The Hobbit

Jul 12, 2012
I'm trying to decipher this...


Sorry, I'll explain.

There is a series of books and games (table top, role play and computer) called Warhammer 40,000 and they have managed to keep the tolken inspired tosh to a minimum. And they have retroactively killed off Squats (Dwarfs) and have also killed off the hobbits called Rattlings. Magic is harmful and Toxic not wonderful and fun or helpful, apart from one single guy (who is the mostly dead leader of the human race) leads to a exceptional case of demonic possession or getting burned at the stake a *BLAMMING* by your local friendly political officer, or if your lucky your picked up by the Stazi in space shipped to Earth your soul is bound to the Emperor of Humanity and you lose your sight because your retinas are burned out in the process... and that's if your lucky and have magic (pskyer) powers things get far far worse if your not lucky.

The creaters of the game Games Workshop, have also for the most part kept the Japanise influence out of the game and have kept it brutal and visceral. A huge number of people who are into the game and the books find the styling and story telling of Japanese sci-fi really ill fittifng to the setting. However they included a playable race called the Tau who are nearly every Manga cliche wrapped up in one ugly series of mech suited models that look like gundams (popular manga). They are the least popular race because of this and GW are trying to correct it without nimping them from the cannon (something they do a lot) and giving them a small background roll like they have done with the Lost and the Dammned codex and associated story lore.

Demonstrably NOT ******* bad then lol

Really it is, Tolkien's work while long is prity dire in terms of real content and interest. In it's day it was ground breaking sure but it's like Shakespear over rated and over used. Newer and more original works (and not game of throwns) needs to replace it or the stagnation of the genera will just get worse.

Oh and THOken it wasn't racist on my part I was using terms that get tossed around on game nights, lot's of the Manga fans who are Japanise freaks (the cartoon japan depicted in manga and animation) give 40k a try and really just don't get it and try an shoe horn manga into the mix (see my earlier comments about the Tau) and really don't get the game and the fan's know this and have problems with them trying to field armies in the games composed entierly of units made of walking tanks that all have the skill of a ballerina an carry a big sword, and make OP special rules to justify it and really hack the fans off.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Oh, Scouse monster, Ive been into 40K since before the Fall of the Eldar and YES I love Anime since before I was knee high to Gojira...Thank you.

What have you against anime? Its made by people who care about the story and aren't making a 20 min toy commercial.

and no, Im not into the bluies...(Have heard they are popular in the us...Why am I surprised?)

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Its worth remembering of course that Warhammer (which gave birth to WH40K) was a total rip off of the TSR / Gary Gygax AD&D gameworld which was a total rip off of Middle Earth.....


Jun 13, 2013
Man, I just enjoy it for what it is. I enjojed the LOTR flims and now I enjoy The Hobbit films, hence why i shared the link.
I apprecciate Tolkien's work, but it is not going to stop me from enjoying the films.
I also used to play warhammer with my dad before I even really unsterstood the LOTR films.
Jul 12, 2012
I'm trying to decipher this...


Oh, Scouse monster, Ive been into 40K since before the Fall of the Eldar and YES I love Anime since before I was knee high to Gojira...Thank you.

What have you against anime? Its made by people who care about the story and aren't making a 20 min toy commercial.

and no, Im not into the bluies...(Have heard they are popular in the us...Why am I surprised?)

OK I have been playing 40k since first week of 2nd edition and I have the rule book from Rouge trader and recall the days or cardboard dreadnoughts and orks in viking helmets and when squats where a race you could buy in store and the old style LR too, but can I ask have you olayed recently? as in with other serious fans? because there is a serious hate of anime when it comes to serious 40k fans. Especially the Tau seriously read the link the Tau are hated an hated for a reason. Not the same level of spew we have for Matt Ward but close, also while on the subject Ward should get molested by Slaanesh for all the crap he has pulled seriously the whole turd fest an lore that he made with the Grey Knights Codex and his fetish for slaughtering the sisters of battle.... but I wont go there.

Its worth remembering of course that Warhammer (which gave birth to WH40K) was a total rip off of the TSR / Gary Gygax AD&D gameworld which was a total rip off of Middle Earth.....

