This is a good thread for me, but since all my buys are impulse buys I'd be always posting. I see something I like then spend anything up to 1 month pursuading myself I need it. It is up to 1 month because as soon as payday has gone that's when all resistance disappears and I buy the item(s)!
My last one was some feet for my gas stove cans for stability then for no obvious logical reason I bought a UL meths stove and windshield which is my new favourite stove to use. Which made the can feet a wasted purchase but it was already in my online shopping basket. Damm this online shopping. it is just soooo easy. I am resisting a paypal account well though. I also got a spice thingy that is light but carries 3 different spices or herbs. Considering I only boil in the bag on a backpacking trip why?
Before that I bought mitts, softshells, tents, tarps, drybag rucksacks, Ti pegs, stoves, stoves, stoves, pots, stoves, pots, sporks, long handled Ti Spoons, sleeping bags, gloves, hats, gloves...
Do you get the idea? I see it, I want it, I procrastinate, I buy it, I regret it, I receive the delivery, I open it, I play with it, I put it away and forget I have it. All I can say I have a house with many spare rooms that I can not get into anymore. Why do we buy so much gear? I admit I need help, but only to help me carry the new stuff home!!