which sleeping mat


Ha ha. You're very kind. Don't get me started on handy hints for camping, or we'll be here all night :)

Seriously, when you spend a few weekends lugging 15 kilos across the lumpy bits of the UK for 'fun', you pick up that sort of thing per-retty quickly!


Perhaps we ought to have a sub-section for 'handy hints' to make life easier when out in the great outdoors. There's always something to be learnt from someone else. Here's another of mine: draw circles on reusable Scotchguard sellotape, cut them out, then stick them on your OS map to help you keep track of key waypoints along the way. The reusable stuff just lifts and resticks and doesn't damage the map.

I got that from a book on Maps and Navigation years ago. Yaaay.

billycan said:
mrstorey- thats a great idea!

"I semi-deflate mine, fold it in half widthwards and lengthways (ie quarter-sized) then insert it into my rucksack, valve upwards. I then fill up the rucksack, then let the valve open. It provides a bit of extra padding for my back, and also seems to allow me to pack a lot more into the sack than when I roll it up into a cylinder. It also pops up much quicker in the evening than if it's been squashed flat all day"
Now i don't know much about sleeping mats , I got my first one for the bushmoot last year , it was a mid range one from Decathlon and didn't cost much , open a valve and it self inflates , I do know that I got the best nights sleep I have had in a long time on it in the woods with PJMCBear, I am sure he can testify to my snores :) I am happy with it and it didn't cost the earth.


Aug 14, 2006
Therm-a-rest has released a new selfinflating mat with a thicker base called the
tough skin for extra puncture protection.

Sounds good for harsh use.
Exped make great mats as well and should be added to your list of options, but what ever you decide i would back what Buckley8219 had to say about the cheap dollar at the mo, i recently bought myself a fire piston that came with a tinder box (ready packed), 10 charcloth bloacks, a bag of tinder, 3 tubs of lube, a piston cleaner and spare parts all for £21.69 (p&p included), thats unbelievable value considering fire pistons go for 50-60 squid in this country and thats without the extras (look out for ebay member ebprimitives for the pistons) so you just might find a mat half the british price on ebay at the mo.


May 4, 2006
Hyde, Cheshire
Singeblister said:
I am sure he can testify to my snores.

He's guilty yur onna! :D

Although, I don't think there was much in it. With both of us roaring away all night, I doubt there's a single thing living they now, :dunno:


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