When the axe arrived, it was about as blunt as a butter knife but, after some careful work with 'the stones', that has been remedied. I really like it now. The slightly longer handle and, indeed, the shape of it, make it both powerful and controllable across a broad range of tasks. For felling, it is head and shoulders above GB's SFA; for splitting, it is very efficient; for closer, finer work, it is OK - usable but lacking the out-and-out precision of a smaller, shorter-handled axe. There's little surprise in the last point - the SFA, like this axe, sells itself as a jack-of-all-trades, so you do compromise on performance.
Does it make the cut for all my trips to the woods? No. The reason? Well, I recently rehandled a Wetterlings axe, using a GB Scandinavian axe handle; the result, for me at least, is axe heaven!
P.S. Sorry about the name change. I had to reinvent myself because the technology/forum wouldn't allow me to sign in under my usual moniker. Mind you, I had forgotten my password... It's an age thing...