Oddly no, Hugh they where both launched around the same time but because they have nerfed out the tolken stuff it's become far more of it's own creature I am more than willing to elaborate on this if you wish.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005

Rick Priestly launched Warhammer 40k in 87, Warhammer Fantasy Battle started in 83. Warhammer FRP in 86

Gygax produced D&D in '74

Way back when GW was mostly populated with D&D / AD&D in the old "White Dwarf" days. They fell out with TSR and hence WH.

Its all pretty well documented
Jul 12, 2012

Rick Priestly launched Warhammer 40k in 87, Warhammer Fantasy Battle started in 83. Warhammer FRP in 86

Gygax produced D&D in '74

Way back when GW was mostly populated with D&D / AD&D in the old "White Dwarf" days. They fell out with TSR and hence WH.

Its all pretty well documented

Thing is your missing huge chunks of history, WHFB did start after a legal issue but 40 was alread on the board there was loads of WD stuff trying to flesh it out and in 87 they launched it on it's own. Thing is they also had to be careful about just what they could do and what copyright they got it close to right but pushed the 2nd ed out when the supplements for RT got a little silly in umber and launched the rulebooks an codex's. Rouge Trader was a fun set of rules as was some of the fluff (little apart from the basic frame survives to this day) but what I am saying is they took a rather spotty beginning and made the no1 selling table top game and have turned it into a hit not just for gamers but for sci-fi fans too the books are amazing.

OK most of that is down to chosing really good writers like Dan Abbnett an ADB but they have made so much from so little and it borrows little or nothing from Tolken.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Tolkien dire? References please to the offending sections. Seems very silly to compare apples to mangoes.

If you need cards and dice and maps and RULES, above all RULES, to get into a world of imagination, well that's your thing and you can keep it. A book with words printed in it will do for me. If someone tries to make a film of the book then I'll watch that and enjoy it even though the pictures fall short of the ones in my head.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
To be honest I don't care as much for Tolkein or Lewis as to where they got there inspiration. Both of them owe more than the present generation is aware, to the writings of William Morris, who with the assistance of Eirikr Magnusson translated Beowulf before any of them. Tolkein was well aware of his debt of gratitude to Morris.
As for Peter Jackson and CGI. I enjoyed his rendering LOTR but to be honest it is a million miles from the spirit of what inspired all of it. The trailers for the Hobbit have me reaching for some token of justice to sever his head from his bloated body of tedium.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007

I'm not going to see it - the last one was so bad I turned it off and went to bed. I'm certainly not wasting any time on another one :)

I've been so disapointed by the whole thing - stretching a tiny book into 3 films was ridiculous and purely for profit


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
I'm trying to decipher this...


I originally thought he'd got his jacksons mixed up

Steve Jackson - games workshop founder

Peter Jackson - director of LOTR/Hobbit movies

but now realise he has some twisted idea the GW are a force for good rather than just an endless renewal business model that persuads kids to part with endless cash for bits of plastic/metal and rules that get changed for no reason at all

their orcs are the wrong colour too...

I gave up on them after rogue trader
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Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
Oh, it was Warhammer you were talking about. Sorry, Scouse. I just found your sentence structure very confusing in your earlier "rant". I understand you now. I'm more a fan of the Warhammer Fantasy universe though I've never played any of the boardgames. Though I disagree with your view on Tolkien's writings for the most part, I don't really want to get into an argument about it. I agree with Boatman, I suppose. I'm a fan of Tolkien's writings and I respect that his writing gave birth to the fantasy genre (he wasn't the first, of course), and I think it's clear to see the influence in all other fantasy. I don't think you can compare 40k, which is sci-fi, to the fantasy of Tolkien though.

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Dec 12, 2009

Rick Priestly launched Warhammer 40k in 87, Warhammer Fantasy Battle started in 83. Warhammer FRP in 86

Gygax produced D&D in '74

Way back when GW was mostly populated with D&D / AD&D in the old "White Dwarf" days. They fell out with TSR and hence WH.

Its all pretty well documented

Oh man, White Dwarf, now that's a blast from the past! Used to get that occasionally until it just became WH40k magazine.


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