For Sale Throwing Axes (mostly)

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Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
Here's part two of my excavation of rusty old throwing things :) I think this is the last of them (though I'm sure I had more random spikes, clevers, sickles and things that I used to throw!!). Loose rust has been removed and edges restored for throwing. The handles have suffered a bit from their storage, so I'll throw in (no pun intended) a spare hammer handle with each axe.

Prices include domestic postage and PP fees, combined postage can be worked out for multiple purchase. Only 18's and over need apply

taxes by buddknives, on Flickr

1) Cold Steel Torpedo throwing spike. SPF
2) Made from an old brick hammer. Fun thing to throw. £20
3) Made from a ballpeen hammer. £15
4) Made from a bit of rebar. SOLD
5) Old claw hammer, fun to throw this little elephant! £20
6) Made from a large cold chisel I think £20

Thanks for looking folks
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Interested in 3) Made from a ballpeen hammer. £15 but would you be interested in trades at all?
it's a lump, so any that you can manage! Well, that's what the 16 year old me that bought it did anyway :lmao:

End over end like a knife is probably the easiest though. If you are strong enough then I guess you could try the no-spin spike method.
Still interested in No3

fancy anything here in trade

it's a lump, so any that you can manage! Well, that's what the 16 year old me that bought it did anyway :lmao:

End over end like a knife is probably the easiest though. If you are strong enough then I guess you could try the no-spin spike method.

I used to be able to send a pm, now it seems we have to start a conversation, well either I am doing it wrong or this conversation thing is just not the best at notifications, I have wanted a few items or asked a few questions this way and do not seem to get a response, the old pm system worked very well, with a pop up notification.

If you see this Dave is number 4 still for sale?
Hi, it's alright Kim, the conversation has started sucessfully! I just didn't look at the internet yesterday ;-) i'm locked away in the woods teaching for the week, but will dig the axe out when i get home on friday night and reply to the conversation then. That way the notification red dot/flag will still be in the corner of the page and i'm less likely to forget!

Re bar axe is all yours :-)
Arrived few days ago, looking forward to customising it, nice and sharp was not expecting it to have such good edges, thanks Dave.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.