warrent interview

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Good luck!
I started out as a civvi instructor but then was convinced (conned of some sort anyway) to ger my Warrant as ASL and later VSL - I served for 15 years as a warranted leader and got my LSD. I retired when Ventures were disbanded....
It is a great service to the community and remember it is only a couple of hours a week .....

...that you will now have to yourself!


Nov 21, 2009
long Eaton
Good luck!
I started out as a civvi instructor but then was convinced (conned of some sort anyway) to ger my Warrant as ASL and later VSL - I served for 15 years as a warranted leader and got my LSD. I retired when Ventures were disbanded....
It is a great service to the community and remember it is only a couple of hours a week .....

...that you will now have to yourself!

You were conned mate - Its only an hour a week.

Its a great hobby just had my 15 years award. I only started to help out when son was in Beavers just a few nights - He's now 22


Mar 2, 2009
Frome, Somerset, UK
You will be fine, it's not like a real job interview, although I was very worried before mine like most things it's no where near as bad as you think it's going to be.

Good luck


Jan 27, 2011
No longer active on BCUK
It's basically a friendly chat to ensure you are aware of the responsibilities and that you know what you are "letting yourself in for" etc. When I did mine I had a panel of three people, it lasted forty minutes or so but flew by in an instant. It's certainly nothing to worry about at all. Good luck!


May 5, 2006
It's basically a friendly chat to ensure you are aware of the responsibilities and that you know what you are "letting yourself in for" etc. When I did mine I had a panel of three people, it lasted forty minutes or so but flew by in an instant. It's certainly nothing to worry about at all. Good luck!

Under the 'New' AAC system it is supposed to be 3 interviewers and the applicant only.

DC South Berkshire.


Jan 27, 2011
No longer active on BCUK
i'm not worried just seems strange i might need moral support?

Well, it is an interview, like any other I guess. I recall getting quite nervous before mine and we've got a couple of people going through at the moment and they are equally nervous. It is a good experience though, and like I said earlier it is as much to ensure you are going into Scouting with an awareness of the responsibilities as anything (for example you will in all likelihood be talked through the "yellow card" and its importance).

The main thing I found is that Scout people are all very welcoming and that will come through at the interview as well.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
They need help as we all do and so they will not be trying to scare you off just assure themselves and you that you know what will be required of you and what responsibilities you have. the other reason for the interview is to check if you are suitable for the role.

The main thing I found is that Scout people are all very welcoming and that will come through at the interview as well.

This is true.
I've been going down every week since september last year been on a survival skills camp and am planning evenings/weekend hikes/activities with them so i reckon i might know what i am getting myself into!
if i had out a more acceptable religion on the form i think i would already be appointed :banghead:
Ah the yellow card very important that one.


Jan 27, 2011
No longer active on BCUK
I've been going down every week since september last year been on a survival skills camp and am planning evenings/weekend hikes/activities with them so i reckon i might know what i am getting myself into!
if i had out a more acceptable religion on the form i think i would already be appointed :banghead:
Ah the yellow card very important that one.

Hi Sam
The faith issue was one that I mulled over, Madame Manacles solved that one for me as she has been a Cub leader and is now a Scout leader and gave her faith as Paganism on the basis that she was (in her own words) "going through a Pagan phase", she was asked about it but maintains the questions were out of curiosity alone. Faith is not about Christianity it is about a belief in a deity (or deities) and Scouting embraces all faiths. (Before WWII there were more Jewish Scout groups in East London than Christian ones, and that was back in the days when the faith element had a higher profile. Interestingly there was a Jewish first aid badge with the Star of David rather than a red cross issued to Jewish Scouts to reflect this).

Cheers Paul


Oct 29, 2007
Milton Keynes
As Manacles said I cant imagine it being a problem I have had alsorts writen on that line and with certain exceptions it has never been a problem, things like Pagan seem to result in longer chats out of genuine interest.

It also frustrates the heck out of me that people who should know better still talk about "Warrant" they were replaced by "Appointments" years ago and nobody should have been telling you about warrants other than interesting history! Appointments are the new more inclusive Scouting where not only people in funny shirts are important!



.... counting down to end of term as DC 1/4/2011 and having the time to come to meets again!
Last edited:


Jan 27, 2011
No longer active on BCUK
I guess it's probably because some of the "older hands" haven't moved on as much as they might with these things and old terminology still crops up quite often, but yes you're absolutely right, it should be appointments :)

it was pagan i put on my application -tell the truth has always been my motto and i got a charming letter saying pagan is unaccepted so your application has been refused.
a few phone calls to gilwell and the gsl and they suddenly backed away and changed their mind but i had to go through the whole process again.
terminology is always hard to drop i work in care and people still refer to grand mal and petit mal instead of tonic clonic and complex partial when talking about epileptic seziures


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
It appears your local appointemnts committe is a bit behind the times or just plain confused and stuck in thier ways.

Maybe the GSL offered moral support to keep them on the straight and narrow and to see that the rules were followed so they dont loose you because of some fool on the commitee.


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