The Covid19 Thread

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Place near Urchfont, Wiltshire.

Three Graves.

Four brothers came from London in the plague years trying to escape it.

(Can you guess why its called Three graves??)
Some folks really aren't taking this at all seriously. I live in north Wales, and have seen video and images of huge crowds out in snowdonia. Never seen it as busy. I am really worried what all this means for me as both a local and nhs nurse.
Hundreds or thousands of people coming here to wait out the pandemic in caravans and holiday homes. Our healthcare service barely manages with the usual population on a good day. Really scary stuff.

Much as I love the Spring and the sun out as it was today, some truly epic crap weather conditions are what we need to stop people moving about.. The type when the weather forecasters on the tv and radio tell us not to venture out unless absolutely necessary, it could be perilous. I got a round Robin type Whatsapp message today saying that the QE Hospital in London had identified petrol pumps as being a big part of the vector spreading the virus.

Well blow me down, there’s a shock! :banghead: I’ve been aware of where my hands have been after touching anything from a supermarket basket, a trolley handle, to my car door before I open it etc. Anywhere my hands have touched outside of my car and home, and I disinfect my hands.

Why aren’t people getting this?
Is it people still think it’s just the flu?
Or is it they assume they’ll get a mild version?
Why aren’t people being responsible?
Why do they think manslaughter or murder is ok, given the warnings on the spread and severity, there can’t be many people unaware that they may carry a deadly virus?

The basics were laid out weeks ago, even months ago in the case of China. Ok, that was China, ignore them, they make stuff we like and there are loads of them and they live a long way away. We westerners like that, makes things less accountable. The reality of their situation is there for all to see in Italian hospitals overwhelmed by people drowning in their own lungs gasping for air, the figures fit, the graphs fit, the projections fit. I do not understand this overpopulated island of gin waving, grinning idiots who are too stiff upper lipped to be told, or the generation of idiots that cannot be told, or even all those in between seeming to be suffering diminished responsibility, delusions, and are a threat to their country.

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And a deluge of common sense.

Went wild with an edit up there above. It’s a rant, but a rant is ok, I’m not freaking out. Jeez if things needed stirring up its now. People are almost catatonic with their stupor and disregard, glazing over. Fine, but WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST or STAY INDOORS.
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It's interesting where there are people with the virus and where there's been no cases. Lancaster, Morecambe and surrounding areas have had no confirmed cases of coronavirus. No hospital admissions or deaths.

20 to 30 minutes north in Kendal there's been 2, 2 in Carlisle and that's about it.

I'm not complacent though. It'll get here. My point is there's been crazy hoarding/shopping in the supermarkets. People obsessively cleaning everything they can. Signs in toilets showing how to wash your hands, to wash for 20 seconds and about the virus. Then I've seen friends meeting up and hugging or kissing each other. Then there's Chinese students wearing their masks. I know it's their new habit in Chinese cities due to pollution, but as a virus protection it's pointless when your eyes can be the source of infection.

Then there's the myths and conspiracy theories. The CIA released the virus during a military conference in China. Russians did it to cripple Chinese manufacturing and thus the Western economies relying on them, low numbers of cases in Russia considering their population size only proves it.

And now we can't even trust expert's figures. For example they quote extra deaths for flu but all deaths for coronavirus. What's the difference? From what I've read extra deaths are only for the flu virus without the deaths not directly attributed to the virus. Do you record the pneumonia as COD or the virus that allowed pneumonia to take hold? Well with flu the figures given don't but with coronavirus they do. Not comparing apples with apples methinks.
In Swedish news this morning, the different strategy on Wuhan virus Sweden has taken has got at least a partial explanation. They are putting the economy first and people second.

After six months we can then compare which way was better.

