walking boot insole recommendations?

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Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
Now the weathers starting to turn I'm going to want to bring out the walking boots, dusting them off there's plenty of life left in them but the insoles are knackered.

Can anyone recommend a brand? I think trip to fit would probably work best but open to other opinions
I'd recommend anything by sorbothane, particularly their double strike or sorbo-pro's. I would keep away from superfeet and the like, for about £40 all you get is a piece of cheap solid foam and plastic that doesn't seem to add any comfort to the boots, they also slip around horribly unless you cut them to a perfect fit. If you need extra arch support go and see a doc who can give you ones very similar to superfeet but much cheaper.

I would keep away from superfeet and the like, for about £40 all you get is a piece of cheap solid foam and plastic that doesn't seem to add any comfort Tonyuk

Ha ha, having read the original post, I was just about to dive in with a "Superfeet all the way!" comment, I have used the brown ones for years and they have transformed the footwear that I use them in. I have also tried numerous others and found them to be nowhere near as good.

.. Probably boils down to "You pays yer money" or "Horses for courses" depending on the shape of your feet and the boots that you use them in.


Ogri the trog
I've been lucky enough to have a set of insoles from Superfeet that were custom molded to my feet and been using them for about a month now.

All I can say is they're fantastic so far.

Where you can get them done I don't know as mine were done at the Outdoor Trade Show.
The two types of footbed I've been using for years now are Superfeet and Sole, they get transferred to which ever foot wear I'm using, both have been great, long lasting and benificial so my experiences are positive.

Maybe this doesn't apply to the OP but a knee injury I had was greatly improved after I started using the Superfeet. The doctor suggested them, if I was prepared to spend the money, or wait 6-8 weeks for NHS ones. As I'd had some NHS types years ago and knowing how awful they were I promptly got the Superfeet. Maybe the NHS types aren't so bad now?
Superfeet have worked well for me last couple of years, helps greatly with my tendency for occasional flare ups of heel pain from plantar fascilitis too !
Thanks for the replies - I have no medical issues just wanted to replace the current ones that are worn out with something a bit more comfy.
I had a great pair of insoles in my German army para boots. They were made of a kind of green mesh which supported your foot but allowed air to circulate under your foot. Normally I find the spongy type insoles just too hot so I end up sliding around on them.

I'd love to be able to replace the original ones: Does anyone know where I could get some?

I have tried many and some even custom made insoles, Superfeet is the most comfortable so far. The green for hiking boots, the black for casual shoes and the brown for dress shoes.
I had a great pair of insoles in my German army para boots. They were made of a kind of green mesh which supported your foot but allowed air to circulate under your foot. Normally I find the spongy type insoles just too hot so I end up sliding around on them.

I'd love to be able to replace the original ones: Does anyone know where I could get some?


Sounds like the issue cheese graters that came with the BCH and latter cab's. Look on Ebay;


Looks like superfeet are popular here, but i really would recommend trying them in a shop before parting with the cash, as well as trying the sorbothanes if possible.

having discovered they are 40 quid a pair I will be checking them in store - its almost the price I paid for the boots....
Superfeet green get my vote. I use a pair extensively in walking and military boots. Almost as good as my £150 custom pair. I also use superfeet blue everyday in my work shoes. With a long history of knee pain, i do find them rather good.

Certainly stay away from sorbothane and other 'cushioning' insoles - they are not great for most (not all) peoples foot alignment+ knee alignment= hip alignment= back alignment, and can lead to some strange aches and pains that you wouldn't necessarily attribute to something as simple as your insoles. You will generally find the best insoles are those that appear quite hard and supportive, and rely on cradling your feet correctly to achieve the correct level of cushioning from your own soles and heel. Hence - they don't always appear as instantly comfy as squishy cushioning soles, but in the long term will do you much better.
I guess it depends if you want them for foot support, foot relief or insulation. i find the super feet, good for aiding my flat feet but not huge amounts of cushioning and not very good for insulation.
Pop to a decent outdoor shop and try several different types and se what suits you and your requirements.
Soerfeet has ones for cushioning and another one for insulation, I remember seeing them somewhere. Suoerfeet has a policy where you can return them if it is not for you. And no affiliation with Superfeet, just a very happy customer.
I've been using Soles for nearly 20 years now. The ones they sell on base are meant to be trimmed to fit and then heated to (if memory serves) around 200f (93c) or less then placed in the boot and worn for a while to form fit. Once cooled they return to their standard firmness for support.


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