Unfortunately I have far too many 'I'm stupid' stories... I'd fill the forum because from trying to open a sandwich bag with a power drill to climbing a ladder whilst carrying sheet material during the windiest day in a decade, I do stupid things.
One thats probably close to the most stupid... one weekend I decide to cut back some trees in the back garden. I spend all day hacking away and make a large pile of branches in the centre of the garden, and around evening meal time my wife tells me that she isn't happy with the mess I've made. She understandably wants it cleared up.
So I grab an old oil drum, light a fire and start to burn the cut branches. I underestimate how long this will take and as the light fades, I may or may not have grabbed a bottle of bourbon, a chair and sat by the fire... adding to it as the night goes on.
My eldest son, curious to what I'm upto comes outside, grabs a chair and sits with me. We start talking by the fire and everything was great... real father and son bonding... proper conversation and even better, those moments of silence where we sat staring at the fire. Could the evening get any better?
Just after midnight, I've cleared the pile and, sensibly, my son says its time to get some sleep. But nope, I remember I have a wooden wardrobe that I was going to take to the tip... it'll burn... save myself a job. After all, I'm having a great time. My son tells me he's going in as I drag a piece of wardrobe over and I decide to stamp on it to split it in two and make it easier to fit in the oil drum.
Moments later I'm rolling on the grass in pain, my lad is laughing at me thinking I'm messing around... I try to stand up and I hear cracking and experience extreme pain.
I shout to my son to run to my wife and tell her whats happened as I try to hop into the house. My wife was asleep and obviously not impressed to come through to me lying on the couch whinging... she removes my boot to find an ankle swollen to the size of a basket ball.
With no hint of irony I say "I'm not going to A&E now, its Saturday night, it'll be full of drunks" so my wife puts a blanket over me and gots back to bed... my son, still laughing, goes to bed.
Following day I go to A&E, discover I've not only shattered my ankle, I've divided my leg bones and to cut a long story short I ended up having an operation to screw my leg back together and still have metal plates in there to this day.
Needless to say I received little sympathy for the following 6 months of being in plaster, and quite rightly so.
One of the most stupid things I have ever done. Not only did I end up taking up hospital time, surgical time etc that could have helped someone else, but my poor wife had to run around like an idiot for 6 months because her husband was a stupid idiot. My ankle still gives me pain, but again quite rightly, there is a rule that I can not whinge... it will never be forgotten by my wife or my children that I inflicted a horrible injury on myself through a stupid decision, and my eldest will forever say "I told you we should have got some sleep Dad!"