walking boot insole recommendations?

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Superfeet Green for me too. A few years back I got checked out for custom orthotic insoles to combat knee pain. Those things are seriously expensive and while the Superfeet aren't corrective, they are the best of the three or four insoles I have tried. I even tried the custom moulded Sidas footbeds at about £70 a pair and reckon the Superfeet have them beat. They have lasted very well too.
Aye Up All,

Another + 1 for Superfeet (green).

I've been using a pair for over two years now in a pair of Aigle Hunters; HanWag SF AND a pair of muckboots!

I'm out 3+ days a week, always with a ruck (35 -70lbs) and can do anywhere between 5 and 15 miles during a day over various types of terrain - best insoles I've ever used.

Points to watch out for -
Always take them out after a hike as condensation can build up beneath the plastic footbed;

If you swap them regularly between boots (I do) beware of not folding over the small plastic tabs on the underside of the sole as you slide them into place as this can knacker the tabs and create a potentially problem causing high spot under YOUR sole!. :)
I have a question for the green superfeet users.
Was the improvement, immediate or did it take a while?

I have used a pair in my work boots for a week now. I would be lying if I said they were life changing!

I am happy to continue with them, certainly no down side, just no improvement to date.
Am I being impatient?

Aye Up Passer,

Funny that you ask that, come to think of it when I first started to use them I felt that the arch section might be a bit too high but I stuck with them and they are fine.
I've used Superfeet Green for a couple of years and found them okay, but my feet have been getting progressively more sore over time. I got a new pair of boots this year with a bit more space in them and added some Superfeet Orange to them. Twenty-odd km on Kinder and my feet were incredibly sore: my sole rubbing on the hard sole of the Superfeet.

I've now switched them out for Sorbothane Full Strikes and the sole problem has disappeared. I've read about the downsides to squishy insoles but they're much more comfortable than the Superfeet (which do just feel like hard bits of plastic). I still have problems with my feet for both running and walking but I think that's a bigger problem than just insoles.

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