolleyes:


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
I love fish, and thankfully have a ‘man’ that comes round with a van full once a month, we eat it once or twice a week either mackerel, Pollock, salmon, hake, sole, haddock, sometimes crab, rarely can we afford lobster, but I do like it.
I don’t like scallops unless cooked in New England chowder style, as they are too bland, and chewy. My favourite way to eat fish at the moment it either baked in the oven for a short time, and topped with grated Parmigiano-Reggiano and finely diced spring onions, or Thai style, with noodles


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
The ultimate shellfish has to be Kyle Prawns, known as langoustines to the French and the Sassenachs. Mussels, crab, lobster, salmon, mackerel, cod, hale, pollock, etc all good but brown trout would be my favourite fish.

We try to eat fish two or three times a week.

andy r

Apr 13, 2010
Having spent many years catching the stuff with big boats etc I tend to avoid fish, but do enjoy some dishes when abroad...... Luxury = big bowl of moule mariniere, baguette bottle of white and a massive knapkin !! Have also been known to catch trout and this year am targetting bass from the shore locally.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
John,strangely enough squid/calamari is a shellfish.It is part of the order of molluscs.


Feb 2, 2010
Oxfordshire, England
Fish is awesome. I have only recently developed a taste for trout though. Unfortunately they don't let me do hobo or spear fishing where I go (probably for the best, the lake is quite deep) :(, so fly fishing it is!


Full Member
Apr 28, 2008
Somerset, UK.
I like fish real fish and shell fish, and we have it at least once a week.

The problem is getting fresh fish.

in the days when I fished regularly our cats used to mount a persistent combined assault to get at the fish I brought in from the river, but wouldn't eat fish from the fishmonger.



Apr 30, 2010
We live not far from Kinlochbervie, which used to be a thriving fishing port. Boats still come into harbour now, and there is a fish market but the fishboxes get bought up and sent south, and nothing remains to go into the wee shop here. :(
Getting fresh fish is a problem, it`s all frozen or tinned now and isn`t the same.
I like salmon and trout best, but don`t eat shellfish. When camping I used to bake fresh trout in a piece of foil smeared with butter and a little chives in the embers of the fire. Somehow, anything eaten out of doors always tastes better. :)


Apr 14, 2009
New Mexico, USA
Catfish, breaded with cornmeal and fried is a favorite of mine. My great-parents taught me how to fish, read, tie my shoes. We would go "jug'n" for the catfish and then pole fish the day away. Fond memories make any meal taste better:).

Lived on the Maine coast for awhile so lobster boil-ups, crab and clambakes on the beach at night were great fun. I could go for some fried clams right about now.

Red Snapper from the Gulf of Mexico, have not had in years. And lets see, there's shrimp. Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. There's boiled shrimp, bar-b-q'd shrimp, fried shrimp, coconut fried shrimp, shrimp gumbo, shrimp ka-bobs, pineapple shrimp....

Not alot of fish these days and not much of a taste for it, being so far from the sea I suppose.


Mar 26, 2007
Living near Oxford, which is about as far from the sea as it is possible to get, seems to mean that fish is very expensive here, though the fishmonger in Oxford's Covered Market is very good in terms of quality and range. They have recently changed their pricing labels. It used to be not untypically of the order of £15-£25 per kg, they have now changed it to, for example, £1.50 per 100g. Sneaky!

We probably have it once every couple of weeks. I'd like to like whole fish, but I can be put off by bones and my wife doesn't like the heads staring up at us. My favourite fish is smoked fish in a fish pie, but cold smoked mackerel is good. I have to say that expensive little fillets with not much flavour don't do it for me. Why pay lots for something that hasn't much flavour?


Asa Samuel

May 6, 2009
St Austell.
I love fish but I can't cook it at home - I live in a house full of vegetarians and they would kill me if I stunk the house out - but I have caught garfish before and cooked it outside and it was delicious. Coming from Hull originally I of course have a love of fish n chips!

Tor helge

May 23, 2005
Northern Norway
I actually like fish, but then I`m raised on a fish diet. Not much meat on the table when I was younger.
Liver and whale meat was cheap and was our staple meat source. Not my favourites though.

I eat almost every kind of fish; Trout, Char, Cod, Pollock and so on. We try to eat fish a couple of days a week, more if we can.
My favourite is Hallibut, but fried filet of Pollock or Catfish is also a real treat.

When it comes to shellfish I like mussels best. I eat most shellfish, but some are tastier than others:).



May 4, 2010
Baldock, Herts
I lived in New Zealand for a year and there was nothing better than catching a Trout from the lake and cleaning and cooking it myself. A huge fan of seafood, if i can afford it i'll buy it, but living now in the UK and not particularly close to the sea, it's not something that always ends up in my trolley.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.