The Enchanted Woods & cheeky gnomes... [Pic Heavy]

Apologies in advance for the poor quality of the photos, I only had my phone with me... :eek:

Rumors were circling that an enchanted wood was nearby to me and even that gnomes exist there. As you can imagine I was rather dubious about this statement so went to investigate. :news:

Upon starting the journey I was already faced with the perilous walk across a frozen forest.

After walking for nearly half a mile, I may have found the first sign that there is something lurking in these woods. Although it could very well be natural.

I continued to walk and found a gate into another part of the woods and somehow this place felt different, more a weird sensation that I was being watched. As I continued down the path and nearly scared to death a giant bird noise rang out through the woods as I turned around I was greeted by this fellow.

He told me that to continue further into the woods would be perilous unless I answered his riddles three. For obvious reasons I cannot tell you what these are for fear that they might be abused. Suffice to say I passed and was allowed access.

As I walked deeper into these woods I came across a rather large rabbit lying outstretched trying to catch some of the sun's rays. He was a little bit rude and told me to go away as I was blocking the sunlight.

So I did as I was told and carried on...
Eventually I came upone something that was familiar and got chatting away to this tree. Anyone passing by would have thought I was mad but let me tell you trees have very interesting stories to tell.

Whilst chatting away I decided it was time to get a brew going, unfortunately I only had the one cup with me but that was ok as the tree had plenty of water to drink from the melting snow. Although we did share a chocie biscuit.

If you ever come across a talking tree, the really do like blue ribbands. :rolleyes:

As we chatted, I could hear a faint rustling behind me and following that all i could here was some kind of very quiet but annoyed talking. So I turned around and found this little fella, it appeared that he tripped up while going about his business.

He managed to carry on his business as if I wasn't there.

It was getting very breezy so it was time to pack up the brew kit and say my goodbyes to the talking tree and it was then that I noticed this odd base of a nearby tree....

And at the same time a large owl landed behind me and explained that people who place coins in this tree shall recieve good luck in their life and fortunes the next time the fairies came along.

When I carried on I passed this odd feature in a tree which turned out to be one of the gnome's homes.

As I passed a cheeky little gnome started throwing things at me

So I turn and hurridly moved down the path only to trip over a branch and see before me two gnomes cowering under a fallen tree. Seems that the previous gnome got them too.

As I had some water left in my bottle I gave it to them to help clean themselves up and as a thank you they allowed me to take some brich bark from the nearby tree.

Sadly it was time to head back to the car but before I could go another gnome appeared as if out of nowehere cutting and trying to bring down this piece of deadfall...

On the way out I could see how cheeky these gnomes could be, they had place two large acorns at the top of a sloping trunk and iced it up. This poor squirrel just kept slipping all the way back to the bottom.

I came back to the entrance of the woods and was greeted yet again by the riddle bird. He bade me farewell and that he may see me again in the future.

As I left and got closer to the car, I turned round and looked back towards the entrance of the enchanted woods and where there was a gate, there was now just trees.

What a great afternoon, just goes to show that local stories can be real. ;) You just never know who or what you are going to see.


Jul 24, 2009
Thanks for that, nice pics and made me chuckle more than once.

Those gnomes look like mischievous little beggars.
It was a good walk. I have no idea who carved the animals but at the end of the woods there was a freshly cut pile of logs which look like they had been cut with a chainsaw. This bit of woodland and the bit next to it are part of a regeneration project called the Grampian Forest which works in conjunction with the landowner and the FC.

Does anyone know the significance of the money in the tree? I remember seeing a post on here about it but couldn't remember where it was. It was something that I never noticed on previous walks through the woods.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.