Pretty much sums it up! The need is even greater if you have a guy who makes his own. Dry salt, smokehouse, a little fairy dust and there you have it, big solid slabs of salty loveliness that have to be hand cut and gently grilled to release all the odours and exquisite gases that are the only known way of sealing up the hole in the ozone layer!
This is a little known fact, really!
Pretty much sums it up! The need is even greater if you have a guy who makes his own. Dry salt, smokehouse, a little fairy dust and there you have it, big solid slabs of salty loveliness that have to be hand cut and gently grilled to release all the odours and exquisite gases that are the only known way of sealing up the hole in the ozone layer!
This is a little known fact, really!
The butcher was not happy today when I bought one rasher.
But, hey, one rasher goes a long way
not too keen on bacon OR shakespeare, personally...
Well at least bacon adds up!not too keen on bacon OR shakespeare, personally...
Only one other meat that's a match for Bacon and that's Cheese...all hail the cheddar pig.
That truly is heart attack in a bowl.Why limit yourself to either-or when you can have both?