What Jacket?

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Full Member
Sep 18, 2013
Isle of Arran
I am on the look out for a new jacket. My old British army green jacket has seen its last days. I went to put it on this afternoon to go out for a walk and my arm went through the armpit area. On closer inspection the material is well past saving and it was just one hole too many.

My missus supressed a cheezy grin when I announced I was going to buy a new jacket. In truth she has been wanting me to get replace it for some time but I'm a tight bugger and don't like parting with my pennies unless I really have to.

I've had a run of bad luck lately as first it was my boots, then my trousers and now my jacket. Things I touch are just falling apart....I'm scared to go to the toilet!!! :eek:

So, I have spent most of the afternoon and evening trawling the web for a replacement but there are so many and without seeing the quality its hard to tell if I would be buying wisely. My old jacket used to get sodden in the rain so I would have to wear a waterproof Kagool over the top and then I would sweat buckets. I want to do away with the Kagool and just carry the one jacket. I'm looking for a decent quality water and wind proof jacket, preferably with a hood. Plenty of pockets and really hard wearing. In green obviously :rolleyes: (not DPM). Size XXL or XXXL (joys of being a fatty! :D ). I need a good all round, 3 seasons jacket that will do me for camping, walking, and general winter use too. I'm leaning towards Ventile jackets as they tend to be a wee bit more flame proof than the modern shiny materials.

I have already scared myself of websites like Fjallraven and Country Innovation :Wow: Now I don't mind paying for quality but £300+ is waaaaay out of my budget :lmao:

Since you have all been so forthcoming before I thought I would ask again. I'm looking for recommendations from you guys out there as to what you think I should be on the look out for or where I could get something decent.

Thanks in advance
Have a look at Barbour's wax jackets. They last decades. You can get some good deals on last seasons models, and on Ebay too.
SASS used to make the very thing you need in Ventile - modelled after the old SAS Smock (which is actually a jacket), tailor made, around £100 I paid I think

Red by British Red, on Flickr

(I know it looks fitted but trust me - that's a 190/112!)

I suspect you, like me, work a coat hard. Ventile does just what you need - waterproof enough, breathable enough. Sadly SASS no longer make them - but there must be another maker of something similar
Another wax jacket fan; mine's bombproof :D I made a wool lining for mine though; the bought one with a cotton lining was cold, and inclined to stay damp.
That said, HWMBLT got a heck of a lot of use out of his old double ventile jacket, now he wears the bushshirts I make him and goretex if it's chucking it down. Slioch made his to measure.

Best advice though, if you don't mind camo, would be the British Army goretex waterproofs. Speak to Kev at Endicott's for a decent set :) They won't break the bank, they take a lot of hard wear and they work.


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Barbour jackets are OK but after a while they tend to smell like a wet dog and they weigh a ton. I used to use them when touring on the bike and when I was out beating. Great jackets when they don't leak. OK so it has been a few years since I owned one so the quality and weight may have improved. How do they handle wear from a rucksack?

I looked at the Ridgeline stuff but it seems they are all fitted smocks. Now I don't know about you but IMO seeing a fat bloke in a smock, let along trying to get into/ out of one is not the prettiest thing in the world!! :rofl:

Yes Red, I'm pretty hard on jackets, I tend to get one and then use it most days. Everything from taking a quick look under the motor to see what that noise is (its a Landy afterall!!), through camping and walking to just going shopping.

EDIT: Just read Mary's post about wax jackets and is off to hide under the table until she has gone!!!! :S
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Ive got one the SASS smock as BR's there. [Although they were £130 when I bought them]
You might want to try this epic cotton people seem to be raving about.
Although watch out for barbed wire etc, as it will rip quite easily, but also you can sew it up yourself.

Ive also got the arktis B310 smock from endicotts, in flecktarn, I think it cost £70. Well worth it. Never been in the forces but certainly dont feel like some sort of walter mitty character just because Im wearing a bit of camoflauge. :)

The civilian country covers version [which is the same] is £235 here: So at £70 its a cracking deal.


