Tablet weaving


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Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
As I am having an enforced rest from making knives and woodwork due to my op, I decided to have a go at tablet weaving. It's been on my list of thing to learns, and this, I thought, is the ideal time to have a go.

I built that inkle loom a while back and decided to use it. I searched the internet for comprehensible instructions and when I found something that seemed suitable, I followed the instructions to the letter. I read somewhere it's almost impossible to learn by, it isn't! This is the first result and I am quite impressed. Of course there is much to learn, there are some apparently complex techniques and some complicated looking patterns, but that's all part of the fun.

Learning new things keeps the ol' brain from becoming addled!




Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
It becomes kind of addictive :D and then your friends in the reenacting world find out you can make it :rolleyes: :)

Neatly done Jojo :approve:

You might try tying your warp ends together as they wrap around the inkle loom. That allows the whole warp to be moved around to be woven continuously without needing to be adjusted so much.
It does mean that you either sacrifice a twisted length 'or' you simply weave in the other direction (turn the cards) for a bit.

For those wishing to try it for themselves, you can warp up and hook onto a door handle and simply wrap the rest of the warp around your waist and keep tension by leaning back.
One of the finest tablet weavers I know does 5m lengths this way just hooked onto the windowframe of the tenement he lives in. :D Andrew simply uses cut down playing cards and they work very indeed.



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Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
Thank you all. It is quite enjoyable to do. I am very pleased with the result. I have quite a bit to learn too! It's part of the fun for me to learn something new.
You might try tying your warp ends together as they wrap around the inkle loom. That allows the whole warp to be moved around to be woven continuously without needing to be adjusted so much.
It does mean that you either sacrifice a twisted length 'or' you simply weave in the other direction (turn the cards) for a bit.

That's a good idea, Toddy. As soon as I get a bit more length of strap, I'll attach both ends together. It's a bit like a cat's craddle with all those loose strings, I got myself a bit tangled so ended tying bits a a time. There must be an easier way to warp this thing though, just got to work it out!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
If you are warping up all your middle cards with the same colours and order, then there is a simpler way.
You will still need to warp up your selvedges and Z's and S's seperately though.
Basically warp up and tie on the selvedge card, then take the four colours through the holes of the enitire left hand pack and start to warp up while taking the whole bundle around with you, just dropping off one card each time around.
Simples :D



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Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
Well there is the result of this first attempt: a 6 foot long tablet woven band. I am very pleased with the result, despite the inevitable errors in the patterns and the somewhat irregular selvedge.


I might turn that into a dog lead now!


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
I did some further fiddling on that inkle loom.

The top strap is 2" wide and will be about 5 feet long. It's going to be used on a mountainman style hunting bag, with leather fittings at the end of the strap. There are a few hiccups in the pattern but it does not matter, it's hand made and errors are to be expected!

This one, I did more for the practice than for anything else. It's about 3/8" wide and I am not sure what to do with it!


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