Wher'd you do it to then?



Time for everyone to show off! Where does you practice your bushcraft skills? :?:

Do you have a wood all of your own?
Perhaps you know someone who has a wood?
Or do you 'take the opportunity' when you are out for a walk in the countryside to do a bit of bushcraft? :naughty:

How did you come across it and come to use it?
Can you light fires, camp etc? :pack:

I use the local woods, just to pick up sticks, track animals and identify plants. But I cant camp, light fires or forage and hunt.


Hootchi :wink:


Jun 3, 2004
hootchi said:
Can you light fires, camp etc?
Of course. "A kid can do 3 times as much as they think, but 10 times as much as mom thinks". :wink:

We have a fairly big ground, taken into account, that we don't use it for anything other than horses, so I've pretty good possibilities to bushcraft. :biggthump We've lots of trees, though they're not in a big mass, but in lines to divide properties you see.

And of course there's lots of space too, to do other interests, as shooting, dog training, etc. :pack:


Full Member
Aug 28, 2004
Isle of Wight
Thankfully there are miles and miles of beach here and a good bit backing onto woodland.
Most people dont give a damn about people camping out on the beach as they assume you are fishing (I even do that sometimes), but it leaves you free to forage the woodland too.
By and large if you are discreet people here are pretty laid back and I also find having a dog instantly convinces the inquisitve that you are half normal. I also make a point of not looking like a fugitive from a Rambo movie. Hearts and minds and all that.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2003
Sittingbourne, Kent
I tend to be a clandestine bushcrafter, and have several favourite haunts in Devon (locally & on the moor), back in the south-east I have several good areas too.
This type of bushcraft is very kind to the environment too :wink:


Need to contact Admin...
Sep 18, 2003
i have a few spots localy (South kent ) , there`s a lot of sign that someone else uses one of the woods i go to, shelters, fire sites and trees damaged by random slashing and stuff , ive never actually seen them but they need educating :drillserg , so if your ever around my neck of the woods it`s not me showing disrespect ,(al switches on anti rant )


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2004
I use a local wood to me owned by a charitable trust that also backs on to miles and miles of MoD land.

I can do whatever I like over there except hunting and trapping (and I might even be allowed to hunt rabbits etc if I asked but so far I haven't). Fires are fine for me (but not on the MoD land legally I believe).
Both my middle and secondry schools backed onto the woods so I've played/explored there almost all my life...if things change day to day then I notice it....I also seem to spend a fair ammount of time picking up rubbish from the more well used paths...why come to a lovely mixed forest and then throw your c*r*a*p everywhere? ? ? ? :?:

I tend to err on the side of silent stealthy bushcrafter....not for any other reason than I like to be by myself unless people are into bushcraft too...if I build shelters I always build them camm'ed up, partly for fun and partly so the local hooligan kids don't come and trash them.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 17, 2003
from Essex
Started young playing in Epping forest and rainham marshes, carried on playing all over the world thanks to the army, then started working for woodlore and finally found my own play ground!!

What fun!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 26, 2004
Essex, Uk
As a kid i played in the surrounding farmlands and dissused pits near my home (now filled in :roll: ) then i went to all the chalk pits which were around my way over grown and full of wild life (now lakeside shopping center and chafford hundred housing :aargh4: :cry: ) now i live on the Orsett fens and my side gate opens onto a foot path where i can wander to my hearts content, lots of woodland near me and around essex, which is great, looking into buying my own bit that we can all go to and do the good stuff in :biggthump


On a new journey
The Berkhamsted/Ashridge/Northchurch woods/commons- twenty mins walk from my house are my main playgrounds. Most of this is NT land, so no fires :cry: There is also a small wood managed by the Herts/Bucks Wildlife trust & I have had a small fire there :naughty: Shelters are no problem in these areas - you just need a quite spot :wink: . Lots of foraging & tracking opportunities.

I also use the Chilterns forest at Wendover. The FC are fine about you having a shelter during daylight hours - but I haven't found a good overnight spot yet :naughty:

Like most of you I am a "leave no sign" kind of bushcrafter. :rant: Having been scoped-out by some ****hole with binos from 20 metres; discretion is proving to be the better part of bushcraft. It's when they go "I say, what do you think you are doing, are you some sort of weirdo?" Err, no. I'm not the one with the binos: are you some sort of perv?


Roving Rich

Full Member
Oct 13, 2003
Nr Reading
As kids we spent all our time "down the batch" - Which was kinda scrub land that had turned into woodland on the spoils of the Somerset coal fields. These were the playgrounds for alot of kids in the area, and the ideal place to ride bikes, build shelters set traps and generally run amok. Years later my Father purchased just such a plot of land with a building to renovate, so it has been my playground since we were teenagers, We have spent many nights sat round the fire there. I'm intending to build a permanent shelter there -a well concealed "earth lodge".
Nowadays its wherever we can find it. From my location the Ridgeway is a good resource, and no one has ever objected to us having fires and camping up there. I am also friends with a local bushcraft instuctor so get to use his plots when I like.
Other than that its just being out and about. At the moment I live on a common with a bird reserve and wetlands behind. So its nice for tracking, nature obsevation and sit spots. I am not far from the river, so I get to do some canoeing and being a dog owner I am always exploring new footpaths, foraging as i go.


Need to contact Admin...
Sep 18, 2003
ive already answered some but i grew up near thetford forest and used to go there a lot or always down the local woods or river ,always been into camping out since i can remember,used to rock climb ,7 years as a royal marine taught me lots, but ive only been following this branch of the tree for almost 2 years and have to admit that i feel ive only just begun to learn which is great as there will never be an end to challenges and knowledge of this craft. cheers al


Sep 6, 2004
Carve spoons in my lounge...and on occassion I also try to set the carpet alight with my bowdrill. :roll:

Other than that there are some woods near me that I can travel too but when I'm there I just tend to sit and listen to it breathing, rather than do anything else.


Need to contact Admin...
Sep 18, 2003
Kim said:
Carve spoons in my lounge...and on occassion I also try to set the carpet alight with my bowdrill. :roll:

Other than that there are some woods near me that I can travel too but when I'm there I just tend to sit and listen to it breathing, rather than do anything else.
listening to it breathing is a very peaceful way to pass time too :biggthump


Thanks for your input people.
Sounds like some of you have alot of nice places to go and camp, light fires and stuff. :roll: That has given me alot of ideas and maybe i'm not quite so forthright as I could be :naughty: . I'll find some places now :wink:



Full Member
May 10, 2004




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