Water Resistant Pouch(s) – Quick & Easy.

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Full Member
Dec 3, 2014
United Kingdom
Aye Up All,

Some may be familiar with the 1990’s issue Swiss army water resistant webbing equipment. I have been using elements it for a number of years. It is a very similar in design to the former Brit issue ’58 pattern but lighter, doesn’t soak up moisture and is easy to clean. (It isn’t as high intensity flash-burn resistant but fire sparks have proven no problem). The kidney pouches are great for stowing a larger amount of kit, I use them mainly for tech equipment and as BC admin pouch but I have also trial-ed one as a (realistic sized!) PSK container. The large pack (which anyone who has ever had to lug a fully loaded ’58 pattern version around for any distance will tell you is naff, so I wouldn’t worry too much about buying a Swiss type and dis-assembling it!) can be cannibalised to provide 2 ready made smaller pouches and with only a very small amount of easy fettling - an attachment method for either waist or rucksack belt. The remaining material can be used to create any other carrier as required – i.e. canteen set and filter, GPS stowage/protector etc. The beauty is you also get appropriately coloured straps, buckles, cord locks etc and with some to spare for other projects.

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