In an another way it'll be an interesting social psychology experiment on how much the rulers can screw the population before it is too much.
Well theyre vikings, so a glorious death for the economy of the fatherland means enterance to Valhalla ! To be honest from the look of Italy theres no stopping it.
In the meantime decisions made on science, this science, is meaning kids education taking a hit, teachers likely to guess at what their pupils would get at GCSE or a levels, kids worrying if that high school place will be there because they messed up mock GCSEs or kids not going to university because of similar at alevels, or factory shutdowns. That last one is worrying me right now as someone working in the automotive sector. Our orders have nearly dried up. When oe work slows such as in recessions or slowdowns we usually do more with aftermarket. Not now, both sides are very quiet.

We're tanking our economies and when we need to trust that it's needed the authorities give out figures that blatantly aren't comparable in their methodology. We need trust to go through these measures but can you trust the people who choose to put out data containing this kind of bias?
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Italy have been urging us to recognise this. We’re 2-3 weeks later and on the same trajectory, despite the heads up. :banghead2:

Which in BCUK terms translates to about 20 thread pages/400 posts! :)

Italy is scary

BCUK 21/03/20

how seriously do we take influenza Chris ?

what do we do about it ?

BCUK 08/03/20

come on Chris, don't be taken in by the media induced frenzy, ( just like the media induced recession ...) basic personal hygiene and sensible general precautions will see most of the population through this,


but please don't be taken in by the press generated hysteria ( my wife is a senior proscribing member of the NHS ) chances are we will all, at some point or another get the bug, but for most of us ( less than the flu % ) with sensible precautions will be OK


BCUK 08/03/20

Personally I believe corvid 19 now is a means by the authorities to cover something up, much akin to the stuff that was slid through parliament during 9/11 etc. I think they thought to begin with it was like SARS but it has become apparent that it is only around as bad as seasonal flu.

BCUK 08/03/20
Well, there is the saying in some circles: If you don't even know that you don't know you have a problem that you can't be aware of. Or something like that.
armchair epidimologists :)
Armchair epidemiologists a worry ?

who said this ?

Q. "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point ?

A. “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
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Message from Loch Lomond.

I made posts on 8th and 9th of March saying this was going to get realy realy bad. We have seen nothing yet.
I felt at that time a lot of people were not taking things seriously enough. But now the full reality is hitting everyone and the tone of talk is changing.
There are still idiots out there ignoring advice let alone able to assess the situation for themselves and take action and protect themselves and others.
I'vebeen self isolated for three weeks already and now entering week four
I got everything I need for this in Feb when the it won't happen here attitude was prevalent and before Italy exploded.
Told I was panicking! Got most of my friends on board before the hand gel ran out and the great bog roll panic took hold.
Many others I could not convince. Including my daughter who laughed at me and told me not to believe the hype! Now she's ringing me in total panic as she can't get food for her kids. Practicaly having a nervous breakdown.
Sadly this can only get worse as bojos first idea of herd immunity so obviously wouldn't work and cost a lot of lives. Which delayed putting in place proper measures ensuring Italy number two here in the UK.
Personally I have a feeling it will be worse.
All those stupid londoners and second home owners fleeing to the country to escape the virus and probably bringing it with them and overwhelming small communities without the infrastructure to deal with it. Actually making their likelihood of catching it worse.
I've been isolated for 3 weeks now and starting week four today. I'm happy busy and well so far.
I'm going to miss a lot of events that I've been saving for since last year and it's usualy what keeps me going and interested in life, they won't be happening.
I've sorned the bikes as the mot station will not be able to do them and it means going out.
I have no idea how long this will last but I'm prepared physically
And mentally for at least six months. Hope it will be less but who knows. I've decided my garden is going to be my main concern with veg growing number one activity.
I send my thanks to those who keep the country and local areas running.
I'd love to be one of the brave ones but I'm not going to be around long if I catch this bug.
Heart lung and other problems so I'd be on the can't save list. Not a nice prospect !
Best of luck all. Stay away from the bug and keep well.
Sooner or later it will sink in that the financial markets are secondary, and a pandemic cannot be cured by twitter, and gaslighting.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.