Town or Country?


Full Member
Sep 27, 2005
Oxfordshire and Pyrenees-Orientales, France
The opportunity of going out for an unplanned bimble in the snow was too good to miss today. We were only out for a couple of hours, but it made us reflect on how fortunate we were to be able to step out of our front door straight into countryside on a whim. Not just any countryside either but archetypal English mixed farm and woodland with a river running through it, all within a long riverside walk into Oxford.

OK, so it isn't very wild and the hills are only rolling. That's why we tend to spend summers in France where we have a small apartment a few metres from the Mediterranean, with the foothills of the Pyrenees behind us. The start of the famous GR10 which runs the length of the Pyrenees is within walking distance and our local hills, the Alberes, are higher than anywhere in England and Wales and only 100 metres lower than Ben Nevis, but you have to get on the local bus for a 1 euro ride to get within walking distance of the 9,000 footers.

We do count our blessings, even though they have come late in life.

When reading posts on the site it becomes clear that though we all share a taste for the wilder places, some of us are lucky enough to live in the countryside and to have vegetable gardens and easy access to hedgerow foods while others, because of work and family commitments have to live in towns and for whom the site provides an outlet for Bushcraft yearnings. There are also the lucky ones who both live and work in the wilds.

I would be very interested to know how many members live in an urban and how many in a rural setting. I'd set up a poll if I knew how.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Bit of both.

Touristy town with two muckle bridges - soon to be three.

River Forth on doorstep to the North.

East, South and West of the town we have hilly farmland, woods and other countryside features (cows, sheep, deer, mattreses and discarded take away cartons).



Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Nominally town, but great open country all around, and the Brecon Beacons national park about half a mile away. By car I can be on the local mountain ridge in 3 minutes.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
I live in a small village, only 5 minute drive to the forest and a 3 minute walk to huge beaches. I'm not content with were I live though, when I get out of school I want to move to north America or Scotland.


Sep 6, 2010
East Yorks
Born in a City, Grew up in the Country (North Yorkshire), Now Back in the City, Every spare minute i have i spend outdoors, I get restless if i'm away from the woods and open spaces for too long. SWMBO nearly had Kittens when i first said i needed some space , Took some explaining exactly what i meant :lmao:

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Live on the outskirts of Coventry so can be in the sticks in 5 mins which is nice. Given the chance i would move to the North Norfolk coast but its just not practical with the amount of traveling for work.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I grew up in the country and lived in several places while on active duty but now I live in a quiet suburb of a small town.

Five minutes drive to the south I enter Eglin military reservation which is mostly undeveloped and open to the publc as a recreation area/wildlife management area. It's about 60 miles lond by 30 miles wide and wraps around the north side of Chotawhatchie Bay.

Ten minutes drive to the northwest I enter a Florida State Forest also open to the public for recreation and hunting/fishing (Blackwater River State Forest) It's a bit larger than Egli's reservation but les elongated, and stretches north to the Alabama State Line where it borders onto a National Forest (Conecuh National Forest); Conecuh is perhaps the same size as the other two but has the added benefit of a free public shooting range.

Essentially I live in a small quiet neighborhood that's an island surrounded by wildland.


Aug 17, 2006
Yeovil, Somerset, UK
Right on the edge of a town. Can see pretty much un-interrupted country from here to Wells including Glastonbury Tor. I try to avoid the town direction - it is Yeovil, remember.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Country - done cities - don't like them - people, like chickens, should be free range not battery farmed.

Primates may be social animal - but in nature that means family groups and small groups of families - not millions packed together cheek by jowl.


Full Member
May 8, 2008
Country here. Lived in towns & cities to earn a living but moved back to the country to live. Glad though that not everyone lives in the countryside otherwise there'd be none left in the UK!

Funnily enough I had a much bigger garden to grow fruit and veg etc when I lived in suburbia than I do now in the country, but hopefully that'll change soon.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Born and bred in a north Wales village, I now live in London, but get out to the countryside every chance I get.

On the subject of bimbles, I did a six hour one in the snow today with the dog, walked from my house to a two mile long section of former railway line turned into a walkway which is in effect like a long woodland edge, and which is at the top of my road, across Highgate village onto Hampstead Heath, lunch and a couple of great pints at my favourite pub, then back home the way I came. OK, so its not a rural wander but pretty good given I was inside the north circular.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Brought up until I was 12 in rural and urban (?) Hereford, then 10 years in Brussels, then a year living out of a rucksack and then - up until now - rural Pembrokeshire.
I am on a B road but 2 miles from a bus stop 1/4 mile from the nearest woods I am alowed to play in, 10 mins from a canoeable river 20mins from good open hills in the Pembs Coast NP, 20 mins from great beaches and about 100 miles from a well paying job!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.