T2 VW Camper van advice needed


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Completely personal opinion:
The only way to determine "under" powered is if it won't pull the intended load. If you're not going to pull a trailer or overload the cargo area, then most available engines SHOULD be powerful enough. After all, it's a VAN, not a racecar.

More than just an opinion, its advice. Have had a T2 type 25 and T4 and wouldn't advise buying a T2 unless your prepared to put money into it on a regular basis. You get lots of these in the US where the climate is kinder to them. For the cost of buying a good T2 you can buy a more reliable newer model that shouldn't need to be repaired as often.
I found I ended up using mine as a daily driver instead of a car due to the fuel economy being pretty good.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Hi Robbi,

Not an expert on VW's (no I poured money at Landrovers instead), but a few old mates who've had them (and the associated money and do you think we'll make it there worries) have said that it can be cheaper locating one in Wolfsburg Germany (where they were/are made), flying out and driving it back. Said you'll get a better choice, more for your money and they're better looked after because A) they're on German roads, B) 'cause so many factory workers had them they were kept in good nick.

Good luck,


Apr 8, 2012
Ask yourself what you want.
Do you want to use the car as a camper, and use it whenever you want, then don't even think about a T2.
Do you want to spend most of the time in the garage maintaining a cool looking death trap, and use it the few days a year the weather allows it, and the car it self is up to it, then you go for a T2.
Cool looking car with a lot of history and nostalgia, but uncomfortable, extremely noisy, dangerous, road holding like an ice cube on a hot plate, unreliable, slow, did I mention noisy?, slow, unreliable, noisy and slow. Not to mention very hot on a sunny day, and extremely cold on a cold day. Did I mention noisy?

But I would love to own one.....


Full Member
Sep 27, 2005
Oxfordshire and Pyrenees-Orientales, France
I'm on my fourth VW campervan over a period of 30 years. I prefer the newer the better for reliability and economy and buy the newest I can afford. Much of my driving is on continental Europe where I know I can find a part and a VW experienced mechanic Hassle with a vehicle is the last thing you need on a cross continental journey: and I speak from bitter experience.

There is some sound advice on the above posts. Sitting in a back country garage for days waiting for a part is a nostalgic memory I have no desire to repeat. Nor to I miss being tied to the inside lane doing 40mph on a two lane autoroute because my van lacks the power and acceleration to overtake.

We had the old model vans because there was no choice. I really don't understand nostalgia for a myth. Celebrate the fact that, unlike me, you were born late enough to have a range of choice: exercise it wisely by buying what you need and not what you wish you needed.

For what it's worth, w vanhen researching for the latest, I was advised by a local firm who do conversions to avoid South American produced VW replicas on ground of shoddy quality.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
present owner says it's tax exempt as over 25 years old.

sorry, i lied, it's 1976
It wasn't a rolling 25 year exemption- pasted from DVLAs site 'You don’t have to pay vehicle tax on vehicles made before 1 January 1973 (‘historic vehicles’). so this camper is indeed liable for road tax as the previous owner must well know... treat with caution!

We're selling one atm but its much later, L/ 1993 T4 Autosleeper.

Edit- Just seen the other posts on this, apologies, lads... I hit the reply button as soon as I saw the quoted bit, wouldn't want anyone to fall foul of what is quite a confusing ruling :)
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Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
It actually used to be a "rolling 25 years" until the government put a stop to it, hence now pre-1973. Pity!

Surprisingly, most don't know that - as Sal pointed out, it applies to vehicles BUILT before 1973, not registered before 1973. If you get a 73 or 74 vehicle, its worth checking - from the serial numbers - when it was actually built. Owners clubs or the manufacturers will normally steer you right. Had a friend with a 74 MGB that turned out to have been built in 72, so he got the tax exemption.


Jul 15, 2013

I'm new here but wanted to say hi. And since I also own a VW camper wanted to follow this thread. But mine is a T3, which, taking into consideration a lot of what you guys have been saying, is a good compromise between retro style and mythology (!) and affordable practicality.

She does about 20 mpg and that included some sluggish urban pootling as well as hitting 70 mph for a bit on the A12. It can be noisy, it can be hot. But it is always a great way to see the country. I can't wait to spend more time in here whilst the weather's good...and even when it's not!



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