It's a UK wide problem; people litter.
Where there are a lot of people then something needs to be done about a litter collection.
It's all very well us being enraged, and we are; that filth is disgusting; but the people who dump their rubbish like that should be prosecuted for the expense that it causes to clear it up. At the end of the day someone does have to clear it up and that costs wages, etc.,
Anywhere in the UK where there is an influx of people, then there will be a concommitant increase in litter (and in cases like this, probably excrement as well
) it's a national disgrace. It doesn't happen elsewhere, why should we tolerate it here ?
The local authorities are pleased enough to welcome tourists who spend money in the area, but they don't do much about clearing up behind cretins like that or chasing them to recoup the costs.
I don't know the answer, I wish I did, all we can hope for is that education and perhaps financial penalties (after all if the parking wardens can levy fines, why can't ranger services ? these folks come by car and van, and those are registered) change behaviour patterns. Name and shame ? call them the filth that they are ?
The alternative is like Loch Lomond and the bans on camping from Spring to Autumn
Most of the folks we know who camp would rather not go than leave that mess behind, but it doesn't stop others
Look at the mess the folks near Appleby had to clear up; that was just as bad. There are some truly selfish and lazy people around.