I can't think of one knife or one "edge" that can do it all.
I'll guess just a few. One for robust, hacking tasks and others for
more delicate work (wood carving/shaping, food prep things.)
Paleo/Neolithic people moved from winter camps to summer camps/fishing camps every year.
While you might not recall any of this, we do because it happens here every year.
Activities change. "Bushcraft" becomes meaningless. Different tasks with the seasons.
My winter camp, my house, is full of tool making and wood carving. Those things are bushcraft.
New blades, repaired blades, dishes and story poles. Others do the baskets and weaving.
I cook and eat my stockpiles of food.
Paleo history is story telling, Heiltsuk stories are accurate to 14,000 years that we now know as fact.
Summer is harvest. The daily quest for stockpiles of materials for next winter.
Fruit, fish, wood, metals, minerals & stones, meats to be preserved.
July to September is a very busy time of year.
Quite simple, really.
Maybe 2 knives. An adze. Several sharpening river stones. Bone-busting hammer stones.