I cant see prices buddy?
thats weird. there is a column on the table? i had this trouble when looking at it from my phone? will repost the table. someone let me know if its still down
I cant see prices buddy?
Hi Tobias,
Sorry if I cause you any offence, it looked like a bit of a trading starting, I can understand that you want to fund your education, and respect you for that, and good luck to you in it, I just look at the fairs fair side , I see you have now changed to a trader as such, good luck in your adventure.
My 2 sasquatches arrived today T, amazingly boxed and posted, top notch sir! For anyone considering T has been a top guy to deal with!
Hi Tobias,
yes, it arrived yesterday, a bit delayed due to the bit of snow we got (up to a half meter...), in perfect condition, I am sure going to like it...
Thank you very much, a pity that the Ebonies are all the wrong size...
Kind regards,
hey dogoak i wrote that because i saw this as a one off and didnt want people thinking that it was a bussiness. im 23 independant on minimum wage trying to pay for university. yes what i wrote was contradicting after i reread it! cheers for pointing that out. ive paid both the full member fee and the trader fee.
Is it still a one off? Seems to be regular thing now? May be fairer on Tony to discuss trader status?
Hey mate, ive paid for trader status. And my large threads on on the trader section now.
I havnt heard anything negative, Im still trying to get uni funds together till september.
There are alot of happy people on this forum who have got huge savings on top kit.