Well..... I am just back from today's walk. Nothing strenuous and most of it pretty flat. Only about three miles.
The sweating up problem isn't the Norrona Recon Jacket. I didn't take it. Today's weather here was overcast but bright, snow on the ground and temperatures just below freezing.
I started off with the woollen vest, Swanndri shirt and a fleece. A shemagh scarf tied very loose just around the neck, gloves and just a simple wool hat.
After a few hundred yards the hat and gloves came off..... the scarf was loosened further.... after a mile the fleece was unzipped most of the way. I kept generally much cooler, and my head and hands were chilly but OK. But my forehead was sweating (and hence cold) and when I got home I was distictly sweaty damp (and hot) inside the vest and shirt.
I pottered around the garden a while when I got home to cool off. I think it would have been silly to wear less in these conditions.
I guess I am just a sweaty bar steward.