tarp size debate


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
now my set up at the moment looks like this


now in the past i have used a bell tent as a way of storing gear that wasnt used for sleeping but required during the day but i didnt like that either now i am not going to get rid of bell tent cos its ausome but. the tarp i am using is a true north out doors and its 2.85 buy 4.5 cos my old oone that was moddifioed to be bigger was broke. now i am woundering what to do? do i get another true north out doors tarp and live under that and sleep under the one in the pictureor do i get a 4.50 by 4.50 tamarack tarp and rig it like wayland does and sell the true north because i want a living space and a sleeping space that isnt under the parachute which is the main comunal area so help. the reason i ask this is if i just use the one true north out dooors tarp as is the living space is small due to the hammock taking up alot of room and the tarp not big enough to spin it the other way so help drew


Dec 15, 2005
S'pose it depends on how you want to live in the woods Drew. The priority should be enough coverage for your hammock in all weathers, after that it depends on what you need.

You either go for a big un and store your gear underneath with the hammock, or use a smaller tarp purely to keep your gear under. Alternatively cut down on the amount of crap you take and just stick your pack under you existing tarp :)

I take a communal 4.5m Tatonka on trips purely for somewhere to chillout, but there's usually four or five of us, if we had the chute then I wouldn't bother taking it. If I'm not under the group tarp then I'm either out doing something or I'm in bed. Can you not just live under the chute and then retire to your hammock later? Seems a bit daft taking three shelters, if you want some "me time", kick everyone else out of the chute :)

You could always unhook you're hammock at one end so you free up some space.

If I'm not in this ...

I'm under this ...

Or this ...


Full Member
Oct 4, 2008
Not sure how the parachute fits in but.....
now in the past i have used a bell tent as a way of storing gear that wasnt used for sleeping but required during the day ……………………
Are you clear why the bell tent is not doing what you want? For example is it too much hassle to put up and take down or is it too heavy/bulky to cart around or both. Or is it something else?

If you are clear on this then the answer may be obvious for you.
.................... the tarp i am using is a true north out doors and its 2.85 buy 4.5
Ok, similar to a 3 x 4.5 DD large tarp, which I have
………………………... now i am woundering what to do? do i get another true north out doors tarp and live under that and sleep under the one in the picture or
This would probably be the lightest weight and most flexible option
do i get a 4.50 by 4.50 tamarack tarp and rig it like wayland does and sell the true north because i want a living space and a sleeping space
This is tempting but Wayland’s set up is non-standard - are you sure you can rig it?
…………………………………. the reason i ask this is if i just use the one true north out dooors tarp as is the living space is small due to the hammock taking up alot of room and the tarp not big enough to spin it the other way so help drew
This is the same problem I have with my 3 x 4.5 DD tarp.

I am thinking of having a two tarp set up for winter (one 3 x 4.5 tarp to sleep under and one 3x3 tarp for storage/sitting under during the day) or possibly the outer fly sheet of my (existing) tent that I can use for storage or sleeping (I currently use a camp bed) depending on the weather.


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
i understand what your saying shewie and yer its great but wayland seams to have the best of all world some where to chill on his own and his hammock and thhe shute.

now the reason i mention this is if i was going on my own the shute is two big and i still require some where to live once out my bed and i feel that the one i have is two small cos the hammock takes up two much room and the bell tent to clostrofobic unless i am on scout camp where i require a enclosed space also the chute is for teaching under or if bcuk a communal thing and the second tarp would be for living under and storing day gear and the bell tent if i was on scout camp would be for storing gear in and getting changed and washed cos cant do that outside cos kids and the law and i would still take the second tarp for my own personal livng space
Last edited:


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
I cant help as i've yet to get a proper hammock an tarp yet. I'd be interested in purchasin your tarp if tha does decide on floggin it ;-)
hope tha finds a solution to your quandry. Good Health.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
For bad weather I use a 4x3 Tatonka for my hammock and storage of personal gear and a 4.5x4.5 as a living area/communal area or the chute as a living/communal area.
I find that the Tat tarp is big enough to live under if I drop the hammock (or roll up my bivibag if I am ground dwelling).


Oct 3, 2011
Fife, Scotland
I use a 2.7 by 1.5 metre tarp that i move during the day, i have it low at night and high in the day but i sleep on th deck so i have less complications to deal with.

Could you not just drop your hammock at one side during the day and rig it at night?

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
Just a thought, but how about a Polish Army tipi - plenty of space to store stuff in (and possibly retreat to if the wind/rain gets up and shreds your tarp)!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
As I said over the weekend, the large tarp takes a lot of practice to rig...do you really want the hassle?

If you really want 2 spaces, I'd get a DD Tarp XL for sleeping under, as it gives a tad more space than your existing tarp, and rig your existing tarp as an admin space.

Not really that much extra weight, but the best of both worlds IMHO.



On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
what i am going to do is to by the 2 by 3 true north outdoors tarp to store things under and also use if i go back packing (which i very much dowt) but it solves both world because if i it i get some where dry two store stuff so can now live under the other alot more easier



Feb 5, 2009
West London
Why can't you just lash your hammock to the ridge line when you're not using it?

Or do you have a lot of kit I'm not seeing in your pic?


Full Member
Dec 9, 2009
Oh yes! Drew has a LOT of extra kit. ;-) ... Useful if there is a zombie uprising though!



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