Get better at growing things, it's not hard and the interweb is full of advice for everything. We started off as total newbs and a few years in now we've got a decent set up on the go. My main tips would be to get decent tools from the start. Concentrate your planting now on stuff that needs years to establish (like trees and rhubarb) and stuff that self seeds or self propagates like raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, blood veined sorrel (every garden should have it), chives, foxgloves etc etc. You onlu need a couple of plants this year to make a load ready for next year. Learn how to propagate useful herbs and shrubs and save seeds, you'll save a ton of cash very quickly. Wildlife is your friend, make sure your garden is full of habitat and the pests will be less of a problem. If you have bare soil do something with it, quick crops like salads and radish or green manure. And don't forget the pretty stuff, I like sedums and sempervivums so I tuck them in places all over the garden. They're easy plants to grow from cuttings so you never have to buy any especially if you keep your eye out when walking past people's gardens... If you know any local gardeners though they'll probably have a ton of plants and seeds they'll happily give or trade you.