The Covid19 Thread

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Which in BCUK terms translates to about 20 thread pages/400 posts! :)

BCUK 21/03/20

BCUK 08/03/20

BCUK 08/03/20

BCUK 08/03/20
What does this mean ? No one under 30 has died in italy, only 181 under 60 have passed away, 100, 000 people pass away is my estimate in the uk. 1 million die in the uk every year, death exists, im sorry but no mollycoddling is going is going to stop it. To save the 100,000 people (who are not going to live for ever and are predominantly over 70 ) 60million are going to loose 3-6 months of life, cancer patients are going to loose out on treatment and likely increase in death rates. Viruses are nothing new, only the lack of vaccines! Death death death death death death...........
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What does this mean ? No one under 30 has died in italy, only 181 under 60 have passed away, 100, 000 people pass away is my estimate in the uk. 1 million die in the uk every year, death exists, im sorry but no mollycoddling is going is going to stop it. To save the 100,000 people (who are not going to live for ever and are predominantly over 70 ) 60million are going to loose 3-6 months of life, cancer patients are going to loose out on treatment and likely increase in death rates. Viruses are nothing new, only the lack of vaccines! Death death death death death death...........

What I thought it meant was that as the body count mounted in Italy and elsewhere, the sceptics on this forum who a couple of weeks (and 400 posts ago), started from the position that coronavirus was no worse than season flu now seemed to accept that things were serious.

Clearly, I was wrong. :)
What I thought it meant was that as the body count mounted in Italy and elsewhere, the sceptics on this forum who a couple of weeks (and 400 posts ago), started from the position that coronavirus was no worse than season flu now seemed to accept that things were serious.

Clearly, I was wrong. :)
Yes pal, it aint ebola or even bloody spaish flu !
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According to the BBC, a strikingly similar vehicle and trailer were parked at the entrance to Lake Bala in mid-Wales! ;)

Repetition and reminders are a good thing, BS or not. I got sent this letter, supposedly written by F.Scott Fitzgerald to Rosemary, regarding the Spanish flu 100yrs ago. It references the great traveller, Ernest Hemingway, as a vector for the Flu. Clever really, the traveller bit, and the touch without washed hands.

It was written a week ago, as a parody. I don’t care if it’s been picked up and bandied around as fact, it wasn’t intended to be fake news by it’s author, it’s another written reminder of the severity of the situation, and the idiots who seem blasé to it.

Yes pal, it aint ebola or even bloody spaish flu !

Of course it's not ebola or Spanish flu and I don't think anyone has suggested it is. !!!
For goodness sake PLEASE take this seriously and don't d**k about.
It's complacent people that put others at risk, and spread the virus to vunerable people.
You may not care how many people you put at risk but it's lax selfish behaviour by cynics that will get EVERYONE locked down completely. Including themselves. The stupid
Selfish behaviour of those fleeing London and going to caravan parks sharing toilet blocks and not observing social distancing will be the death of many older or vulnerable people. Do you want that responsibility to lie heavy on you for the rest of your life or will you just never give it a second thought?
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[QUOTE="Woody girl, post: 1928764, member: 51 The stupid
Selfish behaviour of those fleeing London and going to caravan parks sharing toilet blocks and not observing social distancing will be the death of many older or vulnerable people. Do you want that responsibility to lie heavy on you for the rest of your life or will you just never give it a second thought?

Most if not all caravan parks are now closed, any that remain open have shut the reception, shop and communal shower / toilet blocks and closed every other pitch to maintain the distance between caravans and people.
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Of course it's not ebola or Spanish flu and I don't think anyone has suggested it is. !!!
For goodness sake PLEASE take this seriously and don't d**k about.
It's complacent people that put others at risk, and spread the virus to vunerable people.
You may not care how many people you put at risk but it's lax selfish behaviour by cynics that will get EVERYONE locked down completely. Including themselves. The stupid
Selfish behaviour of those fleeing London and going to caravan parks sharing toilet blocks and not observing social distancing will be the death of many older or vulnerable people. Do you want that responsibility to lie heavy on you for the rest of your life or will you just never give it a second thought?
Just to be clear, from your reply it reads as though you are emplying throughtout your reply and judging the people that people are "Richarding around" and are of a position that you find disagreeable, to whom are you referring ?

2ndly even though, as you state, the current pandemic is not ebola or spaish flu, your post reads as though it is, could you please explain this contradiction.

3rdly you accuse some people of not caring who they put at risk, again could you clarify to whom you refer

4thly you are in your piece burdening people with your view of responsibility on to the biological mortality of human beings, to what immortality do you hail from ?
Just to be clear, from your reply it reads as though you are emplying throughtout your reply and judging the people that people are "Richarding around" and are of a position that you find disagreeable, to whom are you referring ?

2ndly even though, as you state, the current pandemic is not ebola or spaish flu, your post reads as though it is, could you please explain this contradiction.

3rdly you accuse some people of not caring who they put at risk, again could you clarify to whom you refer

4thly you are in your piece burdening people with your view of responsibility on to the biological mortality of human beings, to what immortality do you hail from ?

1..people who are ignoring the rules about social distancing.

2..where did I contradict myself?

3..Read the news.. snowdonia for one.

4.. goddess :)
Thanks for that, just your original post was a bit non specific and left alot to interpretation.

That's OK mate. Not always easy to interpret the written word or its tone. Though I did think it pretty explanatory if one was keeping up with the news.
It can be difficult to fathom the reasoning of a total goddess like me. :) ;)
No, honestly I am a goddess.... if you are blind and desperate! :) :) :)
That's OK mate. Not always easy to interpret the written word or its tone. Though I did think it pretty explanatory if one was keeping up with the news.
It can be difficult to fathom the reasoning of a total goddess like me. :) ;)
No, honestly I am a goddess.... if you are blind and desperate! :) :) :)
Absolutely true about misinterpretation. The best way to be misunderstood is to write rather than speak.

Also many of my friends have told me I have the body of a god. Unfortunately they meant Buda.
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There seems to be a percentage of statistical "experts" evolving around social media. Making idiotic and unhelpful comparisons. It's worth pointing out that statistics offer no consolation when your're lying on a ventilator, or to those who have already watched members of their friends and family going into the flames at the crematorium.
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Starting the COVID-19 course today :) - it will be nice to actually work with people who know what they are talking about! - or, at least, people who's knowledge has a basis of scientific/medical fact.
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Damn seagulls understand social distancing better than humans... :/

Starting the COVID-19 course today :) - it will be nice to actually work with people who know what they are talking about! - or, at least, people who's knowledge has a basis of scientific/medical fact.

Are you seriously trying to suggest that evidence, facts, science, experts etc. are going to be as important in getting us through this as random opinions? ;)
Our elderly relatives and people we know with underlying conditions are already tucked up and barricaded in like WG is. Anyone in those high risk categories who aren't taking precautions are their own enemies. If they get the virus so be it. Harsh but true!

As to my situation, I'm fit, healthy, and relatively low risk of complications according to scientific/medical advice I've read from reputable sources. I'll probably get it. In some ways it's best if in do. Afterall most thinking seems to be herd immunity. I've read Merkel has stated that's needed, Johnson has too.

I live in a household of two adults and a 7 year old. We're healthy, active, outdoors types. Are we supposed to barricade ourselves at home too? There's a lot on here giving n out their views on what people should do. So I ask the forum opinionites to pronounce on what we should be doing. Give your honest opinions.

Forgot to mention a 2 year old border terrier (terriorist who needs exercise to make her a reasonable member of the household).
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