One of my favorite jackets is this: http://www.marshfarmcountry.co.uk/seeland-broadland-jacket.html

Which might look a bit dated, but its superb. Was £360 originally, when it was their top of the range, brought out 5 years ago. Seeland are the same company as harkila. And the material on this jacket is just as good, [if not identical] as the uber expensive harkila pro hunter. [I owned the pro hunter trousers.] The lining, and detail, are actually superior to the pro hunter IMO. And the pro hunter is about £400. The seetex membrame is not quite as breathable as the goretex in the harkila. bBut it wont make a difference for its intended purpose.

The attention to detail, lining, comfort and fit is fantastic. Its got top quality soft buffalo nubuck leather on the elbows and shoulders, and cuff straps, and liitle touches like a mobile phone pocket, with satin embroidery of a mobile pone on it. Very nice satin lining. inside pocket and chest pocket have got thick fleece lining Last a lifetime. brass buttons, good velcro hood strap. Its called the Broadland, which the norwegian meaning for standing about on open Moorland. And marshcountry farm were flogging them off for £100 on ebay, back to £160 now, but a steal even at that.

Got some others. Shells, event, goretex, soft shells, fleeces, barbours etc. Problem is no one jacket does it all.
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Wow, Thanks for the responses. I knew I could count on you lot :notworthy

I'm not expecting a miracle jacket but if I can get a "reliable old friend" that will do most things then I would be happy. If I'm up on the hills in summer I have a nice lightweight modern Northface jacket that does for passing showers and misty conditions., that and a couple of light layers in the pack will keep me from the worst the Scottish summers can throw at me. These days I don't venture too far off the beaten track as I usually have my 6yo daughter with me so I don't really need more than that.

Its more for spring, autumn and winter. So long as its water and wind proof, has a hood, insulation and plenty of pockets for kit I will be pretty happy.

I do like the Ridgeline Roar and Torrent jackets. Thanks for posting the link Johnnytheboy.

Dave, I do like that Seeland Jacket. I might have a look at them. I did look up harkila pro hunter to see what you were on about and got a fear! At least it wasn't as expensive as the Fjallraven stuff. I thought I was looking at the telephone hotline number and not the price!!! :D
Leave your wallet someplace you can't get to it quickly :)
The quality of the fabrics they use in many of their garments is superb.

Yeah, I know; I'm a fabric snob :o

Its more for spring, autumn and winter. So long as its water and wind proof, has a hood, insulation and plenty of pockets for kit I will be pretty happy.

Dave, I do like that Seeland Jacket. I might have a look at them. I did look up harkila pro hunter to see what you were on about and got a fear! At least it wasn't as expensive as the Fjallraven stuff. I thought I was looking at the telephone hotline number and not the price!!! :D

:lmao: I'd be a bit cheeky, and call marshcountry and tell them you want it for £100 as that what they were flogging them for on ebay:


Good luck anyway.
I have different jackets for different things. Whilst I do think waxed jackets are great, provided you wax them stiff from new and don't stint on the weight, they do eventually let the water in on a proper west coast wet day, and when they become wet, you're wet. I'd imagine Arran is similar to here, howling and very wet at the moment in this rather fresh atlantic weather we're enjoying.

For most general stuff I've a hilltrek double ventile "rannoch jacket" thats very good. But not cheap, especially when you factor in the hood.

I'm off out for a last cast at the "breac mara" in around 10 mins, and given that conditions today are rather inclement; I'll be wearing my oilskins ;)

If I could have only one jacket it would be a heavy oilskin
Well today we are experiencing nice calm weather, which is nice as I'm about to leave to catch the ferry to the mainland.

I did look at the Hilltrek jacket but they don't make them in my size. the XL would be too tight a squeeze.

I'm off to visit a couple of places on my way from England to Aberdeen. I'm off to call in to Ardmoor and them Bush Wear. I'm sure one of them will have something to suit a porker like me. :D

Tight lines!


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